Saturday, May 18, 2024


      So this weekend, Social Media Trash Culture and the Churchian Right are engaged a major ratings and clickbait blowout because some sports figure who played in this year's Taylor Swift Bowl (or whatever they call the Super Bowl these days) made some remarks at a college commencement speech. Given the fact that most colleges and universities are basically scam operations selling degrees, expertise, and influence (at very high prices) and that our culture places little to no value on merit that supposedly comes with these commodities, one would think that we'd have higher priorities that what someone says at these fake displays---a relic of a once-great system that today only serves to create the illusion that education is really a national priority


     Harrison Butker, who made the speech, is himself a graduate of Georgia Tech, an institution heavily tied into Big Pharma. A product of the NCAA Money-Machine, another corrupt offshoot of the Academic Mafia which rakes in billions for these institutions. The athletes involved in this scam, like other graduates, typically go from four years of being celebrated and rewarded to being dumped on the streets to sink or swim once they're of no further use to the schools. Also like other graduates, only a small percentage ever go on to any kind of success in their chosen fields. 

    However, the American public would rather not think about any of that. Every year, these phony ceremonies have to have some kind of controversy or scandal around some speaker to divert attention away from seriously thinking about what a fraud and a cheat the whole system is to begin with. 

   Butker apparently said something to the effect that being a home-maker was a noble calling for women. In a culture where abortion is considered a sacred rite and murdering entire families is simply the cost of doing good business, such remarks were bound to be met with contempt. Between the Whacko Left Wing---which thinks that depopulation (i.e. genocide) is a worthy social goal and the Churchian Right---who value women and children slightly less than the the White Slave traffickers of 12th Century Turkey; one can well imagine what the tone of these online firestorms sound like. 

     Rather than descend into the gutter, let's talk about what being a homemaker actually involves. The Old Testament, with its often very succinct way of expressing profound truths describes the creation of Eve and by extension tells us about the Divine origins of complimenatrianism, which is considered on the level of obscenity in our postmodern dystopia though its practice was largely responsible for building civilization. The division of labor, where both genders worked together in the spheres for which they were best suited built societies. In fact, up until recently it was well-understood that genders become more specialized and differentiated as they advance

    Contrary to what Feminist revisionists and Churchian reactionaries teach, as families grew into communities, men produced and provided while women ran domestic affairs in the home. In Classical Times, women had the status of 'property' more because of their recognized value than because of any patriarchal oppression or silliness about the sins of Eve. This continued until our 'enlightened' generations believed that the Corporate State was more valuable than the family. Being a 'homemaker' had women in charge of maintaining everything relating to the household: even in large estates they managed the servants, the accounting, the logistics of supplying the goods and services for the household---it was not a drudgery or slavery as often portrayed by both its modern detractors and promoters. 

   In Ancient Rome, for example, one of the most obscure festivals was held every December exclusively for women. Little is known about this festival, since only women participated and they were sworn to secrecy. Even the name of the actual Goddess honored isn't known: she was simply referred to as the Good Goddess. Even the Caesar had to leave his own home while this event was going on and everyone from his wife to the servant-girls participated. Cicero told a story about how one of his old school-mates disguised himself as a woman to learn its secrets but was discovered and badly beaten by the celebrants. Apparently, the unenlightened Romans didn't realize that men could become women simply by identifying as one.

   With our advances in technology, women have the opportunity today to be both homemakers and to pursue interests outside of the home. The misogynists on the Left, however, don't want them in the home at all; while the misogynists on the Right don't want them out of the home for any reason. 

  While I agree with Butker's sentiments, the whole debate is really a distraction from how little our culture values women's traditional roles and how truly worthless we believe them to be. Consider that the skyrocketing rates of female infertility, gender dysphoria, suicide, and addiction among young women isn't even a topic worthy of discussion. Nor is there much concern about the fact that the US---in less than 20 years---has fallen to the bottom of developed countries in infant mortality rates or the numbers of women who have died in childbirth. 

   The reality is that our culture cares no more about women than it does for children; and this whole debate is only a smokescreen for people to pretend that they do. Access to unrestricted abortion, easy divorce laws, the social criminalization of all but homosexual sexuality, the practical forcing of women into male positions and so-called 'trans-women' into female ones---all of these are symptomatic of a deeply misogynist culture. We mouth platitudes about how we esteem women and motherhood while doing exactly the opposite. But like the Academic shows where Butker appeared; it's all about keeping up the illusion rather than facing the reality. 

Thursday, May 16, 2024


     While the verminous American Media was distracting public attention with the usual daily dose of celebrity scandals and political theater, Slovakian President Robert Fico was gunned down by a Whacko Left activist. The President is in critical but stable condition after several hours of intensive surgery. The Slovakian Federal Police have stated that the shooter confessed to political motivations---he was alleged by some sources to have worked for media subsidized by Western NGOs---and shot Fico because of the President's decision to suspend arms shipments to Ukraine

Slovakia won its independence in 1992 after the fall of the Iron Curtain and Fico was one of the nation's founders. Because of its strategic location, Slovakia was heavily pursued as an ally by Deep State interests. Fico, a patriot, increasingly became concerned at foreign political and economic interests imposing upon Slovakian National Sovereignty. His predictions were coming true: Slovakia eventually slid down the path of American Exceptionalism, plagued by cultural erosion, soaring crime and addiction rates, and widespread wealth inequality. Despite considerable Western interference in the election, Fico was elected to Prime Minister in 2023, a position he had held briefly twice before despite heavy foreign pressure against him. 

