Friday, May 15, 2020


   May is typically a festive month with no shortage of holidays. If you're looking reason to celebrate during these gloomy times, there is something that can be done. While going through the news today, I learned something new: that May 15th is International Nylon Stockings Day. 

  This festive occasion falls on a Friday, so of course it extends into the weekend. Since we have a lot of female readers and followers here, we thought it best to remind all of you not to forget your civic holiday duties.

   And for male readers who have a damsel or a sister at home, we would encourage you to relate this information to the Fair One; stressing the importance of how we must all do our part during these trying times to keep public spirits high. This suggestion includes family men with daughters old enough to participate as well.

   So please feel free to share this article. With the Rainbow Left Wing and Low-T RINOs running up the score right now, Western men are in desperate need of inspiration. Ladies around the world can help turn the tide.

   Just remember that in the old Soviet Union, nylon stockings were about $50/pair on the Black Market. In a Soros/Gates/Inslee kind of world, we'd all be wearing those Chairman Mao suits---men and women alike in their brave new world of equality. So, ladies, throw away those disgusting pink hats and the Che t-shirts; break out the make-up kits and the high heels and get busy! 

A Public Service Announcement from the Night Wind & Co.



  1. Other than it's too damn hot to wear nylons (or any type of pantyhose) at this time of year (in the CA desert!), I almost never wear them anymore at all! I used to dress to the nines for sophisticated "city look" when I was a full-time "Tillie the Toiler;" but now, in semi-retirement, I wear as little as possible! Gone are the designer clothes & high heels! Hello, super-casual wear these days!! Sorry to disappoint, NW.....

    1. Well, you can't blame me for trying. But if women like the ones in the pictures were showing up in large numbers at anti-lockdown rallies, I'll bet the numbers of men turning out to protest would automatically triple!

  2. Ha! Well, you made me smile! I've been enjoying how our first lady has made being female cool again.
