Friday, March 14, 2025


      So, let us all imagine what the reaction of the so-called American Right would have been had Kamala Harris been elected and one of her first orders of business was installing a Hollywood billionaire media mogul at the Department of Education who, in turn, made it her first order of business to enforce rigid Cancel Culture, purge anyone who opposed the Democratic Party, and crushed protests in the interest of identity politics. Good thing that we got rid of the Democrats so that didn't happen right?

     We're speaking of course of the case of Mohammed Khalil, a naturalized US citizen, who was seized by ICE stormtroopers in New York this week and whisked away incommunicado to a Concentration Camp in Louisiana to face banishment from the country which once gave him asylum. Khalil had been targeted by Neo-Nazis like Tom Homan who heads ICE, and who vowed that this injustice "would be the first of many," citing Khalil as an undesirable alien. In case anyone is interested, our friends at Kiwi Farms posted a comprehensive breakdown of the sorts of swine that the New Right considers desirable immigrants, which speaks volumes about its character.

       Of course, many of the True Believers aren't going to be bothered much by this, even though Khalil was a legal immigrant; nor are they going to think too much about the fact that the Administration's efforts to end Birthright Citizenship would mean that any of us could be declared an alien and stripped of what few Rights we still have left. They can always rationalize things (as they typically do) by convincing themselves that only a few Commie Libtards would be effected. 

    Well, unfortunately for their fantasies, this very week at least three Conservative Republican officials found themselves on the receiving end of excommunication for their lack of ideological purity and submission to Dear Leader. First on the list was long-time Republican Congressman---and one of the few principled Conservatives left in the Legislative Branch---Thomas Massie of Kentucky. 

     Massie, who has been one of the few to stand up to expanding the Surveillance State, and who famously exposed the massive foreign lobbying going on among his colleagues in the past, has become too much trouble for the Uniparty and its plans to create a Golden Age of Technocratic Corporatism. If anyone is shocked by this, it is not the first time that Conservatives have been targeted and threatened by the Party Bosses for insufficient loyalty

     Meanwhile, WEF Young Global Leader Tulsi Gabbard---who was a Democrat until just last September---engaged in some Cancel Culture of her own, swatting down the appointment of Daniel Davis for Deputy Director of National Intelligence. Davis---who probably is far more qualified than Tulsi is to head US Intel---criticized Zionist actions in Palestine. This is intolerable for a group which plans to build a billionaire-playground over the mass-graves of the Palestinians.

       Adam Boehler, the US negotiator for the Gaza Cease-fire was purged as well, after suggesting even tepidly that Hamas should be part of the negotiations. This goes decidedly against the grain of an Administration bent on proving its Alpha Superiority and which sees actual diplomacy and compromise as signs of weakness. This isn't surprising, considering that the organization which instigated Khalil's arrest is an advocate of Zionist Genocide, including the murder of children.

     Not surprisingly, Betar was formerly headed by a character jailed for revenge porn and other unscrupulous activities; but he is of the personality type which seems to fit in well with the current administration's leadership. It wouldn't surprise anybody if he's pardoned. 

     When one thinks about it, it's small wonder that we've so little resistance from the Democratic Party, and why so many of their ranks have switched sides. They're getting everything they wanted at no political risk (for now). The real enemies within are actual Conservatives who object to things like foreign influence peddling, depriving people of their Rights without due process, top-down authoritarian government, etc.



Wednesday, March 12, 2025


       Still smarting under Pope Francis' recent appeal to the US Council of Catholic Bishops to press for humane treatment of immigrants, a group calling itself Concerned Catholics appeared on Neo-Nazi Steve Bannon's podcast to demand a RICO investigation into the USCCB and demanding that Catholic Charities be defunded. Lawfare, of course, is only bad when Democrats do it; and the when the Biden/Harris Junta threatened to defund Catholic Charities over their refusal to bow to the Rainbow Agenda, then it was religious persecution; but when Catholic leadership objects to the MAGA Agenda, then even the Pope and Council of Catholic Bishops are treated as the enemy within. 