    Fico is hated by Western Deep State interests not only because of his opposition to sacrificing Slovakian interests for Ukraine; he has also gained popularity for his 'Euro-skepticism' and opposition to the Great Reset. Fico opposed the restrictions of the Scamdemic and one of his first official acts was open investigations into Corporate profiteering and abuses of governmental power during the so-called 'crisis.' Last week, his government rejected the Gates-backed WHO Pandemic Treaty; earlier this year, his government re-joined a cultural reform pact led by Russia and Belarus to curb Western Cultural Imperialism. Slovakian Minister of Culture Martina Simkovicova stated in January that “The innocent are being punished and that is sick, ideology should not interfere with culture. Non-governmental organizations related to LGBT  will no longer parasitize on the money from the culture department. Such practices have come to an end, we are returning to normality.”

    Fico's latest initiative was an attempt to pry foreign corporate interests out of Slovakian Media. Reporters Without Borders, itself heavily funded by shady Western NGOs, flew into a predictable rage over the proposal. These NGOs have---like their American counterparts---been fanning as much hatred, division, and violence in Slovakia as they do here, among other attempts to undermine social stability. Fico himself ominously predicted recently that "Some Slovaks are denouncing supporters of political forces they do not like as 'misguided blind folk' that they are ashamed to have as their neighbors. Politicians face obscenities in the streets. I expect this frustration to turn so intense that it could lead to the murder of one of the leading government officials," which sounds very similar to the situation that the Corporate Media has created in the United States.

   Russian President Vladimir Putin, who is visiting China, issued a joint statement with Chinese President Xi Jinping condemning the assassination attempt. The Russian Government issued a statement saying that "Fico is not afraid to speak his mind, even if it often goes against the mainstream narrative of the collective West. We condemn the heinous rhetoric of hate that has surrounded the assassination attempt in Western Media; this rhetoric has flooded a media space that is already dominated by pro-Ukrainian narratives. The West has “cultivated” a similar “rhetoric of hate” for years." Cui Heng, a scholar at China's National Institute for SCO International Exchange and Judicial Cooperation told the Chinese Media that "Such extreme actions, influenced by internal and external crises, indicates that the political and social landscape across Europe is showing signs of radicalization, with individuals on both sides of the political spectrum becoming increasingly extreme in their actions." 

   The extremist rhetoric in European Media is merely a reflection of the kind of cultural debasement that has been imported there by American Media Cartels. Contrary to popular belief, Big Media is the largest American export. The effects on societies where this cultural rot has proliferated is unmistakably damaging and nowhere moreso than its Country of Origin. 

   The Uniparty in the United States---which caused this problem in the first place by repealing laws against media concentration---is demanding various degrees of censorship against so-called hate speech defined by whichever interest group is promoting it. The real answer to the problem is not censorship or State-Controlled Media (which we have de facto because a few hundred Corporate Boards already control over 90% of its content). What we need is to reinstate sensible laws ensuring competition among media outlets again. The Free Market of Ideas would drown out the voices of extremism and dissension with truth and reason. 

   But such a return wouldn't suit the policy of the Globalist Cartels which thrive on instilling paranoia in populations whom they desire to control. Foreign Governments like the aforementioned China, Russia, and Slovakia have no choice but to embargo this dangerous propaganda from abroad and encourage the growth of domestic media outlets. This policy wouldn't work in the United States because the same vested interests promoting the Corporate Media control the governmental agencies which would be charge of regulating it. 

   Any long-term hope of actual Media reform is probably forlorn at this point. The best that we can do is expose these criminal enterprises for what they are and denounce extremism in all its forms in the few venues that we still have left to do it in. Foreign Governments maybe to protect their citizenry from outsourcing their minds to the Media Establishment, but here in the US, we have to start to taking the responsibility of thinking for ourselves and rejecting the 'narratives' more proactively. 



Wednesday, May 15, 2024


     Much to the delight of Leftist hypocrites and their flying monkeys on the Churchian Right, the Zionists began an offensive into the southern part of the Gaza Strip this weekend. The military strategy of the Zionists seems to be to push the displaced Palestinians into the center of the region between two pincers before completing the first stage of their Final Solution to the Palestinian Problem. (Ethnic Cleansing of the West Bank will be the second stage). Though not reported in the Corporate-controlled media, Hamas has been fighting valiantly: contesting every inch of ground in spite of being greatly outnumbered and inadequately armed. They've inflicted heavy casualties on the Zionist invaders and the Civil War is now in its eighth month, despite US military experts assuring us that it would all be over by last December. 

   The Palestinian people, too, realizing that they have no future under the Techno-Fascist Israeli Regime, have resisted with determination despite being cut off from from necessities like food, water, sanitation, medicine, housing, and energy for over half a year. According to such statistics as have managed to leak out, the average Palestinian is subsisting on 245 calories per day (for those who went to public schools, that's about the equivalent of two slices of bread) and even that has been cut off since the Zionists seized control of the only humanitarian corridor on Sunday and are standing idly by while those very peace-loving Israeli citizens are looting the aid convoys.  


    The Democrats are somewhat divided on the issue of supporting Israel, leading to a few symbolic actions from the Biden/Harris Junta for media consumption to pose as humanitarians. The Republicans, to their extreme discredit, are almost unanimously supportive of the Regime. The vast majority of Americans probably don't even know where Palestine is and could care less.

