Tuesday, September 12, 2023


      Yesterday marked the anniversaries of two important turning-points in American history. 22 years before, in 2001, the greatest mass-murder in American history occurred when four airliners were hijacked and rammed into buildings in New York and Washington. The Bush Administration reacted with an unprecedented power-grab, which continues to this day and his been expanded upon considerably. While previous Presidents also assumed extraordinary powers during times of national crisis; they had limitations on how far or for how long such powers could be extended. The Bush policy was unique in that de facto Martial Law was extended indefinitely and without public oversight.

     Eleven years to the day before, in 1990, the father of the aforementioned Bush gave an infamous address to the nation, basically admitting that the US Deep State was now in charge and that we were entering a New World Order wherein it would be accountable to no one. Pundits of that day were proclaiming the End of History and the Pax Americana, which were academic sound-bites meaning that the US Deep State was now the world power, and on both a global and national scale, submission to their will was to be predestined order of things. Junior's policies post 9/11 were reflections of that very blueprint; and the Democrats of the Clinton, Gore, Kerry, Obama, and Biden variety adopted the same philosophy, although their term for it is Neoliberalism. The 'Great Reset' is the final convergence of the permanent Deep State and Cartel Capitalism, where political and economic power are concentrated in the hands of the few.

       Shortly after President Trump was removed from Office, we said here at the time that the only hope that the Republican Party had---if it ever wanted to be a viable political movement again---was to do two things: 

       1. Repudiate the Neoconservatives and their hangers-on in the Alt Right;

       2. Publicly admit to their own complicity in subverting our republican system; and taking a pledge to undo the policies that they previously promoted; and to restore Constitutional order. 

      Unfortunately, neither of these things have happened; and these yo-yo's are talking blithely about a 2024 'Red Tsunami'. The current leader of the GOP 'candidates' is about to be purged: jailed and disqualified from office; while of the next two 'front-runners;' one is a WEF Young Global Leader and the other is a stooge of the Bush Machine

     What's even worse is that the self-styled intellectuals on the Right are the ones pushing the 'double-down' approach. Victor Davis Hanson, for example, graced us all again yesterday with an article titled The Frightened Left. An intriguing, title: frankly, though, I haven't seen much evidence that the Left is especially afraid of doing much of anything. Hanson is fancied by many on the Right as the philosophical heir to William F. Buckley, though the comparison is about as apt as comparing Stephen Colbert to James Madison. 

    The conclusion one draws from all of Hanson's writings is that everything wrong in America suddenly appeared---like Spontaneous Generation---from 2021 forward, and that our only national salvation lies in returning the Neocons to power. I'm certain that all of us remember those halcyon days of the Bush Years: the Government was noted for its transparency; there was no runaway price inflation; human rights and the Constitution were deeply respected; schools functioned perfectly; jobs were plentiful and well-paid, as all the American workers sang for joy in factory and field and all the girls were innocent virgins. Thanks largely to our servile media, and Americans' attention-spans and memories hopelessly being crippled by the concentrations of fat in their brains and their addiction to narcotics that academics can get away with spouting this kind of nonsense. 

    I have return to an observation on the excesses of the French Revolution explained by Dead White Male and Founding Father Thomas Paine, because understanding this point explains a lot of the actions taken by the current US Government:

   "Let us therefore examine how men came by the idea of punishing others in this manner. They learn it from the governments that they live under; and retaliate with the punishments that they have been accustomed to behold. The heads stuck upon pikes which remained for years on the Temple-Bar differ nothing in the horror of the scenes of the heads being carried about on pikes in the Paris streets: yet this was done by the English government. It may be said that it signifies nothing to a man what is done to him after he is dead; but it signifies much to the living. It either tortures their feelings or it hardens their hearts; in either case, it instructs them how to punish when power falls into their hands. Lay then the axe to the root, and teach governments humanity. It is their sanguinary punishments which corrupt mankind."

