Tuesday, February 25, 2025


       At the appropriately-named Gay-Lord National Convention Center, the 2025 CPAC concluded this weekend. This year's performance managed to outdo even last year's in its blatant appeals to Reactionary Extremism. Acting President Elon Musk appeared again in a black uniform waving around an oversized chainsaw---probably a prop borrowed from a Hollywood horror movie---in front of Argentine strongman and fellow WEF member, Javier Milei. Musk alluded to the chainsaw approach as a metaphor for his ongoing purges of the Executive Branch of Government. 

     Like incipient dictatorships typically do, Musk's first order of business was to purge and control security forces and eliminate any third-party oversight. He's currently working on purging the Military, ahead of a White House proposal to construct Concentration Camps at military bases. Jack Posobiec, a Deep-State spook who headlined last year's Convention and called then for the destruction of Democracy applauded the progress that Musk has made to that end, stating that “Donald Trump is the living embodiment of the American Constitution... Trump’s election victory is a mandate that the “American people put on his head. And as President Trump said just a few days ago, ‘A man who saves his nation violates no law.’”

    Meanwhile, Neo-Nazi podcaster Shane Trejo sported signs portraying Trump as Julius Caesar and is actively lobbying for a Third Term for Trump to act as Silicon Valley's sock-puppet. "Trump needs another term to fight against the forces of evil," Trejo proclaimed. "We believe that Trump is the Caesar figure that America has needed. Trump is the Napoleonic figure that’s emerged to lead our country out of perdition and into greatness." The aforementioned Javier Milei opined that: "We are at a turning point in history in which the spirit and the idea materialize in a person."

     Steve Bannon, too, added to the general consensus:

    Bannon went even further than the others with the Trump-as-Messiah Narrative, blasphemously asserting that Trump is "an instrument of Divine Providence" and that his opponents were "demonic enemies." Presumably, by extension, characters appointed by Trump such as Vance, Musk, Bessant, Lutnick, Patel, Burgum, etc. are also agents of Divine Providence, but the speechwriters discreetly left out that logical conclusion from the statement. 

     The Authoritarian overtones emanating from the New Right are dangerous enough. It's hard to believe that once upon a time, Thomas Jefferson declined a Presidential Parade on the grounds that it sent a bad message, imitating the Royal Processions of European Monarchs. Andrew Jackson once turned down a gift from Italy of a Roman sarcophagus, stating that it would set a bad example for an American President to identify with a Roman Caesar. This last week alone, Trump has embraced both images of King and Caesar.

    What is more troubling---as if anything more troubling was possible at this point---is the increasing tendency on the part of many to weave Divine Selection into this narrative. We've pointed out here before the dangerous sorts of cultists involved in high-level decision-making.  

    It's past time that some of what's left of American spiritual leadership started addressing some of this. It's an obvious threat to Civilization to have a major power under the influence of people who believe that the Leadership has a Divine Mandate and sees everyone else as demonic enemies. That so many have bought into this delusion is a sign of significant failure of our spiritual leadership by itself. 

   The idea of any earthly leader fulfilling messianic prophecy runs contrary to the foundational Christian belief that Jesus Christ alone is the Messiah, the fulfillment of all prophecy and the ultimate hope of humanity. To see a US President as a divinely-anointed savior figure conflates his role as a political leader with spiritual authority. Therefore, it is essentially a godless ideology no better, really, than Monarchism, Communism, or any other movement which deifies leader or party above other men to the level of God. God, being Absolute, is the Standard of the Ideal to which we all aspire. A man or a group of men who take that ideal and appropriate it to themselves by extension set their own arbitrary will as the standard. Thus, we must reject any attempt by human agencies to assume such powers unto themselves. Those who assume such powers are not Divine, but tyrants of the worst sort. 



