Wednesday, September 6, 2023


       Here in the Prozac Nation this week, the majority of American parents are marching their offspring away to nine more months of public-school hell; hoping that the kids will learn the skills necessary to function in postmodern America. Things like going-along-to-get-along; learning how to game the system; how bullying and cheating pay if one doesn't get caught, etc---failure to learn these skills however can result in points for playing the Victim Card, if handled adroitly. Behind this system stand the professional goons in agencies like the paradoxically-named Child Protective Services, which operates much like the Military Police once did in European Armies, standing behind the lines ready to take down soldiers who refused to charge into No Man's Land. 

     A few American parents here and there have made the news and risked CPS' dreaded midnight knock at the door by challenging things like gender ideological programming and a threatened return to imposing the Mask of Shame; but given the deep-set putrefaction of the whole system, these things are really peripheral issues. 

    Meanwhile, in Russia, President Vladimir Putin attended an awards ceremony at the start of the school year for a group of Russian schoolchildren who had won international academic competitions. The group didn't 'represent diversity;' however, it did represent Merit---something actually still considered important in Russian schools. 

      The attendees at the awards ceremony were mostly from Science-related fields; and President Putin addressed the concerns of new technologies.

      “Genetics is important and dangerous, according to experts. It is said that those who take the leading positions in the field of genetics will have a weapon of terrible destructive power in their hands,” Putin stated. "Russia, however, remains committed to maintaining an ethical approach to genetics research. The country will make sure that the positive foundations behind genetics will not turn into a threat to the whole of humanity." 

     These comments underscore earlier statements that the President made against abuses of Technology. Throughout the 20th Century, Russia suffered the effects of atheistic scientistic dictatorships, as well as the brutalities of unrestrained Cartel Capitalism after the fall of the Iron Curtain. The Russian people have learned that an ethical approach to social challenges is the surest guarantee of a civilized peoples' survival. The discovery of bioweapons labs in former Ukrainian provinces and suspicions around the true origins of the recent Scamdemic have brought these subjects renewed attention. Recent legislation in Russia also imposed a nationwide ban on so-called 'gender-reassignment surgeries', tolerance of which elsewhere has established a gateway towards implementing the Transhumanist Agenda. 

   While our country was embracing Neoliberalism and exporting hegemony around the planet two decades ago, the Russian leadership realized what ours failed to grasp: that the root of Russia's problems was a spiritual one. To that end, the Russian Government adopted a council of national religious leaders who act as an advisory council to their nation. Since then, Russia has led the world in humanitarian and, when necessary, military aid to countries like the former Donbass Republics, Syria, North Korea, and elsewhere that our allegedly Christian Nation was throttling with economic sanctions. They ejected those nests of vipers---Western NGOs---from their borders which were disseminating the same sociopolitical cancer that has rotted our own culture. As a result, Russian families are growing, work and patriotism have become respectable again, and substance abuse rates have plummeted. The Russian Media has reported that, although abortion is still legal in Russia, clinics increasingly are refusing to perform them: a right that clinics here in the freest and greatest country on God's Green Earth don't possess. 

    Meanwhile, in our own country, things like religion and spirituality long ago became commodified---like everything else in America. We are well down the Transhumanist (i.e. antihumanist) path to the point where many pastors are now embracing Artificial Intelligence as a new marketing angle to sell their versions of Crony-Christianity. Some might argue that using AI to replace most American Ministers is simply making a virtue of necessity; but it does show the tawdry, superficial character of American spirituality. 

      Polls have shown that the younger generations of Americans increasingly accept atheistic materialism. The fact that these numbers are double those of previous generations indicate that American parents care no more for their offsprings' spiritual education than they do about any other aspect of raising children. Many, if not most, testimonies I've read on Catholic websites about younger people joining the Church indicate that they've little or no religious education in their background.

     Thus, it's small wonder that without a reverence for God, faith in humanity disappears and with it comes a disregard for concepts like the sacredness of life, human rights, and justice. Abortion, homo 'equality', and Euthanasia become fundamental liberties and the rates of suicides and addiction-related deaths rise. 

    It's also no surprise that the so-called Elites consider Russia a dangerous enemy. Russia stands in the way of the Technofascist world order that these people desire. Likely Russian resolve will strengthen and others will follow as the differences between their ethical approach and our amoral ones increasingly become apparent. 






  1. Well said. It's good to see a leader show some concern for the well being of his people and for the future of his country. We really don't have much of that going on in the US at the moment.

    About five years ago we had several families wanting to be foster homes and they passed everything with CPS but they just could not sign the document promising to support the LGBT agenda and to support every child's perceived sexuality. One dad put it well, "but kids aren't supposed to have a sexuality." That's mostly true, kids are supposed to be focused on other things and protected from such emotional/psychological burdens until they are much older.

    1. Another freedom that Russians have is that homosexuals can get psychiatric or medical care if they want to become normal. In 'free' America, a doctor could lose his license treating it, even if the patient wants him to.

      In Tiananmen Trudeau's domain---and several US States---CPS can raid a family's home and remove children or teenagers if the family even objects to homo indoctrination. But try and convince the average Ameroboob that Russia isn't a repressive police state and that the US isn't a Beacon of Liberty.