   Back during the Post-9/11 Hysteria, many of us warned that the powers being assumed by the Federal Government could someday pass into the hands of the Militant Left and be turned against us. If Hanson had been paying attention back then instead of whooping it up at Country Club Golf Courses and on Luxury Cruises, he might have remembered the policies pursued by the Neocon Establishment were the precedents for everything that he wails about today and imagines were innovations brought in with the Biden Junta.

   Hanson, for example, speaks of the misuse of Impeachment and says: "In modern times, the nation has not rushed to impeach a president without a special counsel investigation to determine whether the chief executive was guilty of Treason, Bribery, or other high Crimes and Misdemeanors. But thanks to the Democrats, recent impeachments now have destroyed all those guardrails." Apparently, Hanson has forgotten that only 25 years ago, the Republicans---for wholly political reasons---launched a ridiculous attempt to impeach President Clinton. 

  What did Paine say again about "it instructs them how to punish when power falls into their hands?" That shameful event was followed quickly by Congress punting their responsibility to settle the disputed 2000 Election into the hands of the Court; and the Democrats learned from the examples our side set that litigation can be weaponized in place of voting and debate

  The rest of Hanson's article is a tedious laundry-list of crimes that the Democrats are committing that he wishes that Republicans could still get away with doing. This is why we've insisted that for the GOP to regain any credibility (and time is rapidly running out for them to do this) is to repudiate the Neocon past. Our side complains ad nauseam about the Left 'weaponizing' all of our institutions: yet I can't think of a single example where our side didn't provide them with the weapons to do it with. 

  Like Hitler's rise to power which established Nazi Germany, everything being done to establish the Great Reset is being done according to legal precedent. The Weimar Republic's Constitution technically was in effect until 1945; a dead letter, to be sure, but it was never abolished; and the Third Reich was established according to precedents set during the Weimar Republic. Hitler governed by authority of Article 48 of the Weimar Constitution, which stated: “If public security and order are seriously disturbed or endangered within the German Reich, the President of the Reich may take measures necessary for their restoration, intervening if need be with the assistance of the armed forces.” It also allowed the President to suspend civil liberties guaranteed in the Weimar Constitution; and President Friedrich Ebert had invoked it during the hyperinflation of 1923 and President Paul von Hindenburg invoked it on occasion thereafter. Shortly after Hitler was elected in 1933, the Nazi Party in the Parliament passed the Enabling Act of 1933, which allowed the Nazi Government to pass and enact laws without Congressional approval. That law was challenged and upheld by the Weimar Supreme Court. 

  Post 9/11 especially, we saw much the same thing. It was the Bush Administration which normalized the use of torture and the suspensions of Due Process. They normalized Domestic Espionage, they authorized the Executive Branch (i.e. the Deep State) to enact laws, spend tax dollars, and order military interventions without Congressional approval. They established blacklists and surveillance of dissidents. They expanded outsourcing and Private Public Partnerships which helped the Corporate Oligarchy to establish the foothold it has over the United States today. The Bush Administration gave governors the power to declare 'states of emergency' unilaterally and suspend republican government, as we saw during the Scamdemic. They expanded the Government and financial octopus' tentacles into the public schools and universities. 

  As for the Clinton and Obama Administrations, let us not forget that both had majority Republican Congresses and Senates for 6 of their 8-year terms, and that US Supreme Court was a Republican Majority that entire time. 

 No, the Left isn't afraid of us now; and we have no one to blame but ourselves. This owning the Libtards and business as usual strategy will fail, regardless of which Party the Oligarchs choose to govern us in 2024. It's merely continuing the same cycle of bad and irresponsible government that got us where we are.




  1. Oh, good post! You've done an excellent job of putting words to the nature of the problem.

    I spent the 911 anniversary pondering when it all began, when "You're with us or against us" became a thing and when, "You don't need privacy, if you don't have anything to hide" became so fashionable. Cancel culture, doxxing, reporting your unvaxxed neighbor for going outside, all flow from the same source of expanding government powers, treating us as children, and disrespecting our right to privacy and at least a little bit of personal sovereignty.

    1. Yep: the day brought back a lot of bad memories---and not just because of the attack. Bush used to tell us how "the terrorists hate us because of our freedoms," then went on to dismantle our freedoms more thoroughly than they could.