    The Conservative-Industrial Complex and their Churchian confederates lost out in the Marketplace of Ideas defending the Zionist Regime a long time ago; so they've joined the pro-genocide Democrats in resorting to the most blatant acts of terrorizing and silencing opposition that we've seen since the Antifa and BLM riots in 2020---in fact, they've resorted to many of the same tactics. The so-called Right is digging itself into a deeper and deeper hole; since now they not only have to justify Israel, they have to find excuses for their own repressive measures

   To try and keep their dupes in line, the Controlled Opposition Media has been pushing what passes for an intellectual elite among their ranks to promote the new settled science that anyone who opposes genocide and ethnic cleansing are nothing but anti-Semitic racist meanies---like BLM says about anyone who questions their dogma of systemic racism.  

   Dennis Prager, one of the foremost blowhards among Zionist apologists sent out another encyclical yesterday which, even for him, was setting the bar of political discourse another degree lower. Echoing the sentiments of the GOP-sponsored DEI/Hate Speech Bill, Prager brings up the specter of the so-called Blood Libel and equates that with criticism of Israeli atrocities. 

   Prager begins his article by proving that he doesn't know (or is deliberately lying about) what the 'Blood Libel' actually is. He brings up an anecdote from Mediaeval History about some anti-Semitic rumors happening in a few backwaters of the least developed parts of Europe several centuries ago and tries to present this as a widespread practice. It's basically the same propaganda from Black Lives Matter about white guilt and nonsensical stories about sharks still following the slave-trade routes repackaged. 

   What the 'Blood Libel' actually refers to a misinterpretation of a passage in the Gospel of St. Matthew which at the trial of Jesus, Pilate offers to release Jesus in exchange for Barabbas. The crowd demands that Christ be crucified, to which Pilate symbolically washes his hands in their sight and says: "Guiltless I am of the blood of this righteous man, see to it yourselves." The crowd answered: "His blood be upon us and our children." St. Matthew related this story to show that the Jews had rejected the New Covenant; and like their forefathers did with the prophets brought Judgement upon themselves. Anti-Semites (the genuine ones) have used that passage to implicate all Jews in the judicial murder of Christ, just like racists (the real ones) tried to justify slavery by pretending that Noah's curse of Ham applied to all Africans; or that modern Zionists try and pretend that God's Covenant with Abraham applies to themselves. 

   Interpreting the Blood Libel in the way that Prager does, is obvious in its intent: for giving the truth about its history might bring the Christian Zionist cult who signs his paychecks in collusion with Hollywood Liberals under some scrutiny. He goes to make this incredible assertion:

  "For centuries, Jews had to confront the fact that all around them, throughout Europe, a vast number of people believed an enormous lie about them. Jews have to confront the same thing today. We are now living through the Second Blood Libel: the claim that the Jewish state is committing genocide. But, unlike the first Blood Libel, this libel is not the product of Christians; it is the product of Muslims and the left. The very people against whom the greatest genocide in recorded history—the Holocaust—was directed are now accused of the very same crime."

  Prager's argument about alleged discrimination of Jews sounds suspiciously similar to the WEF's 2022 position-paper on Critical Race Theory, which states: "CRT acknowledges that the legacy of slavery, segregation, and the imposition of second-class citizenship on Black Americans and other people of colour, continues to permeate the social fabric of American society...Critical race theory is a way of thinking about America's history through the lens of racism. It examines how the legacy of slavery and segregation in the US is embedded in modern-day legal systems and policies. And is the idea that racism is not a matter of individual bigotry but is systemic in America."

   His affinity with radical Left ideology aside, however; Prager's assertion that Israeli actions against the Palestinians are only a figment of our over-heated, inherently racist imaginations is truly astounding. It's much like the apologists for CRT---who try to blame the problems in the Black community on White racism---only taking the argument up to an incredibly cynical degree. The failures of the Black communities in the US are due mostly to their own leadership which scapegoats Whites for their own incompetence: but Israel's actions are a deliberate, government-organized system of plunder and murder on a scale not seen since the Khmer Rouge regime in Cambodia. To argue, as Prager does, that ethnic Jews could never be guilty of a crime that their forefathers historically suffered under is nonsense. History is replete with examples of oppressed peoples turning into savage oppressors once they had power: consider the French Revolution under the Jacobins or the Russian Revolution under the Bolsheviks among others.

   The rest of Prager's article is filled with historical and statistical non sequiturs all designed, as is true with most postmodern 'academics,' to appear well-informed and educated to the masses. None of what he says here has the slightest bearing on contemporary events in Palestine, so there is no point in debating any of them since they are all merely academic points and anyone who wants to challenge any of them easily can do so for himself. 

   The real problem here is that Prager's intended audience are fanatics and ideologues who want re-assurance instead of the truth. The problem isn't with the speaker so much as it is with the listeners. Unlike Prager and his kind, I wouldn't demand that his views be censored or blacklisted; but the fact that so many alleged Christian Conservatives uncritically accept what he says is disturbing. 

   It is not simply a matter of accepting Left-Wing ideology and rhetoric. Consider how few on the so-called Right actually stop to think about what the Israeli Government actually is, and what the Palestinian cause is really all about. To borrow some of the contemporary Right's own talking points, Israel's government is extremely Left-Wing, comprised of literal immigrant invaders who displaced the indigenous culture and relegated them to the status of second-class citizens. The Palestinians are fighting to regain their country and re-establish their traditions and wrest their national liberties and state sovereignty from a globalist corporate cabal. That sounds very much like a cause that traditional Americans would support: instead they side with the objectives of the Great Reset both there and in our homeland. 

