Tuesday, October 10, 2023


    The uprising in Israel has, predictably, incited a whirlwind of political finger-pointing, mass-hysteria, and Cancel Culture. The thought that Hamas might imitate the Taliban and start removing Rainbow Flags and George Floyd Murals should they succeed in liberating their country has thrown America into its biggest panic-attack since a Chinese weather-balloon drifted off course and floated over the Great Plains earlier this year. The Junta has responded by sending our brave xhes in uniform to prowl the Palestinian Coast; while the Controlled Opposition is outraged that our nominal Head-of-State went to a cookout while fighting was going on 6,000 miles away. I suppose that sitting on his rump in the Oval Office waiting for the phone to ring would have made him appear more Presidential; but it wouldn't have accomplished much more than dining on ribs and cornbread would have. 

   WEF Young Global Leader and Hillary Clinton protegee Nikki Haley vaulted to the top of the Controlled Opposition Republican polls after supporting the Israeli Deep State's indiscriminate slaughter of civilians in revenge retaliation for daring to assert their Rights. Given that Nikki's support comes primarily from Supranational High Finance and Big Pharma, her fanatical statements should be unsurprising. All of the candidates are scrambling to keep from being called anti-war weenies---because all of our unilateral military interventions since the Bush Doctrine was announced have worked out so well, I suppose.

   Unfortunately, in our current cultural state, acting first and thinking afterwards is how we meet national and global crises. Most Americans know nothing about Israel other than the Media calls them an 'ally' and that we need to project a robust response, or else those meanies in Iran won't be afraid of us, like they naturally should be. The reality is that Israel is a fascistic, apartheid State which has driven its population to the point of sheer desperation. The people fighting the Regime literally have nothing left to lose: it's a matter of dying with some honor and self-respect or dying by the slow process of ethnic cleansing. The Regime has made its intentions now abundantly clear: the Defense Forces are butchering every Arab they can lay their hands on and have threatened military action against anyone offering humanitarian relief to the civilian population. They've laid siege to the city of Gaza and cut off supplies of food, water, and medicine while simultaneously targeting civilian residences and infrastructure. 

   This is the 'Great Reset' in its practical application. In a sense, Nikki Haley was right when she said that "This is not just an attack on Israel - this was an attack on America," though not in the sense that she meant it. It wasn't that long ago that Western pundits and political leaders were (and actually still are) talking about segregating and isolating political opponents and dissidents; and have actually encouraged 'depopulation' of undesirables and the unfit through social policy. The Israeli Regime simply put into practice what our own Oligarchy intends to do to our populations.

   The leader of the Israeli Regime and the camarilla who surround him are de facto extensions of the US Deep State and wholly committed to the Great Reset. It's not widely reported anywhere, but Israeli dictator Benjamin Netanyahu spent much of his pre-political career here in the United States. Netanyahu was educated at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology---which is a notorious recruiting center for future Deep State operatives. Around the time that Netanyahu was enrolled there, testimony arose during the Church Committee Hearings in 1974 which stated:

  “To the Clandestine Services, the universities represent fertile territory for recruiting espionage agents. Most large American colleges enrolled substantial numbers of foreign students, and many of these, especially those from the Third World, were (and are) destined to hold high positions in their home countries in a relatively few years. They are much easier to recruit at American schools — when they might have a need for money, where they could be easily compromised, and where foreign security services could not interfere — than they would be when they returned home. To spot and evaluate these students, the Clandestine Services maintains a contractual relationship with key professors on numerous campuses. When a professor picks out a likely candidate, he notifies his contact at the CIA and, on occasion, participates in the actual recruitment attempt. Some professors perform these services without being on a formal retainer. Others actively participate in agency covert operations by serving as cut-outs, or intermediaries, and even by carrying out secret missions during foreign journeys.”

    Netanyahu then went on to serve on the Board of the Boston Consulting Group, one of the most vicious and most predatory members of the World Economic Forum's Top 100 Strategic Partners. (Arch-RINO Senator Mitt Romney was also a Board Member of BCG). Netanyahu is a WEF member himself, and is known to have attended at least six of their annual meetings beginning in 2009 when Klaus Schwab announced that a "new charter for the global economic order" was being drawn up and implemented. During the Scamdemic, Netanyahu gloated:

   “When the planes landed with the massive containers of vaccines, that was one of the most exciting moments in all my years as prime minister, because I felt that this was more or less like when the Japanese bombed Pearl Harbor, you knew it was already the beginning of the end.” The tyranny that he and his henchmen went on to organize afterwards is well-documented. 