      Too many actual Catholics have questions and objections to the New Right's anti-immigration policies, so Concerned Catholics have tried to veil their objectives (rather thinly) under the tried-and-true formula of framing the issue as a sex scandal---something that Americans will always buy into unquestioningly. LifeSite News, which up until last January was fairly objective politically but since has turned into a nominally-Catholic version of Breitbart, is even supporting a petition to Vice-President JD Vance to push for the Lawfare and enforce ideological purity among the Neocon wing of the American Church.

   This wing of American Catholics seem to have adopted Vance as their spiritual guru, because (likely largely for political reasons) Vance 'converted' to Catholicism a few years ago. The fact that Vance cites people like Curtis Yarvin, podcaster Bronze Age Pervert, Andrew Tate, and of course homo transhumanist Peter Thiel as his main influences makes no difference to these people. 

      The political messianism surrounding this Administration ought to be more concerning to people than it is. Sites like LSN can't seem to flatter and fawn over the New Right effusively enough despite its overtly anti-Catholic stances like courting the Gay Mafia, appointing Prosperity Gospel cultists to oversee religious affairs, supporting anti-Christian regimes like the Zionists, and terminating federal oversight over Abortion Mills, techno-fascism, etc. 

     Instead, despite statements from WH officials to the effect that Trump is God's Anointed, and the aforementioned Steve Bannon asserting that Trump is an instrument of Divine Providence whose enemies are demonic, a genuine cult-following has emerged within American Catholicism that supersedes the authority of the Church itself. More alarming is that this isn't limited to Catholics; polls show nationwide that fully 1 in 5 American Churchians actually believe this schmaltz. It's not as though authoritarians haven't cultivated this kind of thing before.

   Too, the New Right's cultists are very selective about overlooking other peccadilloes surrounding Vance and the ideology he supports: things like blasphemous statues displayed at Mar-a-Lago, videos released with golden statues of God's Anointed in the Holy Land, portrayals of Trump as a Divine Royal Majesty or a New Caesar. Vox Day and other Red Pills who make up the base of the New Right shamelessly refer to Trump as the God Emperor of the United States, and none of this seems concerning to anybody.

        When we first started this blog in 2016, we made the point that the two greatest threats to Civilization were Western Neoliberalism and the rise of dangerous religious cults. The current administration promotes both. It's past time that those concerned about the future of faith and freedom started calling it out for what it is. 


Thursday, March 6, 2025


       Despite what Inquisitor-General Elon Musk seems to believe, the existence of waste, fraud, and abuse in the Federal Government is not something that he just now discovered or that the American Public didn't know about. It's been an issue in the US since the 1970s, and there were moves to correct such problems going all the way back to the 19th Century. 

      In order for a Government to function, it has to reply upon Public Trust. Even the Chinese Communist Party figured out this basic fact: which is why China today makes a point of exposing corruption within its ranks unlike the Maoist Era when such things were swept under the rug. Unlike China, however, public apathy and the glorification of selfishness and opportunism here has allowed the problem to fester and grow into a Way of Life.

     The problem is not that these agencies exist. The problem in the US is---and has been throughout recent history---Regulatory Capture.

     Regulatory Capture occurs when there are few to no limitations between Big Government and Big Business, either through weak laws or lack of enforcing existing laws. Typically, government and corporate bureaucrats slide back and forth between Government agencies and Lobbying Firms depending on which wing of the Uniparty is in power. Thus the interests controlling the agencies are in charge of regulating or awarding contracts to the very people they are supposed to be exercising oversight upon. Ignoring this issue is one of the main problems with DOGE's approach. 

    What DOGE is doing essentially is removing the middle-man in the whole cycle of systemic corruption. Yes, DOGE is eliminating governmental waste, fraud, and abuse: but at the same time, it is removing any and all barriers to corporate waste, fraud, and abuse. 1930s Japan and Italy were historical examples of how well societies based on that model succeeded. 

    The Soviet Union and Maoist China operated on a similar principle, except that in their case, monopolies were run by academic 'efficiency experts' as opposed to CEOs. What it illustrates is that the Neocons' worship of Capitalist economic Social Darwinism is really not radically different from the Marxist Historical Determinism that they claim to oppose

   If the basic needs of the American citizenry are under the control of an unaccountable Government bureaucracy or a handful of unaccountable Corporate Boards of Directors, the end result is the same. Freedom means nothing without economic freedom. A Corporate Oligarchy is just as much a tyranny as a Political Oligarchy; one is not a solution to the other.