   Even more disturbing is the willingness of American Christians to fall into this way of thinking. It was bad enough during the Scamdemic that so many looked the other way while churches were padlocked and ministers jailed by government edict; but to look upon the wholesale massacre of an innocent people---many of whom are our fellow-Christians---is inexcusable. It's as disgraceful as watching the Whacko Left during the last decade whooping it up at every report of an ISIS slaughter of some Christian community in Syria. American Christianity is spiritually vitiated at this point. American Conservatism may be only a shadow of its former self: but American Christianity is more like a ghost, a body with only its outward form remaining. 




Sunday, May 12, 2024


     Anybody living in the Postmodern English-speaking world well understands that outrage is more or less a defining characteristic of our society. It's not that people focus reasoned or righteous anger at gross injustice; what we tend to witness in just about any community setting today is something more like a temper-tantrums or schoolyard playground fights except that people well beyond the toddler stage engage in it. Trigger Warnings are even put out as disclaimers on some news stories or opinion pieces. Even in my small town recently the library's copier was severely damaged after someone went berserk and started trashing the place.

    As surprising as it sounds in today's America, these outbursts not infrequently result in consequences, such as the case mentioned above where the outburst occasioned Malicious Mischief charges. Apparently, however, some opportunists have figured out a way to cash in on Ameroboob Anger: introducing the Rage Ritual

    Rage Rituals are a variation on an earlier scam from the 1970s called Primal Scream Therapy. The earlier version mostly preyed on people of higher income levels who never grew out of the rich spoiled brat stage---adjusted for inflation, it cost about $45,000 of today's dollars. The modern version is much less expensive though consumers don't get the advantage of a private setting: they get a stick and sent out to a secluded spot in the woods. 

    According to the promoters of this new trend, the overwhelming number of participants in these programs are women, whom they claim have an excess of repressed rage in our culture. Speaking for myself, I haven't especially noticed much actual repression among the fair sex; but I suppose that we must defer to the experts here and ignore the complaints about mean girls and videos of women brawling on social media as fake news.

   I suppose too that, in a culture where wearing diapers is considered a profound political statement, this kind of trend was inevitable. However, an especially troubling aspect of it is that there is a strong element of the occult involved. 

  "For years, self-described 'Spiritual Fairy Godmother' Mia Magik has led rage rituals in Scotland. She began doing them for herself and her friends, before adding them as an option to her wellness retreats...During the rage ritual, Magik guides the participants to sit with their deepest emotions, walking them through warm-ups and deep breaths. Typically, she tells them to conjure 'every person who’s ever crossed you, who’s ever hurt you, who’s ever ignored your boundaries or taken advantage of you or abused you in any way.'" 

   This is diametrically opposed to what most traditional religions teach. Could anyone imagine Jesus reacting to injustice or abuse in this way? Religious teachers taught that one overcomes Evil with Good: or to put in clinical terms, one learns firsthand how abuse and injustice actually affects people and they mature spiritually either by practicing better behavior or helping others who experience the same feelings. To put it in more mundane terms, it's part of growing up. Running around screaming, striking, and breaking things is neither spiritual, reasonable,  nor mature. The occult aspect of this kind of 'therapy' teaches one to focus on oneself and symbolically striking out in revenge. 

  Rage Rituals are a regressive form of behavior, from the clinical standpoint. As practiced, they actually reinforce the tendency to react violently under stress. Given how much these charlatans change for these sessions, I wouldn't want to be in their shoes if one of their clients gets the idea that they may have been cheated. 

  In the larger scheme of things, the rage that we constantly see in our culture is not only fanned by media and political propaganda (and both our politicians and media figures set terrible examples of behavior), it is the direct result of the decline of the family, schools, and churches: figures once associated with civilizing authority. As one social psychologist stated: "The decline of institutionalized authority in an ostensibly permissive society does not, however, lead to a 'decline of the superego' {i.e., the Conscience} in individuals. It encourages instead a harsh, punitive superego that derives most of its psychic energy in the absence of authoritative social prohibitions from the aggressive, destructive impulses within the id {i.e. primitive instincts}. Unconscious, irrational elements come to dominate its operation. As authority figures in modern society increasingly lose their credibility, the superego in individuals increasingly derives from childhood's primitive fantasies about his parents---fantasies charged with sadistic rage---rather than from internalized ego ideals formed by later experience with loved and respected models of social conduct."

   In other words, the long-standing neglect of children in our culture is starting to bear its fruits, of which both Rage Rituals and their less-organized and spontaneous eruptions are a symptom. These are social problems entirely of our own making; and we need to stop pretending that it will all go away by denying or ignoring it. 




Friday, May 10, 2024


     In an article commemorating the end of the Second World War, former Russian President Dmitri Medvedev warned the world about resurgent Naziism and its rise in the formerly-democratic Western countries. Medvedev's article came against the backdrop of the ongoing campaign in Ukraine, the Zionists' Final Solution being implemented in Palestine, and the WEF-backed suppression of Free Speech in the US and its satellite states. 

   "Nazism won’t disappear on its own and therefore needs to be eradicated – this is what Russia sees as its historical mission. Russia’s military operation and the denazification of Ukraine is only the first step towards building a new architecture of international relations, which would involve creating global instruments aiming to ensure the security and stable development of all states. Together with our colleagues and partners, we are building a new, just, and multi-polar world order in which there can be no place for pressure and oppression, the rise of some nations at the expense of others, humiliation and exploitation of entire peoples, neocolonial habits and criminal business schemes," Medvedev wrote. 

