Thursday, January 7, 2021


     According to tradition, a little over 2,000 years ago on this day, Wise Men from the East came to Bethlehem and acknowledged the Christ Child. I suppose that it's only fitting that on the same day 2021, that Fools from across the United States and beyond should come to Washington and acknowledge a neo-Marxist Junta as the legitimate American Government. The Republic---some 233 years after the U.S. Constitution was ratified---saw its final extinction carried out today. 

    Marxism is built and sustained upon lies, so it's also fitting that we would get strong doses of irony at the Republic's death-bed. Several thousand patriots apparently woke up to the danger we were in and finally took some action---far too late to be of any help---and were immediately denounced by the media rats as "violent mobs" and even as "insurrectionists"! Sadly, four of their number were martyred: gunned down in cold blood by the same D.C. Police which had last year taken a knee with Black Lives Matter rioters. 

    Vice-President Mike Pence---a man who earlier in his career had sold out his State to the Gay Mafia---sold out the entire country just hours after swearing his loyalty to President Trump's efforts to stop the Election Steal. Senator Cruz' coalition dropped to a dozen or so as the RINOs began stampeding to the other side. Fat Feminist Congresswoman Cori Bush is introducing a Resolution to expel Congressmen who challenged the fraudulent election. I've been predicting for some time that one of the Junta's first priorities will be the establishment of a one-party State. As usual, that prediction brought down a chorus of sneers; but oh well. They've only been advocating purging Conservatives for the last five years or so. We'll see if you still think it's a tin-foil hat conspiracy when you're dragged in front of a secret tribunal because somebody thinks you're not ideologically purified enough. 


    The Elites, I'm fairly certain, are done with all of this electoral tomfoolery. Those who don't know by now that American Democracy is an illusion will be still be stupid enough to believe in it; and those who do know won't be able to do anything about it. I live in a so-called Solid Blue State where electoral fraud has been committed since 2005 when the Elites switched to an absentee ballot scam system. Nobody cared then, or cares now. But I'm certain that by now that the financial oligarchs behind the Color Revolution no longer see any purpose behind these expensive and time-consuming farces---and besides, 2016 showed that it was possible for the people to win occasionally. There's no real point in putting on these shows for the Ameroboobs any more. Remember, the Junta is all about unity; and debate and dissent from the Orthodoxy of the Hour is considered divisive. 

       As for President Trump himself, there's really nothing he can do now except go off into the sunset with his head held high. The Tech Lords are already blocking his access to social media, blogs like this one that supported him will probably meet the same fate before very long. Donald Trump---the last legitimate president of the United States of America---should, I believe, take his family and go into peaceful retirement and exile. He owns a fine hotel in Istanbul, that's where I would go. 

    Turkey is in a location not far from historic sites like ancient Greece and Rome to the northwest and the Holy Land to the southeast and Egypt directly south. It's only about a 17 hour drive to Melania's home country of Slovenia. Mr. President, (I call him that because the Oval Office is now sede vacante), you've done your best and you've earned a peaceful and happy retirement far away from the hell that our enemies are about to unleash upon a nation undeserving of the freedom and prosperity won for us by our forefathers. 

   For the first time since my youth under President Reagan---for a brief three years---it was great to be an American again. Those days are not coming back within our lifetimes. Go with God, and thank you again for all that you accomplished and hoped to accomplish. 


  1. President Trump did show that it was possible for non-establishment to win. That had to be pounded down, as it was - with the sole intention of demonstration to demoralize any who liked him.
    I will not be surprised if Trump is executed next to demoralize any left who still believe elections are real.

    1. Of course, I pray you are dead wrong about the execution part! But I don't see any hope or promise on the horizon....

  2. Absolutely TERRIFIC analysis of what's happening now - and the Day of Epiphany is a stark reminder of the cosmos and the "bigger picture," if you will. Thanks for pointing that out!!