   America was at its most prosperous times when wealth was most evenly distributed. This was not accomplished by Government fiat: it was accomplished by sensible moderation between the Government and the Corporate sector insuring that we had a reasonably level playing field of economic competition. All societies have a segment that is very rich and another that is very poor: such things have always happened and always will. However, a strong and largely independent Middle/Working Class is the backbone of a Constitutional Republic. A people with a measure of economic independence rarely will surrender that independence to power-hungry demagogues. 

     There have been a number of alarming surveys recently showing that in America---especially among the younger people---that Democracy has failed. The reason for this is because the Corporate/Government symbiosis has limited opportunities, especially for young people. Since the National Government and their Corporate Overlords have routinely flouted any pretense that the US is any longer "a government of, by, and for the people" and people under 30 or so have grown up in such a milieu, they mistakenly conflate the ideal of self-government with the abuses of power that they see and experience on a regular basis.

    Giving more authoritarian control to this group or that group will not solve the problem. The proper approach is restricting unaccountable power and returning more of it to the people. That means breaking up monopolies, restoring unions, cracking down on revolving-door lobbyists, smashing criminal NGOs: in short, enforcing the laws. 

   DOGE, however, is taking an approach that will make the problem worse. That, of course, is the plan however much they try to portray it as a populist mandate. Musk and his gangsters are followers of a philosophy which is anti-democratic and regards repressive Technocratic Regimes like Singapore and the United Arab Emirates as models for the United States. 

       Democracy hasn't failed the American People: the American People have failed Democracy. Self-Government without Self-Discipline simply will not work well. As long as we continue as a population to feed on greed, envy, fear, and opportunism, there will be no shortage of demagogues lining up to gratify those selfish desires in exchange for more power and control. 

     The problem that America is facing is not a political one; it is a spiritual one. We've abandoned the ideal that all men are created equal and endowed by their Creator with certain inalienable rights to one where the ends justify the means; the ends in this case premised on a win-at-all-costs mentality where personal power and status are the highest goals of human endeavor. That is what we must work on changing if we hope to continue as a Free Society.



Wednesday, March 5, 2025


      Following last week's debacle at the Ukraine Peace Talks, the Executive Branch decided to pretend that Congress was still relevant to the functioning of the US Government. President Musk and Vice-President Thiel sent their spokesmen to make the speech, although after the 'Peace Deal' fell through, Musk was personally in attendance to keep an eye on things. Just as Zelensky was removed forcibly from the White House, a Democrat Congressman was removed from the Chamber, adding to the drama and theatrics. Former CIA operative and current US Senator Elissa Slotkin gave the Democrats' scripted rebuttal---mostly complaining that the Great Reset was being imposed too suddenly for the sheep-like populace to adjust to it all. Senator Slotkin, however, missed the point: today, all across the Media Spectrum Liberals will be melting down and their heads will be exploding, which is the desired effect. As far as the American People are concerned, the important thing for the Ruling Class is controlling the Narrative while the Oligarchs do as they please behind the scenes.

       Amidst all of the Controversy and New Normals discussed by the deep-thinking general public this last week, few noticed some of the actual activities going on during the wholesale reorganization of the American Republic. Tariffs---a massive wealth-transfer from small businesses to the Corporate Cartels---were illegally imposed on American consumers. The equally illegal Department of Government Efficiency also addressed our collapsing infrastructure by gifting Bill Gates, Warren Buffet, and BlackRock with a virtual elimination of funding for passenger rail services; and, of course, since our remaining Railway Cartels are about half Canadian-owned, the tariffs will ensure even more concentration of the industry in Wall Street/WEF hands. 