   The former Russian president alluded to the "reincarnation of Naziism" which imitates the spirit of the former ideology without its outward trappings. The new Nazi spirit is more refined and can masquerade as 'democracy' while substituting hypocritical 'woke' ideology to camouflage the more overt Racialism advocated in the past. 'National Security' has also replaced irredentism, police-state suppression, and censorship in Naziism's new form, while 'population control' is a substitute term for Eugenics and racial purification. The concept of the Master Race of old Naziism today finds its expression less in racial superiority than in economic power. The old Militarism is still present, though not infrequently disguised as internal social conflicts

    The new Nazi spirit has, since the Color Revolution which installed America's current 'Presidential Administration' been moving inexorably towards the formation of a One-Party State. There are two factions of this Uniparty, which only differ in degree of totalitarian extent and which social interest group should be favored. The Biden/Harris Junta's cynical decision to pause arms sales facilitating the Zionist Regime's extermination of the indigenous Palestinian people met with an equal burst of hypocritical outrage from the Controlled Opposition. Arkansas Senator and homicidal maniac Tom Cotton introduced another fake legal proceeding against the Junta on the grounds that Biden's decision would impede the slaughter of more people; but there were further Nazi-like actions spawned from the decision. Republican Great Poobah Mitch McConnell issued a terroristic threat of his own---signed onto by a dozen or so other RINOs against the International Criminal Court. Slimy trial lawyer Alan Dershowitz has organized a massive 'lawfare' campaign against critics of Neocon policy, as well as lobbying for federal funding to be eliminated against any educational institution deviating from the Party Line. Only a few writers have noticed that the Conservative-Industrial Complex has put far more energy into defending the Zionists than it has defending President-in-Exile Trump

    Yesterday, Neo-Fascist Senators Marcia Blackburn and Roger Marshall began pushing a Bill to designate dissidents as terrorists subjecting them to federal harassment. Tennessee Congressman Andy Ogles---who once said of the deaths of Gazan children that “I think we should kill them all, if that makes you feel better," introduced a Bill calling for the deportation of students engaged in "any unlawful activity on the campus of an institution of higher education beginning on and after October 7, 2023,” rather ominously not specifically mentioning the ongoing student protests. Sadly, the postmodern American Conservatives, for the most part, fail to see anything Nazi-like in any of this. 

    The Postmodern Conservative has developed a massive case of Cognitive Dissonance and overall breakdown of ideology which began during the Bush years, enabling them at the time to believe that shredding the Constitution was the best way of preserving it. Over the past three decades, Conservatism has degenerated to the degree that it is no longer recognizable. It's the old story rewritten. The original Nazis of the last century were nothing but a reactionary movement against Communism which advocated saving the nation from the Bolshevik threat by exceeding in its brutality and extremism the very thing that it claimed to oppose. Today's Conservatism is reactionary Neoliberalism which seeks to stop the Great Reset by co-opting it and proving that they can be as ruthless and authoritarian as postmodern Liberals, if not more so. 

   Lost in all of this is the direction that Conservatives were taking in the mid-20th Century, highlighted by the presidency of Ronald Reagan. Conservatism's goal was to bring back the Federal Government to its constitutional limitations and reform a bureaucracy which had grown arrogant and ossified since its inception under the New Deal. The Neoconservatism brought in under Bush took an entirely different approach: institutionalizing the bureaucracy as a Deep State and enshrining power for its own sake as the American Ideal. 

   In the 2010s, the Neocons' repeated failures created dissent among Conservatives, and the Republican leadership, with the help of Silicon Valley Tech Lords, created a faction within itself of so-called Neoreactionaries or the Alternative Right; much like the Neoliberal Democrats did creating a fake 'Democratic Socialist' faction of ultra-Radical Whacko Left extremists. The Republican version of this fraud is increasingly becoming more overt in its Neo-Nazi tendencies, and just as phony as its 1930s predecessors about saving the country or any other such nonsense. 

   We're not going to turn things around by substituting woke Conservatism for woke Liberalism. Under our current system of staged adversarial politics, the Corporate Oligarchs win either way and the nation as a whole loses. 




Thursday, May 9, 2024


     79 years ago, about the time that most of the US' current political and economic leaders were born, the two remaining world superpowers proclaimed holidays following the unconditional surrender of Nazi forces in Europe. US President Harry Truman declared May 8th 'Victory in Europe Day', while Soviet Premier Josef Stalin commemorated May 9th as 'Victory Day;' the difference between the two being because of the respective time-zones in the two countries when the European conflict officially ended.

   Truman stated in his radio address that: "For this victory, we join in offering thanks to the Providence which has guided and sustained us through the dark days of adversity. Our rejoicing is sobered and subdued by the supreme consciousness of the terrible price we paid to rid the world of Hitler and his evil band. Let us not forget, my fellow-Americans, the sorrow and heartbreak which abide in the homes of our neighbors---neighbors whose most priceless possession has been rendered as a sacrifice to redeem our liberty...

   "We can repay the debt that we owe to our God, to our dead, and to our children, only by work---by ceaseless devotion to the responsibilities which lie ahead of us...I do hereby appoint Sunday, May 13, 1945 to be a day of prayer. I call upon the people of the United States, whatever their faith, to unite in offering joyful thanks to God for the victory we have won and pray that He will support us to the end of our present struggle and guide us into the way of peace. I also call upon my fellow-Americans to dedicate this Day of Prayer to the memory of those who have given their lives to make possible our victory."  