Thursday, February 20, 2025


        Nearly a year after the Republican Party announced that it was seeking to overthrow Democracy and establish a Police State, CPAC kicked off its post-electoral meeting. The White House commemorated the event with an interesting graphic:

        The supporters of today's Republican Party, of course, laugh off such things---just like last year's CPAC when everybody was only kidding about overthrowing Democracy, and how Elon Musk was only joking when he gave a Nazi Salute at the Inauguration. Sure, in the last month the White House has torn into the Constitution with a fury that even Bush wouldn't have dared attempt; and Musk has appointed Neo-Nazis to data-mine information on Americans, but the default position of the Postmodern American 'Conservative' is to look the other way and pretend that they don't really mean any of this. 

      We might not want to consider that many in the Executive Branch actually believe in a return to autocratic rule with a new Techno-Aristocracy, but unfortunately, it happens to be true.

      "Curtis Yarvin, the TechBro philosopher known by his pseudonym Mencius Moldbug, has emerged as a pivotal intellectual force shaping the ideological contours of Silicon Valley’s power elite. His critiques of democracy, advocacy for technocratic authoritarianism, and vision of a corporate-led monarchy have resonated with influential figures such as Peter Thiel, Alex Karp, Elon Musk, David Sacks, Marc Andreessen, and TechBros in general. This report examines how Yarvin’s ideas have permeated Silicon Valley’s corporate strategies, political alliances, and broader socio-technical visions, transforming the region into a laboratory for post-democratic governance.

     "Yarvin’s core argument hinges on the belief that democracy is inherently flawed, describing it as a façade controlled by a progressive elite he terms 'the Cathedral:' a coalition of academia, media, and government bureaucracies that enforce ideological conformity. He posits that these institutions perpetuate inefficiency and moral decay, necessitating their replacement by a sovereign authority akin to a corporate CEO....

    "Yarvin’s neo-cameralism reimagines governance as a corporate entity where shareholders (i.e., citizens) elect a CEO-monarch with absolute power. This model, inspired by Frederick the Great’s Prussia and modern Singapore, prioritizes efficiency over pluralism, framing political dissent as a systemic bug rather than a feature. His call to 'Retire All Government Employees' (RAGE) advocates purging civil servants to dismantle the administrative state, a proposal directly adopted by figures like J.D. Vance."

     Trump himself wasn't at the opening of this year's CPAC: for the second time in a month, he received a standing ovation from WEF-connected billionaires at the Future Investment Initiative.

       The FII is run by the Saudi Sovereign Wealth Fund, another WEF-connected enterprise, which among its other achievements has ethnically-cleansed Arab tribesmen to facilitate the construction of a model Smart City. Neo-Nazi Musk, who himself recently won a standing ovation at the World Governments Summit in the United Arab Emirates, was in attendance along with fellow-WEF Young Global Leader Rayan Fayez, one of the architects of the Saudi Smart Cities projects. Musk praised the UAE for its advances in Techno-Fascism: the country is a repressive Police State much like Musk envisions here, and its capital Dubai, is also a planned Smart City

      The reasonable conclusion from all of this that if American Conservatives don't start shaking the cobwebs out of their empty skulls and start facing reality---and soon---we're going to have the Great Reset upon us before we know it.

Tuesday, February 18, 2025


      The term political correctness has fallen somewhat out of American slang, but it roughly means the same as woke does in current usage. The term isn't used as much today because its practice has become so normalized in Postmodern America that nobody calls attention to it as much as they once did. 

     This term originated during the Russian Revolution, but about 20-30 years ago was appropriated by US Neo-Liberals like Bill Clinton and Barack Obama. What it essentially means is that any policy or activity that otherwise would violate the law or even commonly-accepted civilized behavior was excusable if it furthered the official social or political positions of the Democrat Party. Back then, Conservatives opposed Political Correctness. The New Right, however, has co-opted it---repackaged and relabelled it---and the terms based and red-pilled are basically their concomitants to Political Correctness. 