      Speaking of distribution control, the Controlled Opposition has been celebrating Trump's tough Alpha approach relating to the Panama Canal. Bush Machine operative Marco Rubio successfully pressured the Panamanian Government to terminate its partnership with China's Belt-and-Road Initiative; and news broke this weekend that the Hong Kong-based firm operating Chinese ports in Panama will be sold to a US company. The Controlled Opposition leaves out the minor detail that the US company concerned is BlackRock, but that will make little difference to the American Right as long as we own the Libtards and get those evil Yellow Devils

      Likewise, despite earlier Republican promises that Social Security wouldn't be effected by proposed wealth-transfers and Party Purges, the SSA announced on Friday that “The agency plans to reduce the size of its bloated workforce and organizational structure, with a significant focus on functions and employees who do not directly provide mission critical services...the cuts will require reduction-in-force actions that could include abolishment of organizations and positions The agency will close six of its 10 regional offices. SSA has operated with a regional structure consisting of 10 offices, which is no longer sustainable.”

    SSA Director Michelle King was purged last week after refusing to allow Musk's brownshirts access to the SSA database. The White House elevated a low-level staffer named Michael Dudek to Acting Director, after he posted an article praising DOGE on social media. Dudek is holding the position until Fiserv CEO Frank Bisignano is rubber-stamped by the Senate as Director. Fiserv holds a near-monopoly on financial data-processing, and its top shareholders are Global Banking Cartels (including BlackRock) which combined own about 30% of the company. Bisignano himself is former Chief Operating Officer of WEF Top 100 Strategic Partner JP Morgan and raised about $1 million for Republican causes in 2024. Like Musk, Bisignano is one of the highest-paid CEOs in the US and is notorious for padding his salary with deep cuts to employees and services.He's also closely associated with WEF linchpin Jamie Dimon, a character much like Musk in his temperament

     Musk has been repeating a narrative that 20 million of America's 72 million Social Security recipients are deceased: a story about as believable as the tall-tales of Haitian immigrants terrorizing small towns or Chinese spy-balloons. Nonetheless, nobody's going to question it; because the American New Right has convinced itself that WEF-connected Plutocrats never lie and are only working for the good of red-blooded, true-blue Americans who only need to work harder and do as they're told so that they too can be Manly Alpha Leaders.

       What we're actually witnessing with all of these disgusting spectacles and wholly illegal power-grabs is the end result of a culture which has been wholly degraded by a social climate which constantly plays to its lowest elements and actively discourages appeals to our better nature in favor of promoting envy, greed, and Paranoia. Both sides of the Uniparty and their Corporate Overlords have intentionally cultivated cultural degradation because, as we've seen throughout history, a population with no sense of its own worth makes more obedient subjects for Governments and better slaves and serfs for the economic Ruling Class. The Great Reset and its Neocon concomitant, the Dark Enlightenment, have the goal of returning Western Civilization to that state of near-Barbarism. The so-called American Right---despite what it, in its self-righteousness, believes about itself---is subject to the same failings of Human Nature as its counter-weights among the so-called Left. Both sides are being played for fools by vested interests and neither side wants to admit that fact. That the Ruling Class doesn't even bother disguising its intentions any longer is evidence of how secure a hold they think that they have on Public Opinion. 

     This is the true State of the Union: and it's reflected by the people chosen to represent it. It's time that we started asking ourselves if we really want to live in an Elon Musk or Andrew Tate kind of world. This is what we're going to keep getting as long as we look to self-appointed Alpha Supermen to save us from ourselves and outsource our thinking to Trash-Culture celebrities. 





Thursday, February 27, 2025


       Earlier this month in the State of Texas, there was the sad story of 11 year-old Jocelynn Rojo Carranza, who committed suicide after being tormented and gaslighted in our exceptional Public School System over her family's immigration status. The Gainesville School District desperately has been trying to cover their own culpability in all of this; knowing public schools like I do, it wouldn't be at all surprising if the teachers and administrators not only encouraged but actively participated in whatever went on. The Controlled Opposition Media has had nothing to say about it either, though we can presume that if the races were reversed, the story would be catapulted to Headline News.