   V-E Day, 2024 went largely unnoticed in the United States, for obvious reasons. Both our political parties have joined hands in support of an openly Nazi Regime in Ukraine and one in Palestine which is committing blatant genocide under a Regime which believes itself part of a Master Race. Currently, around 3,000 of our fellow-Americans are in jail for protesting these policies and Congress is in the process of erecting a Secret Police Force within our schools and universities hypocritically under the guise of combating anti-Semitism. The Controlled Opposition, which is sounding more and more like outright Nazis themselves every day, have lost the battle in the Marketplace of Ideas and are resorting to the lowest forms of tyranny: censorship and terroristic forms of compulsion

   In contrast to this, Russia---which is still committed to fighting Nazi and Fascist Regimes---celebrated Victory Day with parades and festivities, like we used to do in the United States. 

  Russian President Vladimir Putin, who yesterday was sworn in for a fifth presidential term following his landslide electoral victory in March, gave a speech where he noted the following:

  "Today, we bow our heads before the blessed memory of all those who had their life taken by the Great Patriotic War, before the memory of sons, daughters, fathers, mothers, grandparents, great-grandfathers, husbands, wives, brothers, sisters, relatives, and friends. We bow our heads before the late veterans of the Great Patriotic War, before the memory of the civilians who died from the barbaric shelling and attacks of neo-Nazis, before our comrades who fell in the fight against neo-Nazism in the righteous fight for Russia."

  Putin also warned the world of the dangers of the resurgent Naziism overshadowing Civilization today:

  "Russia firmly opposes the West’s policies aimed at elevating a few nations by restraining the development of other sovereign states. Many Western nations would like to forget the lessons of World War II...These [actions] are part of the general policy of Western Elites of inciting more and more regional conflicts, inter-ethnic and inter-religious hostility, and restraining the development of sovereign independent states. No country or military bloc has a right to do so, which World War II proved. We reject any state's or alliance's claims to Exceptionalism. We know what the claims of such exorbitance leads to."

  Putin's comments should---but probably won't---cause many Americans to reflect upon how far we collectively have forsaken the Liberties that were worth fighting for during the lifetimes of many of our own leaders. Most Americans look back at the leadership of the 1940s as a collection of Dead White Males if they think about it all.




Wednesday, May 8, 2024


     While Exceptional Americans are waiting breathlessly for the testimony of a former porn-star in our latest Trial of the Century, the rest of the world is moving on. True, there are other important issues in the US today, such as our diaper-wearing Republican activists casting further doubts on the sanity of the Democrats; apparently forgetting that only few months ago, that very practice was being upheld as proof of Biden's unfitness for office. True, Biden isn't very fit for office, but for other reasons. Still, I'm certain that we're all anticipating the upcoming debates where we can watch two 80-year olds arguing over who is the bigger crook, the worst pervert, the greatest threat to our future, who really does or doesn't wear diapers, etc. 

    Americans can take heart though that there are still other countries where sanity and reason prevail. The Iraqi Government---over the objections of the US and UK Deep States---ratified a new law following the lead of Russia and a growing number of other countries committed to saving civilization by proscribing the Gay Mafia and banning organizations promoting the perversion as an acceptable lifestyle

   The Speaker of Iraq's Congress, Mohsen al-Mandalawi, stated that the new laws are “a necessary step to protect the value structure of society and to protect our children from calls for moral depravity and homosexuality.” The new laws repeal a 20-year old statute imposed on Iraq by that noted Christian Conservative, George Bush Jr, which forced the Iraqi people to endure the same kinds of ideology that Americans weren't even subject to until a decade later. 

   As one might expect, reaction from the Corporate Media was furious, with the Biden/Harris Junta not far behind in expressing its wrath. The 'Conservative' Media---which once promoted such values until billionaire cash changed its mind---discreetly has stayed silent on the Iraqi law, lest American Conservatives start taking notes and making comparisons. Apparently, Iraqis lack the capacity to accept new normals on a moment's notice.

    Meanwhile, here in the Prozac Nation, the once venerable Boy Scouts has changed its name. This was probably a good idea since, thanks to former Bush official Robert Gates and former Trump official Rex Tillerson, the inclusion of homosexual men into the organization gave the former name the sense of Scouting for Boys. 

   The new, more inclusive name is Scouting America. The organization, which is based in the very red State of Texas, recently had to pay out $2.46 billion to settle claims by some 82,000 Boy Scouts who claimed to have been sexually abused by organization officials and volunteers; but even that hasn't changed the group's ideology and certainly they haven't gone broke by going woke. The CEO of the Boy Scouts, Roger Krone, was formerly connected to several defense contractors. He is a major donor to both Democrats and numerous RINOs, and his most recent stint as CEO of Leidos oversaw a significant lobbying force of 32 persons, 23 of whom were revolving-door former federal bureaucrats. The Scouts even have a lobbying profile of their own: apparently these days buying influence in the Beltway is considered a valuable life skill. The Girl Scouts aren't doing a lot better either:

     Iraqi children and youth, at least, will no longer be subject to this kind of indoctrination or intimidation. "Amending the law is parallel with the innate human nature that God has created human beings from males and females, as well as for preserving the entity of the Iraqi society from deviation and calls for paraphilia that invaded the world," reads the Parliament's statement. We'll probably hear a rebuttal from Bruce Jenner and the gang at Fox News Channel soon, so stay tuned. 




Sunday, May 5, 2024


       Many of us have been asking ourselves lately: 'Is it possible for the New Right to surpass the Whacko Left in co-opting 'wokeness' any more than they already have?' Considering that this week alone, Republicans joined with Democrats in Arizona to overturn a state-wide ban on Abortion; they've sided with Leftist Academic Cancel Culture; are promoting WEF Young Global Leaders who represent diversity for the VP slot; and---after three years of complaining about weaponizing federal agencies, they handed the Biden/Harris Junta the most expansive weaponization of federal surveillance powers. Could it get any worse? 