    Thus we heard President Trump (or whoever writes his speeches for him) state this weekend that “He who saves his Country does not violate any Law,” which, of course, is Political Correctness by any definition of the term. Not only has the White House executed PC with a vengeance---doing things like illegally turning over entire databases to Elon Musk and giving Musk authority to purge anybody who might be investigating him or his WEF cronies---the Neocons have been freely issuing Presidential Pardons to other crooks on wholly political grounds. Among these worthy characters have been Ross Ulbricht---a folk-hero to the New Right who was jailed for money-laundering for drug pushers and human traffickers and was connected to at least six Opiod overdose deaths. Former Illinois Governor Rod Blagojevich, who had been a figure on Trump's old reality-TV show and was caught red-handed trying to sell a Senate seat also got a free pass. Former DC police officers Terrence Sutton and Andrew Zabavsky who murdered an immigrant by running over him at high speed, were also given a clean slate. 

    So yesterday, we read that Log Cabin Republican and US Special Envoy Ric Grenell is pressuring the Romanian Government to release Andrew Tate---another hero to the Alt-RINOs---presumably so that Tate can come to America and be a role model for young men. 

     There are many people who legitimately are victims of the Legal Establishment, like the J6 protesters, but in general hardly any others are on the table. Justice isn't the objective of the New Right, Political Correctness is. Freeing or tolerating people like Tate and the others mentioned are designed to appeal to a demographic who sees them as heroes.

     It must be remembered that the demographic of  whom the New Right seeks support is not the Conservative of the mid-to-late 20th Century. These aren't people who studied issues and policies in University Libraries and watched Firing Line or read the National Review. The demographic that the New Right appeals to is the type who admire thugs like Andrew Tate. 

    We're talking about a demographic that sits in front of a screen with an orange hat on backwards and a marijuana joint hanging from his mouth and anything-but-a-Bud-Light in his hand. He looks upon people like Vox Day and Bronze Age Pervert as great thinkers and people like Ben Shapiro and Dennis Prager as superior intellects; and believes that productions like the Left Behind series convey deep philosophical truths. By default, anything or anybody that the Democrats don't like must be an outstanding exemplar of real Americanism so far as they're concerned. They're firmly convinced that if it weren't for those Commie Libtards they too could be a Manly Alpha Leader like Elon Musk and have billions in the bank and hot tradmoms like Ashley St. Clair dispersing their superior genes all across the Fruited Plain. 

    It seems that every time the New Right hits the bottom of the cultural barrel, they manage to find a trap-door and drop down another level. Anybody who believes at this point that we're going Make America Great Again by pandering to this kind of trash is deceiving themselves. 

      Friedrich von Hayek once noted that "Few are ready to recognize that the rise of Fascism and Naziism was not a reaction against the socialist trends of the preceding periods, but was their natural outgrowth." That's really part of the Cultural Dynamic going on here, as well as the political one. Politically, the New Right is really just an extension of the New Left, on the macro level of things. 

      On the Cultural Level, the arrogance and stupidity of the New Left left many Americans disenfranchised and alienated. Thus many otherwise reasonable and well-meaning Americans---assisted by considerable propaganda from the Controlled Opposition Media---mistakenly identify with the permanent element of society's lowest common denominator. The error here is that the permanent underclass will always run with the herd and rally around a perceived strongman and value the superficial over core values and principles which they don't---and can't---comprehend. We can't allow ourselves, regardless of our circumstances, to fall into this error and imagine that Trash Culture has some sort of intrinsic native common sense. It hasn't. This is the same element of society that made up the French sans-colottes, the Russian Bolsheviks, and the Nazi Brownshirts and they won't behave any differently empowered by the American New Right.

      What we as Conservatives need to do is start calling this kind of Political Correctness out and exposing it for what it is. The Reactionary Left is still the Left; and Trash Culture is still Trash Culture. 





Sunday, February 16, 2025


      An interesting article appeared this weekend in the Murdoch-owned New York Post. The USDA, HHS, and DOGE apparently are working with members of the Uniparty in Congress to put restrictions on recipients of Food Stamps (EBT/SNAP). 

