Wednesday, February 12, 2025


      Amongst a chorus of cheers from the Controlled Opposition, the RINOs in the Senate this morning rubber-stamped WEF Young Global Leader and former Democrat Tulsi Gabbard to the post of National Intelligence Czar. Mitch McConnell, who likely at his age and mental state accidentally pushed the wrong button, was the only dissenting Neocon vote. Tulsi secured the post mostly by backtracking (or in Newspeak, re-inventing herself) on positions like seeking clemency for Edward Snowden, opposing Globalist irredentism in Syria, and previous criticism of expanding the Surveillance State. The Controlled Opposition, of course, discreetly left out those minor details, but there was considerable outrage directed against McConnell, since under the New Order, Party unity and discipline are the only important things. 

     Meanwhile, Elon Musk---another WEF Young Global Leader and former Democrat---has been engaging in a series of publicity stunts 'exposing' Governmet waste, fraud, and abuse (which of course nobody knew was happening). Musk is running a classic bait-and-switch: holding up and publicizing some egregious examples to divert attention from the fact that what he's engaging in amounts to a purge designed to replace the Civil Service with Party Loyalist fanatics and outsource the remaining elements to his Corporate cronies. Americans have convinced themselves largely that Government bureaucracy is bad so Corporate bureaucracy must be good; and so it goes. 

      Musk is doing all of this illegally but it is doubtful that outside of our barely-functioning Legal System, any actions to stop any of this will be taken. The billionaire class now in control of the Executive Branch deliberately targeted any and all offices charged with internal agency policing: it's characteristic of all historical dictatorships to seize enforcement agencies first. The ridiculously-named Department of Government Efficiency also has made certain that policies associated with the Democrats get top Media billing while those involving Republicans are discreetly ignored. For example, Musk's gang has emphasized that considerable federal money goes to unknown destinations---without mentioning that this was made possible by Bush Jr and a Republican-controlled Congress which forfeited its own authority under the guise of National Security. Likewise, Musk is trumpeting Government subsidies of media outlets---again not telling us that a Republican Congress repealed the Smith-Mundt Anti-Propaganda Act in 2013, which Obama signed into law. We can guess that these Black Budget operations won't be touched, as Tulsi Gabbard promised to the Senate.

    This Sunday, however, while most Ameroboobs were parked in front of the Big Screen swilling their Bud Lights and junk food and taking deep draughts on the pot-pipes for the Super Bowl extravaganza, some 30,000 military and police personnel from over 100 countries (including the US) made a pilgrimage to Rome for a special Jubilee honoring them. Pope Francis' message was to remind these public servants that their duty was to God and to Humanity. 

    “Be vigilant lest you be poisoned by propaganda that instills hatred and divides the world into friends to be defended and foes to fight,” Francis exhorted, “be courageous witnesses of the love of God our Father, who wants us all to be brothers and sisters and to be artisans of a new era of peace, justice and fraternity.” 

    The Controlled Opposition Media mostly ignored Francis' message lest Americans engaged in military and police vocations start asking questions about whether or not service to God and service to the Uniparty really amounts to the same things, as they're being told. The question is long-overdue. In a culture like ours where Power is venerated and Obedience to Authority is the highest civic virtue, the kind of Paranoia which divides the world into friends to be defended and foes to fight regardless of any kind of moral justification is the fuel that ensures that those in power remain in power. 

    Francis' message also should be taken to heart by those in other vocations. Decades of the Strategy of Tension, Media Sensationalism and fear-porn peddling, the dumbing-down and commercialization of our schools and Academia, and the degrading of our workforce to the status of serfs have laid the groundwork for the acceptance of a dictatorship where the public vicariously identifies itself with the Alpha Superman who acknowledges no authority but his own arbitrary will. Many Americans from childhood onward have been conditioned to live under such a system by the institutions that they blindly serve. 

   We need to start asking ourselves whether or not we want to live in a Constitutional Representative Republic or in an Elon Musk kind of world. It may even be too late to achieve this on a collective level, but at the individual level it can and should be done. 




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