Monday, August 14, 2023


      During the course of a day, I receive several news-feeds. It's mostly local news from various sources around the nation, but when an issue is big enough to make national news, that's reported too. The hot headline---beginning about the middle of last week until this morning concerned a Social Media influencer called Lil Tay. Her real name is Tay Tian and she's from Atlanta.

     I'm not exactly sure who Lil Tay influences: she's 14 years old and according to one article produces "profanity-laced music videos featuring her holding large sums of cash." I get the impression that she's sort of the female antipode to Andrew Tate: both are rather unattractive mediocrities who seem to appeal to the Inferiority Complexes of the young American underclass. "You too can be an Alpha Male or an It Girl---and these days of course one doesn't even need to born male or female!

   So, the news that's engrossed the nation---rivalling the Maui Wildfires in search engine hits---was that a report hit last week announcing that Lil Tay was dead. The next day, Lil Tay reported that her social media accounts had been hacked and that she was alive. This led to a furious online rage-fest between Lil Tay's adoring fans thankful that their goddess was yet among the living to give them further hope and inspiration; and some angry (and probably envious) trolls who insisted that the whole story was a cheap publicity stunt. Things got so heated that, on Sunday, Lord Zuckerberg descended from his Hawaiian throne to issue a Proclamation that Lil Tay's account had indeed been hacked; and that his loyal subjects needed to go back to giving 'likes' because his advertising base was starting to complain. 

    At this point, I'm certain that most readers are beginning to wonder why anybody with an IQ above Bevis and Butthead's should care about this story. We could always fall back on the standard Ameroboob reason: "Everyone else is talking about it!" There actually is a point to it, however. I wanted to juxtapose this 'news story' against one that has received next to no public attention released by the Biden/Harris Junta about the same time

    "Data from the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) shows an alarming spike in deaths for the 0-24 age group. The CDC data reveals a sharp uptick of 44.8% in excess mortality in the 0-24 age range beginning in early 2021."

    These numbers don't even count the 35 States where Freedom of Choice can cover infanticide up to as late as the hour of birth in some jurisdictions. It also doesn't take into account our soaring rates of infant mortality. Suicides and narcotics overdoses account for a high percentage of the official numbers while many suspect that environmental toxins and side-effects of the Loyalty Vaxx are contributing factors. We've noted here before that even the Pentagon has stated that 4/5 of this age group are unfit for military service due to poor mental and physical health. We've also noted that the same age group has experienced significant increases in infertility. So, one should suppose that Lil Tay should count herself fortunate to have made it to 14, because a lot of others in Exceptional America do not. Worse still, it doesn't appear as if the general public much cares. 

    If these conditions were happening anyplace other than the US or its overseas satrapies, nobody would be hesitating to call this genocide. There's plenty of evidence to suggest that certain interests willfully have participated in what amounts to what a former War Crimes prosecutor and Dead White Male called "a nationwide, Government-organized system of cruelty and injustice in violation of every moral and legal principle known to all civilized nations." 

   Before the Rent-a-Skeptic crowd chimes in with the usual hooting over such a suggestion, consider that even if our leadership isn't following a conscious plan, they are certainly abetting it, because it is impossible that they are ignorant of it. The numbers we have been citing here are from the United States Government's own admissions. And to return to the Nuremberg prosecutor's statement above: "The principle of Criminal Law in every civilized nation holds in common that any person who sways another to commit murder; any person who furnishes the weapons to commit murder; any person who is an accessory to guilty."

   On top of this we have the further admissions of certain more powerful 'influencers'---the woke Corporatists---who claim that depopulation is a desirable social goal. Our effete and degenerated Society simply accepts these old ideas repackaged with new more sensitive and inclusive trappings. We don't have a dictatorship; we have 'managed democracy'. We don't commit genocide; we are enacting 'population control.' No one is planning concentration camps; we build back better with smart cities. We don't have propaganda or censorship; we have 'consensus' and 'deplatforming.' Indoctrination isn't a thing anymore; it's public education. We don't have Fascism; we have 'stakeholder capitalism.' We don't have a Master Race, we have 'strategic planners' and instead of a New Order we have a Great Reset.

   The Enlightened Despot of the Postmodern Age has learned that it's more efficient and cost-effective to buy allegiance than to enforce it. Ameroboobs define themselves as free because they are allowed to participate in elections where the outcomes give them favors but has no real effect upon policy. We can choose between 500 TV channels, 100 strains of legal marijuana, get free dope from the pharmacy, have no-fault divorce and legal abortions, the right to engage in homosexual acts---how dare anyone suggest that this isn't the freest and greatest country on God's Green Earth? 

  And, after all, since the Clinton Co-Presidency we've all learned that it takes a village to raise a child. So what if a large number don't survive infancy and the cruelty and psychological torture of their formative years? So what if they grow up into amoral and apathetic physical and emotional cripples? Blame society and vote for the other party: that'll fix things!

   It seems sad to contemplate that as recently as my grandparents' time, a war was fought to stop a genocide going on. Their own grandparents fought a war to end the inhumanity of chattel slavery. Many in my parents' generation protested the Vietnam War as a senseless waste of young lives. But today? We tolerate all those things with complete indifference. 



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