    “President Trump has been given a mandate by the majority of Americans to Make America Healthy Again, and those in his administration, like RFK Jr. and Senator Marco Rubio, have directly advocated for eliminating junk food purchases with SNAP,” Rep. Josh Brecheen (R-OK), who is leading 'The Healthy SNAP Act,' told Fox News Digital.

    On the surface, this idea has some merit; although it's difficult to reconcile what amounts to top-down Social Engineering with Conservatism. It's also a bit unsettling that, with the USDA on the hook to Bill Gates and DOGE under the thumb of Klaus Schwab, such people are going to be deciding what is acceptable food and what isn't.

    The real problem with choices made under the Food Stamp Program is that price-gouging by Big Ag makes healthier food choices unaffordable. Contrary to what many 'Conservatives' seem to imagine, Food Stamps aren't a blank check that recipients use to eat better than non-recipients. According to the article itself, the average SNAP recipient receives $211.93 per month. That's seven dollars a day that they have to spend on food. Considering that a pound of ground beef and a gallon of milk are often over that amount, and whole-grain bread and eggs are fairly close to that, bad food choices are simply being made because it's cheaper. 

    Not only does the public suffer from Big Ag's price-gouging, the proposed tariffs on net agricultural exporters like Canada, Mexico, and China are going to create both more scarcity of prime agricultural products as well as higher prices. In other words, so far from 'protecting public health' this is simply another wealth-transfer scheme. Of course, too, WEF people---who currently dominate the Republican Party---will offer their healthier alternatives and if we don't see the poor outright required to purchase such products, they will be forced to by sheer economic necessity.

      If these fake Conservatives were really concerned about what they claim, they would enforce and enact laws on producers ensuring better standards. They would enforce anti-trust laws against Agricultural Combines and ensure that independent farmers had some level of competition. Instead, though, we've had regulatory agencies gutted of any oversight and Wall Street billionaires and WEF Oligarchs put in charge of policy. The WEF Agenda is fairly clear; by 2030, Americans will have just as much to eat as the Oligarchy thinks necessary to squeeze the maximum production out of them at minimal cost to the Elites. This is to be expected from a political movement which holds up Mediaeval Europe as the ideal society.

    The way to reduce dependence on SNAP and encourage healthier eating choices is to ensure that healthier foods are affordable. The Republicans are doing a replay here of Obamacare---which instead of making healthcare affordable and accessible enriched and empowered the same Plutocrats who want to do for our food supply what they've done for healthcare. Affordability would actually empower consumers, but that isn't what the Uniparty wants. 

    Of course, there's no explaining any of this to the True Believers. When the WEF reaches its goals in 2030 and it takes a six-figure yearly income to buy meat, milk, and bread, you can bet we'll be reading articles on how based and Red Pilled eating the ersatz alternatives really are, or how we should lift ourselves by our bootstraps and how starvation and malnutrition are lifestyle choices. Meanwhile, the Wall Street Robber Barons will go on rioting in the spoils and laughing in their sleeves at the simpletons who empower them. 



Saturday, February 15, 2025


      So, while most normal Americans were observing St. Valentine's Day by honoring someone special in their lives, our very based and Red-Pilled White House was reminding us all not to forget that the New World Order is on the job.

     Ah, that's some very classy stuff. I almost suspected for a moment that Vox Day had gotten a position in the White House PR Department. It wouldn't be surprising since Vox, along with Andrew Tate, Mencius Moldbug, Bronze Age Pervert, Andrew Tate, and Steve Sailer are among the most admired thinkers in the New Right's constellation of intellectuals. 

    One person, however, that the New Right wholeheartedly despises is Pope Francis. The fact that our leaders admire Red-Pill bloggers but hate the Pope speaks volumes about their character in and of itself; but that hasn't caused many Catholics and Christians to stop and think about what they might be supporting.

   Francis has caused an infuriated backlash by having the temerity to suggest that treating groups of people as subhumans and behaving like bullies and thugs wasn't consistent with Christ's teachings. The Pope outlined his views in a letter to the US Catholic Bishops.