       The actions of the adults aside, however, we are talking about children of roughly 4th and 5th Grade ages. Ideas like they absorbed didn't simply emerge in a vacuum. The family and the bullies involved live in a State where the Governor---a man as crippled in soul as he is in body---has made a public spectacle of brutality towards immigrants. No doubt the children involved saw heroes being made of and Presidential Pardons given to thugs who've murdered immigrants in cold blood. They've seen their parents, teachers, and pastors pontificate on 'immigrant invasions' and 'subhumans,' and 'enemies within poisoning our blood.' They've heard these same authority-figures celebrating the genocide in Palestine, capped most recently by a video issued from the White House portraying the Gaza hecatomb as a future playground for perverted billionaires. In short, they've been taught the Value System of the Postmodern Right: Facts Don't Care About Your Feelings; Might Makes Right; Empathy is a Sin; etc.

     That isn't to say that the Neocons haven't been displaying some compassion lately. Elon Musk has been championing the cause of the late Coach Red Pill who died in a Ukrainian jail after trying to play both sides against the middle once too often; and the White House secured asylum for pimp and Red Pill hero Andrew Tate and his brother. That is the Moral Compass of the Postmodern Right: online hustlers are heroes and 11 year-old girls are Collateral Damage. That's the message that American children are learning from their elders.

     So, our question for American Conservative Christians is: Are you satisfied with your handiwork? Are you proud of the values that you've been instilling in children's minds for the past few years? They're growing up fast; do you find a future of such products of your ideology in control appealling? 

    Probably too many actually do. 



Tuesday, February 25, 2025


       At the appropriately-named Gay-Lord National Convention Center, the 2025 CPAC concluded this weekend. This year's performance managed to outdo even last year's in its blatant appeals to Reactionary Extremism. Acting President Elon Musk appeared again in a black uniform waving around an oversized chainsaw---probably a prop borrowed from a Hollywood horror movie---in front of Argentine strongman and fellow WEF member, Javier Milei. Musk alluded to the chainsaw approach as a metaphor for his ongoing purges of the Executive Branch of Government. 

     Like incipient dictatorships typically do, Musk's first order of business was to purge and control security forces and eliminate any third-party oversight. He's currently working on purging the Military, ahead of a White House proposal to construct Concentration Camps at military bases. Jack Posobiec, a Deep-State spook who headlined last year's Convention and called then for the destruction of Democracy applauded the progress that Musk has made to that end, stating that “Donald Trump is the living embodiment of the American Constitution... Trump’s election victory is a mandate that the American people put on his head. And as President Trump said just a few days ago, ‘A man who saves his nation violates no law.’”

    Meanwhile, Neo-Nazi podcaster Shane Trejo sported signs portraying Trump as Julius Caesar and is actively lobbying for a Third Term for Trump to act as Silicon Valley's sock-puppet. "Trump needs another term to fight against the forces of evil," Trejo proclaimed. "We believe that Trump is the Caesar figure that America has needed. Trump is the Napoleonic figure that’s emerged to lead our country out of perdition and into greatness." The aforementioned Javier Milei opined that: "We are at a turning point in history in which the spirit and the idea materialize in a person."

     Steve Bannon, too, added to the general consensus:

    Bannon went even further than the others with the Trump-as-Messiah Narrative, blasphemously asserting that Trump is "an instrument of Divine Providence" and that his opponents were "demonic enemies." Presumably, by extension, characters appointed by Trump such as Vance, Musk, Bessant, Lutnick, Patel, Burgum, etc. are also agents of Divine Providence, but the speechwriters discreetly left out that logical conclusion from the statement. 

     The Authoritarian overtones emanating from the New Right are dangerous enough. It's hard to believe that once upon a time, Thomas Jefferson declined a Presidential Parade on the grounds that it sent a bad message, imitating the Royal Processions of European Monarchs. Andrew Jackson once turned down a gift from Italy of a Roman sarcophagus, stating that it would set a bad example for an American President to identify with a Roman Caesar. This last week alone, Trump has embraced both images of King and Caesar.

    What is more troubling---as if anything more troubling was possible at this point---is the increasing tendency on the part of many to weave Divine Selection into this narrative. We've pointed out here before the dangerous sorts of cultists involved in high-level decision-making.  

