The Financial Oligarchy which seized power in the United States in 2020 is moving along to speed up the Great Reset. Phase 1, under the Democrats and their figurehead, Biden, prepared the groundwork with downsizing unprofitable foreign assets like Afghanistan and solidifying their holdings among other foreign colonies in the Middle East, Europe, and East Asia. In 2025 we are seeing the Expansionist Phase, which will garner more resources and transfer more wealth into the hands of the Ruling Elite; both domestically and in Foreign Policy.
To the latter end, the Globalists in the Incoming Government are fomenting Color Revolutions in Europe under the same pretexts they did here: ginning up stories about violent immigrants raping White women and, of course, hyping the 'China/Russia Threat.' Elon Musk has been funding various traitors and malcontents in EU countries using the same blueprint that his predecessors Bush, Soros, Obama, etc. used to overthrow foreign governments and install those more amenable to the goals of their confederates in the WEF.
Before even taking office, Team Woke at Mar-a-Lago have turned their larcenous eyes Northward, apparently making the Arctic their first goal of conquest. Trump Jr and Christian Nationalist Charlie Kirk travelled to Greenland this week to meet with Fifth Columnists to negotiate the surrender of the island to the New Order.
The traitor in the video is named Tim Zeeb. Unlike the American Media, the Danish Press actually probed into Zeeb's background a bit, and discovered that he has a lengthy criminal record including a four-year stint in prison for smuggling narcotics; was once the subject of nationwide manhunt after breaking out of jail; and several violent-crime convictions.
Oops! Well, given the kinds of people that the New Right embraces as role models and the types of characters they choose as community role models, it shouldn't be surprising that Zeeb would be among the based and Red-Pilled.
In Canada, the move for Anschluss is being spearheaded by 'influencer' Kevin O'Leary; another Globalist lowlife, who has been meeting with fellow-Tech Lord Musk at Mar-a-Lago to negotiate the surrender of Canada to the US Corporate Deep State. O'Leary infamously bragged about using AI software to freeze out undesirables on the Deep State's behalf. O'Leary shamelessly refers to himself as 'Mr.Wonderful,' is supporter (for now) of Canadian Controlled Opposition Leader and WEF operative, Pierre Poilievre.
One would think that Canada and Denmark---even given their rather lax approaches to criminal behavior---would have some kinds of laws against citizens meeting with foreign governments to negotiate the surrender of sovereign territory. After the Second World War, such laws were enforced fairly rigorously; it might be time to dust off a few of them and bring Zeeb and O'Leary to justice Nuremberg style. As for Musk, the EU is already considering proscribing him as an undesirable alien: something that Americans ought to consider doing as well.
On a more positive note, the blustering of America's Ruling Class may be the wake-up call that Canada and Western Europe desperately needed to alert them of the true ends of the Great Reset. It doesn't include them after all. In fact, these annexation schemes are simply a revival of Bush's plan to create the North American Union after the Republicans reneged on their campaign promises to repeal NAFTA in the 1990s. In 2005, Bush Jr. met with Canadian and Mexican leaders to issue the following:
“We, the elected leaders of Canada, Mexico, and the United States, have met in Texas to announce the establishment of the Security and Prosperity Partnership of North America.
“We will establish working parties led by our ministers and secretaries that will consult with stakeholders in our respective countries. These working parties will respond to the priorities of our people and our businesses, and will set specific, measurable, and achievable goals. They will outline concrete steps that our governments can take to meet these goals, and set dates that will ensure the continuous achievement of results.
“Within 90 days, ministers will present their initial report after which, the working parties will submit six-monthly reports. Because the Partnership will be an ongoing process of cooperation, new items will be added to the work agenda by mutual agreement as circumstances warrant.“
The plan of a North American Union has been the dream of Techno-Fascists going back several years, though current schemes seem to include the British Isles.
I don't really know what to say here: the transhumanists, globalists, and Techno-Feudalists' hold over the Republican Establishment hasn't been any great secret, and their objectives were fairly well advertised, including Elon Musk's proclamation of the New Order dressed in the black-and-gold colors of the Dark MAGA (i.e. Red Pill Cult) movement. The presence of Neocon Bush-Machine holdovers---fully committed to Bush Sr.'s New World Order ideology--- in the 2024 Campaign was no great secret either. But Americans chose to ignore those things, as they always do, and latch on to anybody who looks powerful and to whom they can outsource their thinking.
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