   While most of the Bishopric took the Pope's words to heart, a few dissented. Bishop Joseph Strickland, former Vicar of the Diocese of Tyler, Texas, penned a rebuttal of sorts which was published at LifeSite News which, since January 20th, seems to have turned into a 24/7 Praise-a-Thon for the Neocon Wing of the Uniparty. Strickland himself was removed from office by Pope Francis in 2023: for some inexplicable reason doing things like calling the Pope "a diabolically disoriented clown" and suggesting that Francis is an Antipope in the service of Satan caused the Vatican Hierarchy to think that Strickland might not be as committed to the Mission of the Church as he should be.

  Strickland's article only lightly touched on the issues raised in Pope Francis' letter; for the most part the article was attacking the Pope for not speaking out against Biden's policies. Actually, Francis did criticize Biden's policies occasionally---especially Biden's exacerbation of foreign wars---but this wasn't enough to suit Strickland who disingenuously argues that the Pope wasn't intervening enough on the right causes. Granted, the Pope has taken some positions that deserve criticism, but none of these were in the substance of Francis' letter to the Bishops.

   When Strickland does get around to mentioning immigration, he says: "the Catholic Church recognizes the legitimacy of sovereign nations enforcing just immigration laws. While the Church calls for humane treatment of migrants, it does not demand open borders or the abolition of deportation policies."

   The obvious objection here is that Francis acknowledged that Nations had a right to enforce immigration laws and never advocated for Open Borders or the abolition of deportation policies. 

   "One must recognize the right of a nation to defend itself and keep communities safe from those who have committed violent or serious crimes while in the country or prior to arrival," Francis wrote, "This does not impede the development of a policy that regulates orderly and legal migration. However, this development cannot come about through the privilege of some and the sacrifice of others. What is built on the basis of force, and not on the truth about the equal dignity of every human being, begins badly and will end badly."

   The whole idea of 'Open Borders' is a hoax created in Neocon and Neo-Nazi echo-chambers, which evidently Strickland has bought into. He likewise has no criticism anywhere in his article of the inhumane treatment of immigrants, which was the substance of Francis' appeal. For a cleric who complains so fervently about Francis' supposed silence on social issues, Strickland doesn't seem overly bothered by the New Right's continual references to immigrants as subhumans; nor do I recall him ever lifting a word in protest over his own state's brutality in dealing with immigration.

   "There has long been a concern about the Church’s financial ties — particularly with globalist organizations — as well as concern about government funding and wealthy donors who have a vested interest in certain political outcomes." Strickland asserts, "Especially in the case of immigration, there is a large financial element at play. The Catholic Church in the United States receives significant government funding to assist migrants and refugees through Catholic Charities and other organizations. Stronger immigration enforcement means less funding for these programs which is undoubtedly a large factor in the Vatican’s stance." 

   While the Vatican admittedly has been too cozy with Globalist interests, Strickland is being a bit disingenuous in suggesting here that the Republican Wing of the Uniparty is not. That aside, however, Strickland is repeating another canard circulated widely by the Controlled Opposition: namely, that the Church's sole reason for providing relief to immigrants and refugees is from purely cynical and mercenary motives. If this were so, the Church wouldn't be seeking alternative sources of support for their work in the face of persecution, nor would they be engaged in charitable activities abroad in impoverished counties. 

   Strickland concludes by stating that "Pope Francis’ reluctance to address grave moral issues raises legitimate concerns about whether financial and political interests outweigh doctrinal fidelity on the part of the Vatican," which sounds more like psychological projection than anything else. 

   Let us face facts here: the very things that Strickland accuses Pope Francis of 'ignoring' are the very things that the Neocons whom Strickland supports have done. He chides Francis for not speaking out against abortion (Francis has, in fact, spoken out about it), but hasn't a word of condemnation for Trump's commitment to veto an abortion ban nor his tolerance of States performing late-term abortions, nor his shamelessly taking donations from pro-abortion groups. He snorts that Francis has looked the other way and tolerated homo 'marriage' (another hoax, Francis has supported traditional marriage as legitimate); but doesn't seem troubled that Trump hosted such farcical 'weddings' in his own home, raised funds from homo activist groups, or appointed more of these types to high office than Biden did. 