    It's past time that some of what's left of American spiritual leadership started addressing some of this. It's an obvious threat to Civilization to have a major power under the influence of people who believe that the Leadership has a Divine Mandate and sees everyone else as demonic enemies. That so many have bought into this delusion is a sign of significant failure of our spiritual leadership by itself. 

   The idea of any earthly leader fulfilling messianic prophecy runs contrary to the foundational Christian belief that Jesus Christ alone is the Messiah, the fulfillment of all prophecy and the ultimate hope of humanity. To see a US President as a divinely-anointed savior figure conflates his role as a political leader with spiritual authority. Therefore, it is essentially a godless ideology no better, really, than Monarchism, Communism, or any other movement which deifies leader or party above other men to the level of God. God, being Absolute, is the Standard of the Ideal to which we all aspire. A man or a group of men who take that ideal and appropriate it to themselves by extension set their own arbitrary will as the standard. Thus, we must reject any attempt by human agencies to assume such powers unto themselves. Those who assume such powers are not Divine, but tyrants of the worst sort. 



Thursday, February 20, 2025


        Nearly a year after the Republican Party announced that it was seeking to overthrow Democracy and establish a Police State, CPAC kicked off its post-electoral meeting. The White House commemorated the event with an interesting graphic:

        The supporters of today's Republican Party, of course, laugh off such things---just like last year's CPAC when everybody was only kidding about overthrowing Democracy, and how Elon Musk was only joking when he gave a Nazi Salute at the Inauguration. Sure, in the last month the White House has torn into the Constitution with a fury that even Bush wouldn't have dared attempt; and Musk has appointed Neo-Nazis to data-mine information on Americans, but the default position of the Postmodern American 'Conservative' is to look the other way and pretend that they don't really mean any of this. 

      We might not want to consider that many in the Executive Branch actually believe in a return to autocratic rule with a new Techno-Aristocracy, but unfortunately, it happens to be true.

      "Curtis Yarvin, the TechBro philosopher known by his pseudonym Mencius Moldbug, has emerged as a pivotal intellectual force shaping the ideological contours of Silicon Valley’s power elite. His critiques of democracy, advocacy for technocratic authoritarianism, and vision of a corporate-led monarchy have resonated with influential figures such as Peter Thiel, Alex Karp, Elon Musk, David Sacks, Marc Andreessen, and TechBros in general. This report examines how Yarvin’s ideas have permeated Silicon Valley’s corporate strategies, political alliances, and broader socio-technical visions, transforming the region into a laboratory for post-democratic governance.

     "Yarvin’s core argument hinges on the belief that democracy is inherently flawed, describing it as a façade controlled by a progressive elite he terms 'the Cathedral:' a coalition of academia, media, and government bureaucracies that enforce ideological conformity. He posits that these institutions perpetuate inefficiency and moral decay, necessitating their replacement by a sovereign authority akin to a corporate CEO....

    "Yarvin’s neo-cameralism reimagines governance as a corporate entity where shareholders (i.e., citizens) elect a CEO-monarch with absolute power. This model, inspired by Frederick the Great’s Prussia and modern Singapore, prioritizes efficiency over pluralism, framing political dissent as a systemic bug rather than a feature. His call to 'Retire All Government Employees' (RAGE) advocates purging civil servants to dismantle the administrative state, a proposal directly adopted by figures like J.D. Vance."

     Trump himself wasn't at the opening of this year's CPAC: for the second time in a month, he received a standing ovation from WEF-connected billionaires at the Future Investment Initiative.

       The FII is run by the Saudi Sovereign Wealth Fund, another WEF-connected enterprise, which among its other achievements has ethnically-cleansed Arab tribesmen to facilitate the construction of a model Smart City. Neo-Nazi Musk, who himself recently won a standing ovation at the World Governments Summit in the United Arab Emirates, was in attendance along with fellow-WEF Young Global Leader Rayan Fayez, one of the architects of the Saudi Smart Cities projects. Musk praised the UAE for its advances in Techno-Fascism: the country is a repressive Police State much like Musk envisions here, and its capital Dubai, is also a planned Smart City

      The reasonable conclusion from all of this that if American Conservatives don't start shaking the cobwebs out of their empty skulls and start facing reality---and soon---we're going to have the Great Reset upon us before we know it.