    This isn't to suggest that the Freedom Fighters' cause is doomed; they have so far inflicted about 3,000 total casualties upon the Israeli Defense Force, captured some territory, and reports leaking out have indicated that defections and anti-Regime collaboration within the IDF is occurring

    One of the most concerning things---which isn't being discussed by the Media anywhere---is that the Israeli Government is known to possess atomic weapons and it's certainly not out of the realm of possibility that the Regime will deploy them if they really feel threatened. Shortly, before his retirement, Pat Buchanan revealed that the Nixon White House (where Buchanan was an advisor) knew that then-Prime Minister Golda Meir had atom bombs primed and ready to be used if the Arab forces broke through the IDF defensive lines during the 1973 Yom Kippur War. The current Israeli Regime hasn't shown much inclination for either restraint or regard for human life; and it is not unrealistic to imagine that, Hitler-like, Netanyahu might in the event of inevitable defeat decide to take down everybody else with him. 

    Outside of the Oligarchy's Sphere of Influence, there have been some moves to try and promote a cease-fire and negotiated settlement. The Arab League is convening in Cairo on Wednesday, and Turkey---which has relations with both sides---is also offering mediation. Unless there is some type of Regime Change in Israel, I don't see this as a possibility. One scenario could be that disaffected members of the IDF stage a coup against the Regime and restore order and democracy. That would probably be the optimal solution right now, though it's certain that the Corporate Cartels and the Western Deep States are working overtime to prevent that from happening.





  1. I think your opening statement and second link sums up the nature of the American problem, "most viewed performer on PornHub." It's actually a little bit comical that she would be considered a social media influencer who opinions matter so much, she must be cancel cultured for deviating from the standard narrative.

    Seattle, Portland, San Francisco, London and assorted other places in Europe are currently staging pro Palestine rallies. I'd feel better about it if I had some assurance that these people could actually find Israel on a map. I'm pretty sure the, "LGBTQ for Palestinian Freedom Fighters" has no idea what they are actually endorsing and supporting.

    I do know that we are living in a world heavily dominated by moral relativism and it's very difficult to tell the fireman from the arsonists anymore. Also, the propaganda going around is huge, coming from all directions, not just two. People are checking military industrial complex stock portfolios and taking the political temps in their own country and absolutely everybody is producing outlandish propaganda. I've never seen anything like it.

    1. Yes, it does define the problem. If those protesters out here imagine that Hamas and Hezbollah are 'gay-friendly' organizations, they're in for a real shock. Israel is the only country in the Middle East that tolerates that stuff. Because of Israeli control over the Palestinian Territories, there have been some 'activists' who've gone over there and tried to sow their propaganda and had official protection, but in the general the Shiites especially see Homo 'equality' as symptomatic of Western cultural decadence and imperialism.

  2. Another great blog- I might add this was all allowed and planned in advance. The neocons have lost in Ukraine and now all you hear from the ConInc is we must stand together and even talk of a draft. The real goal is to attack Iran or pull them into the conflict. I might add the part about nuclear weapons being used if as last resort; this is precisely what will happen if we push Russia into a corner- that Russia will use any means to defend the Russian federation.
    It is unbelievable that people in this nation somehow really believe we can just turn off the missiles in Russia or survive a sortie of 100 nuclear RV/MIRV warheads. Russia is second and a peer military power country to America with China third and Iran fourth.
    The level of mental retardation is quite apparent as low IQ people comment. Outside of your blog, Z man and Vox Day- everyone else is delusional.

    1. Thank you---you're right about the dissociation of American attitudes from Reality. It was a little before my time, but during the Vietnam Era---only a generation ago---the threat of somebody 'pushing the button' and Mutually-Assured Destruction was actually debated politically. There's a part of me which suspects that these psychopathic Elites actually desire this to happen. Nothing would fight Global Warming and Control Population better than atomic war and Nuclear Winter!

      I generally don't agree with Vox Day on too many issues, he's usually been a supporter of Israel in the past, and often disagrees with Z-Man too. I haven't read him in awhile, I'll have to look him up again and see what his take on this is.