    Well, sadly they have managed to accomplish this amazing feat, this time via a new marketing gimmick. We might recall that, following the 2016 Election, the Whacko Left Wing took to wearing diaper-pins as a way of protesting Trump's Election. This Election Year, the Republicans have topped (or bottomed in this case) even that by wearing actual diapers to their campaign rallies. 

        In the true spirit of the Postmodern Conservative, some have jumped on the opportunity to turn a quick buck on this trend.

 I think that I give up too. I don't even know what to say about this. Anyone interested can read several articles in the Corporate Media explaining the 'reasons' behind this revolting display; we'll only summarize it by saying that it had to do with some obscene remark made at one of the President-in-Exile's numerous show-trials. However they may explain it, I'm coming to believe that the American Right is having a collective Nervous Breakdown. 

    Anyway, today is Sunday; a new Teriyaki restaurant is opening in town; the hummingbirds are buzzing around the garden; it's supposed to be sunny later this week. The reality of Nature and Community is such a refreshing contrast to the scenes of real Americans running around in diapers claiming that they're going to save the world. 

Friday, May 3, 2024


      As we go into the weekend, nearly 2,000 of our fellow-Americans are in jail for criticizing US Foreign Policy. It all brings back memories of 2020 when Americans were being jailed for criticizing the Scamdemic Hoax. Now, as then, so-called 'Conservatives' are leading the charge, while our servile public and press stands silent. Meanwhile the Vulture of Critique's site has given us a comprehensive summary of all of the new DEI violations that our Woke GOP Congress has given future college campuses. In fact, we've actually managed to exceed Canadian levels of Free Speech repression. In Canada, only Christians are singled out for so-called hate speech, our Congress includes Orthodox Jews who criticize Zionism and the Moslems---whom our compassionate Liberals cared about so much yesterday will be walking on eggshells along with the rest of us tomorrow.

    The RNC is quite delighted at the campus crackdowns---just like when the genocide in Palestine broke out, the Republicans see a great campaign marketing opportunity; a chance to own those Libtards and to portray Biden as a weak-willed weenie while positioning themselves as leaders. In our Postmodern Corporatist Dystopia recall that 'image' is the only thing that matters: merit and ability, not so much.

    To underscore this point, one Kevin O'Leary, a Canadian media figure who considers himself a financial guru, boasted that he and his Corporate Deep State cronies are now employing AI to screen out and blacklist potential job applicants who don't show sufficient loyalty to the WEF's position on Zionism. I guess this is a new angle when marketing oneself these days: a willingness to look the other way while institutions exterminate entire populations and lock up its critics is considered a desirable characteristic in a potential employee. 

   O'Leary---who is also a leader in Canada's Conservative Party---warned that “It’s happening right now as we speak. I’m just one firm doing this. When we dig deep into the dark web for your background, I’ll see you. We don’t even consider that person. Why would we when we have lots of other people that aren’t burning stuff? If your passion for a cause is more important than your future career, go for it.I’m not saying you shouldn’t do that. I think you should think about your future. Think about your career. Think about your personal brand. Think about all the opportunities you’ll never know that you missed. You’ll never know why you didn’t get that loan, or that mortgage, or that job, or get that board seat.”

       That is Postmodern Conservatism all over! Why tarnish the illusion of Democracy with a dictatorship, when we can outsource it all to the Free Market? If you think that a cause, say, opposing Regimes that murder children in cold blood, well, go for it! Just don't think that it won't tarnish your personal brand {nota bene} which will, in turn, make you a social pariah. Your duty is to the Collective; personal feelings are passe these days; in fact, having them can be dangerous. 

      The Canadian Deep State isn't the only foreign entity warning Americans that their reach of Surveillance is infinite. The Zionist Secret Police are also sending us friendly reminders that the Corporate Nanny State is watching:

      Israeli spyware companies are major contractors to both the US and Canadian Governments: and while we were all worrying about things like Chinese spy cranes, weather-balloons that blow off course, and Tik-Tok, our Uniparty secured a huge expansion of Domestic Espionage capabilities. Government officials did exempt themselves from such snooping, but the rest of us are now at the mercy of the Corporate Deep State which, as Kevin O'Leary and the Mossad notes, can result in one being frozen out of society. 

    It is a mistake to assume, as many do, that the extermination of the Palestinians or jailing American protesters is the ultimate goal in all of this. To the Oligarchy, all human life is expendable. They don't care about the dead or incarcerated: the objective here is to strike terror into the hearts of the living and free. A Regime which is capable of mass-murder and mass-arrests is capable of anything. These reminders that they are watching are in reality veiled threats. Add into all of this the Oligarchy's capriciousness about what is acceptable and their ability to change the Official Narrative on a whim, is what is keeping the population in constant fear of being behind the Power Curve. A few human sacrifices here and there reinforce that fear. 

   Our system of Inverted Totalitarianism is a cruel refinement over the old-fashioned dictatorships. In a Fascist, Communist, or Monarchical Regime one always knew where they stood vis-a-vis the Ruling Class. In our system, one never knows. With the informal networks of Social Media enforcing conduct and opinion we've even evolved a system of Ex Post Facto laws where what is not 'acceptable' today can be leveraged against something someone said or did decades ago. Technology and the Marketing Mentality has created an atmosphere where we all live essentially in an electronic Hall of Mirrors forcing people into continual self-examination and mass conformity. That explains in a large measure this paradoxical cultural aspect of contemporary American life that is simultaneously Narcissistic and yet submissive to authority. 