   Of course, it's an exercise in futility to try explaining any of this to these Good German types of Catholics whose willingness to sacrifice their fellow-believers to save their own skins is a disgrace to everything Christianity stands for. Like their kindred-spirits in 1930s Europe, they want to pretend that a national movement predicated on ruthlessness, aggression, and brutality is going to let them live in peace if they just bow and scrape hard enough. Such a policy doesn't work with neurotics and fanatics as they may well learn to their sorrow. 

Thursday, February 13, 2025


      At last year's CPAC meeting, where Trump had the Party nomination secured, keynote speaker and Deep State spook Jack Posobiec proudly announced to a standing ovation"Welcome to the end of democracy. We are here to overthrow it completely." The Convention went on to feature Argentine strongman Javier Milei, whose first act (much like Musk) was to seize control of the national security forces before turning the Government over to his WEF confederates. Zionist thug Benjamin Netanyahu also spoke, to cheers that his Final Solution to the Palestinian Question could be applied to immigrants here. Musk, Netanyahu, and Milei are all WEF members. 

     There wasn't any concern---let alone any criticism---of any of this at the time, nor has there been any since. The Republican Wing of the Uniparty has learned that it can get away with literally anything because they understand their audience. The people to whom they pander are people motivated---not by any desire to Make America Great Again or other such nonsense; but driven instead by a lust for the same power that they can lord over others in the same way that it was lorded over them

    The shylocks currently in control of the US Government don't believe a word of what they say when comes to empowering the American People. They throw a few crumbs in our direction to distract attention from their power-grabs and Corporate outsourcing going on behind the scenes. In short, just as we warned; this is Bush 3.0 and the same people behind Bush are behind this group and using exactly the same tactics.

    For example, the Controlled Opposition has been treating us to a series of 'exposures' that Elon Musk allegedly has been uncovering. This fits with the Official Counter-Narrative that everything wrong in the country only started under Biden; quite conveniently all of Musk's exposes have centered only upon Democrats. Of course, nobody on the Right knew that any of this waste and fraud was going on; and certainly they didn't participate in any of it

    Yesterday, the White House quietly issued another Decree, one which suspended enforcement of the Foreign Corrupt Practices Act. Organizations like the Clinton Foundation and Bill Gates' NGO were accused of violating it continually; but more to the point, Wall Street is now free to engage in foreign corruption to the detriment of American producers and consumers---but nobody cares since Musk alerted us all to the horrors of $700 toilet-seats. 

   Speaking of HRH Musk, it likewise came out that five of the Inspectors-General that he had removed were investigating corruption in Musk-owned Government contracts. Yesterday, too there was considerable hoopla over Musk's announcement that there would be investigations into profiteering by Government bureaucrats (all Democrats, of course, Republicans never engage in such behavior). Of course, Musk and his Wall Street cronies whose net-worths exploded during the Scamdemic won't be touched. Attorney-General Pam Bondi---a former Corporate lobbyist for Jeff Bezos---certainly will make sure that only the right people are implicated. 

     We haven't gained anything by replacing one wing of the Uniparty with another; and the fact that one faction of the Uniparty wants payback on the other side isn't doing anything to restore our Republic to a rightful sense of its duties and responsibilities. In fact, it's even more dangerous now; because the Reactionaries are carrying out these various purges and witch-hunts in complete defiance of the principles that they claim to uphold. 

    We are either going to be a Constitutionally-based Representative Republic, or we can have a dictatorship of the Technocratic Elite like Musk, Schwab, Netanyahu, and Milei and Posobiec want for us. It certainly seems as though the tide is turning in the direction of the latter, as Americans chose to remain in denial and apathy. 

