On Thursday, President Trump addressed the World Economic Forum via television. Admittedly, it was quite a performance: one aptly suited for a TV show. Headlines in the Controlled Opposition Media are spinning it along these lines:
Yes, it was a fiery speech. I'm sure that when the Oligarchs in the audience finished laughing, they congratulated their PR teams on a job well done. The actual fact here is that the WEF owns this Administration just like it owned the last one.
Trump's top advisor, Elon Musk, is WEF. If Trump goes away, Vance's owner, Peter Thiel is WEF. The Bush Machine, which has a representative on the WEF Board of Trustees, owns the White House Chief of Staff, the House Speaker, the Senate Majority Leader, the State Department, CIA and soon the Pentagon. Soros' people have the nominees in the Treasury Department and the economic branches. Bill Gates' henchmen have the Interior Department, Agriculture, and are close to taking over the healthcare-related branches. BlackRock still holds a big share of our National Debt.
All four of the newly-elected Republican Senators are billionaire ex-CEOs with ties to Globalist concerns. This includes one whose brother was on the WEF Board of Trustees. One of the first things the New Administration did this week was initiate Project Stargate, which is wholly in line with the WEF's theme this year of expanding the Digital Police State. The next project the Administration launched was imposing the same internal Security-State measures---under the guise of fighting illegal immigration---that their predecessors proposed to deal with the Scamdemic.
For some reason, though, a significant number of Americans want to believe that the term 'Uniparty' doesn't include Republicans. It seems as though today all one has to do is call themselves a Conservative Christian and they get a free pass from the whole American Right to behave like Atheistic Liberals.
If we want to see how real Conservatives deal with organizations like the WEF, we should look to Europe. In France, Marine LePen proposed declaring the WEF a hostile foreign government and forcing French companies aligned with them to register as foreign agents. In Belarus, President Lukashenko expelled all WEF-connected NGOs as foreign provocateurs, and Russian President Putin did the same. There are similar movements underway in Slovakia, Romania, Bulgaria, Turkey, and Austria.
A State under the control of unelected and unaccountable Corporate bureaucrats is no less a tyranny than one under the control of a Central Party bureaucracy or an Absolute Monarchy. Yet, here in the birthplace of modern Constitutional Government, the State is passing into the hands of Neoreactionaries, Social Darwinists, Christian Nationalists, and other groups who want to revert back to a social order based on power and privilege. There is also no shortage of flying monkeys who hope to capitalize on this kind of Paradigm-Shift, and they are well-represented in think-tanks, NGOs, and the so-called 'Alternative Media.'
Those who still value our Liberties need to beware of the tendency to outsource our thinking to these kinds of people. They are very skilled at saying one thing while doing another, and disguising their real purposes and intentions behind noble slogans and narrative-control. We have to see beyond those things and examine closely how both their words and actions match what they want us to believe.
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