   Those familiar with concepts like the Cycle of Abuse in domestic relationships recognize the pattern being played out on a larger scale. Bessel van der Kolk, a Dutch psychoanalyst wrote during the 1980s that "People in general, and children in particular, seek increased attachment in the face of external danger. Pain, fear, fatigue, and loss of loved ones and protectors all evoke efforts to attract increased care and most cultures have rituals designed to provide it. When there is no access to ordinary sources of comfort, people may turn toward their tormentors. Adults as well as children may develop strong emotional ties with people who intermittently harass, beat, and threaten them. Hostages have put up bail for their captors, expressed a wish to marry them, or had sexual relations with them; abused children often cling to their parents and resist being removed from the home; inmates of Nazi prison camps sometimes imitated their captors." 

   That is the effect that abusers produce in their victims, through an alternating series of inflicting pain and fear alongside providing 'security' and offering protection. Van der Kolk also demonstrated what Freud had discovered about the Compulsion to repeat the trauma---or as pop culture expresses it, 'triggering': "The ambivalence and confusion when protective figures are simultaneously a source of terror leads to hyper-arousal states for which the memory can be state-dependent or dissociated, and this memory only returns fully during renewed terror. This interferes with good judgment about these relationships." 

   The Deep State is not invincible, and what characters like Kevin O'Leary most fear themselves isn't so much public knowledge about what they are doing as it is learning how they are doing it. Knowledge is power in such cases. Again, drawing the parallel to abusive relationships, the victim usually finds freedom when they realize that they are not random victims of an unpredictable fate, but of a systemic, organized plan. The Elites know that communities deciding not to participate in their schemes spell their downfall; hence the urgency in high places to suppress dissent and target foreign governments which stand up to them as National Security Threats. Like all abusers and bullies, their whole system is built upon a bluff: maintaining the illusion of power. They display and parade around their trillions of dollars, but the equation that they really want to keep out sight is that this Elite Top 10% is heavily outnumbered by the remaining 90%. 



Thursday, May 2, 2024


     Since the Republican Party recently came out of the closet (so to speak) and gone fully Woke, our usually torpid Congress has burst forth with a spate of activity: transferring wealth, seizing property, vitiating the Constitution, and achieving other goals of the Great Reset. Today, they passed the ridiculously-named Columbia Act, adopting some of the most radical definitions of anti-Semitism concocted by the Anti-Defamation League and its affiliates to impose on American Universities. 

   Under the proposed new law---which mustered only 21 Republican votes against---schools and universities will be required to extend their current regime of Cancel Culture to criticism of the Zionist State of Israel, along with their already overly broad interdicts against things like alleged racism, sexism, so-called homophobia, body-shaming, climate change denial, etc. Among the new provisions, universities will be forced to hire DEI Commissars 'Anti-Semitism Monitors' to police the new forms of hate speech. 

   Congresswoman Marjorie Taylor Greene, one of the few members of either party not totally on the AIPAC payroll, noted that the Bill “could convict Christians of antisemitism for believing the Gospel that says Jesus was handed over to Herod to be crucified by the Jews.” I'm not certain how many of today's Churchians---who seem to be much closer to the Pharisees ideologically than to the Apostles---would have much issue with that, though. The proposed expansion of the Diversity, Equality, and Inclusion policies who also proscribe things like “accusing Jewish citizens of being more loyal to Israel than to the interests of their own nations,”  (i.e., behaving like the ADL, AIPAC, the WEF, and other foreign agents acting in the interests of the Zionist Cult). It also bans drawing comparisons of contemporary Israeli policy to that of the Nazis,” obviously because criticizing a Regime for ethnic cleansing, promoting itself as a 'Master Race,' declaring itself part of New World Order, and pushing out other peoples for Lebensraum can hardly be compared to Naziism, now can it?


     Sadly, those of our readers caught in the Academic Matrix that is our postmodern universities who visit our site to read some Sanity and Reason for a change may soon find themselves denounced to authorities if suspected of thinking for themselves about the Palestinian Civil War or questioning the settled science of Zionism. Now that Conservatives are Woke too; there aren't even activist groups one can turn to for protection any longer. They certainly will find very little sympathy among the Conservative Punditocracy, who are about 99.9% behind the Zionists and applauding loudly anything they choose to do, no matter how atrocious. 

    Mark Levin, for example, took to Elon Musk's website to unleash his vitriol on anti-Genocide protesters, too: apparently believing that the neo-Fascist Columbia Act isn't extreme enough. Levin, along with Dennis Prager and Ben Shapiro, forms a sort of Triumvirate of Neocon Jews in the American Punditocracy who never tire of presuming to tell Conservative Christians how to think and behave.  

   "Round them up! Deport those who are here on student visas! Arrest all others, and put out their names and photos so everyone knows who never to hire! Make sure they receive no student loan forgiveness or any other federal funds of any kind! They might be Hamas! We are red-blooded Americans! We own this country, they don't!" Levin raged. Reading his 'thoughts,' one can't help but be reminded of how suspiciously similar his demands sound to some of the Whacko Left's screeds during the Scamdemic. Weren't we all hearing then about how all of those who refused the Loyalty Vaxx should be rounded up, isolated from communities, frozen out of society, denied any kind of government assistance, and weren't 'Real Americans?' 

    The Red-Pilled Alt-RINOs have their share of these types too. All of this goes to show further that there is really no Conservative Party in America today; and that what passes for Opposition is simply the Reactionary Left.