Wednesday, February 12, 2025


      Amongst a chorus of cheers from the Controlled Opposition, the RINOs in the Senate this morning rubber-stamped WEF Young Global Leader and former Democrat Tulsi Gabbard to the post of National Intelligence Czar. Mitch McConnell, who likely at his age and mental state accidentally pushed the wrong button, was the only dissenting Neocon vote. Tulsi secured the post mostly by backtracking (or in Newspeak, re-inventing herself) on positions like seeking clemency for Edward Snowden, opposing Globalist irredentism in Syria, and previous criticism of expanding the Surveillance State. The Controlled Opposition, of course, discreetly left out those minor details, but there was considerable outrage directed against McConnell, since under the New Order, Party unity and discipline are the only important things. 

     Meanwhile, Elon Musk---another WEF Young Global Leader and former Democrat---has been engaging in a series of publicity stunts 'exposing' Governmet waste, fraud, and abuse (which of course nobody knew was happening). Musk is running a classic bait-and-switch: holding up and publicizing some egregious examples to divert attention from the fact that what he's engaging in amounts to a purge designed to replace the Civil Service with Party Loyalist fanatics and outsource the remaining elements to his Corporate cronies. Americans have convinced themselves largely that Government bureaucracy is bad so Corporate bureaucracy must be good; and so it goes. 

      Musk is doing all of this illegally but it is doubtful that outside of our barely-functioning Legal System, any actions to stop any of this will be taken. The billionaire class now in control of the Executive Branch deliberately targeted any and all offices charged with internal agency policing: it's characteristic of all historical dictatorships to seize enforcement agencies first. The ridiculously-named Department of Government Efficiency also has made certain that policies associated with the Democrats get top Media billing while those involving Republicans are discreetly ignored. For example, Musk's gang has emphasized that considerable federal money goes to unknown destinations---without mentioning that this was made possible by Bush Jr and a Republican-controlled Congress which forfeited its own authority under the guise of National Security. Likewise, Musk is trumpeting Government subsidies of media outlets---again not telling us that a Republican Congress repealed the Smith-Mundt Anti-Propaganda Act in 2013, which Obama signed into law. We can guess that these Black Budget operations won't be touched, as Tulsi Gabbard promised to the Senate.

    This Sunday, however, while most Ameroboobs were parked in front of the Big Screen swilling their Bud Lights and junk food and taking deep draughts on the pot-pipes for the Super Bowl extravaganza, some 30,000 military and police personnel from over 100 countries (including the US) made a pilgrimage to Rome for a special Jubilee honoring them. Pope Francis' message was to remind these public servants that their duty was to God and to Humanity. 

    “Be vigilant lest you be poisoned by propaganda that instills hatred and divides the world into friends to be defended and foes to fight,” Francis exhorted, “be courageous witnesses of the love of God our Father, who wants us all to be brothers and sisters and to be artisans of a new era of peace, justice and fraternity.” 

    The Controlled Opposition Media mostly ignored Francis' message lest Americans engaged in military and police vocations start asking questions about whether or not service to God and service to the Uniparty really amounts to the same things, as they're being told. The question is long-overdue. In a culture like ours where Power is venerated and Obedience to Authority is the highest civic virtue, the kind of Paranoia which divides the world into friends to be defended and foes to fight regardless of any kind of moral justification is the fuel that ensures that those in power remain in power. 

    Francis' message also should be taken to heart by those in other vocations. Decades of the Strategy of Tension, Media Sensationalism and fear-porn peddling, the dumbing-down and commercialization of our schools and Academia, and the degrading of our workforce to the status of serfs have laid the groundwork for the acceptance of a dictatorship where the public vicariously identifies itself with the Alpha Superman who acknowledges no authority but his own arbitrary will. Many Americans from childhood onward have been conditioned to live under such a system by the institutions that they blindly serve. 

   We need to start asking ourselves whether or not we want to live in a Constitutional Representative Republic or in an Elon Musk kind of world. It may even be too late to achieve this on a collective level, but at the individual level it can and should be done.