Sunday, October 15, 2023


     In the Spring of 2016, when this site was first established, one of the assertions that we made was that Western Neoliberalism and the influence of religious cults were the two greatest contemporary threats to Western Civilization. This still holds true, although seven years ago, the main representatives of these threats were the Obama Administration and his Neocon Congress promoting the first, and the Wahhabi Cult in the forms of ISIS and Al-Qaeda representing the other. The political shake-up under Trump and ISIS' defeat has caused a regrouping of sorts, which was introduced in 2020 as the Great Reset: with the orchestrated chaos of that year leading to a greater consolidation of power among those interests aspiring to a New World Order. 

   It's very important in light of the current situation in Israel that we don't lose sight of the dangerous influence of cults and their involvement in the ongoing coup d'etat against Western Civilization. It must be understood that Mankind has an innate drive to seek spiritual union with his Creator; and religions are the conduit through which he does this. In the breakdown of religious traditions, that tendency still exists: witness how every totalitarian government since the French Revolution has adopted dogmas, rituals, messianism, priestcraft---and inquisitions---around their government. 

     Atheistic Materialism, which is the driving force behind the Great Reset ideology is no different in this regard. The Technofascist sociopolitical wing has at its back the quasi-religious belief in Scientism. The reason that cults and powerful cult leaders hold such sway over these types is twofold. One is that human instinct is essentially religious, and all mystics fascinate these kinds of people no matter how rational, intellectual, or sophisticated they claim to be. The second is that cult leaders also are authoritarian and desire global domination; the only real difference between the Atheist and the Cultist is that one puts himself in God's place; the other pretends to put himself in God's place. It's like the relationship in dysfunctional families where everyone involved is bound together by their mutual subconscious hatreds. 

   This is what differentiates Traditional Religions from cults. The ultimate goal of Religions is to unite Mankind in what they see as the Image of God by leading through example and exhortation. Granted, they haven't always followed that path consistently, but usually there are reformations from within that set them right again. Cults, on the other, are held together by personal despotism and employ fraud and force to secure worldly power. There are secular cults too like Scientology and Satanism; others are offshoots of traditional faiths. Christians have the Rainbow Churchians, Mormonism, the Moonies, and the loosely-organized Red Pills; Moslems have the Wahhabis, Salafists, and those 'Rainbow Jihadi' kooks who follow the likes of Aga Khan. Buddhism has despotic sects like Lamaism and many corrupt cultists in the West such as the Bagwhan Sri Ragneesh was a few years ago.

   Cults also tend to take on political aspects. Scientologists and Satanists are well-represented in places like our Media and the Pentagon. The Mormons and the Moonies have a significant media and corporate presence, and have wormed their ways into several government agencies: especially at the UN. They're a vital component in the operation of globalist Deep State interests in South Korea and Japan. The Dalai Lama is a spiritual advisor to a great many Oligarchs, among them former Vice-President and current WEF Trustee, Al Gore. The Aga Khan has a similar influence over Britain's King Chuck and Canadian strongman Justin Trudeau. In fact, when one looks over the membership of the WEF Board of Trustees and their influential members, it's striking how many of them have spiritual advisors and gurus in their inner circles. They even have a guru on their Board: a man with no political or commercial experience but is regarded by many as an enlightened sage. Given the number of new-age and rainbow-religionists at the WEF, one might be inclined to suspect that---like everything else---they consider spirituality another of their private domains; and that the atheist materialism they promote is only for the masses. 

    Now the Jews are not immune from the problem of cults either. In New Testament times, the Jews were divided as well. The Pharisees represented the mainstream, though their leadership had become corrupt and distant from the people. The Essenes were essentially social drop-outs and eschewed marriage and social interaction, much like many of the 'Red Pills' of today's Manosphere. The Zealots (literally, the Fanatics) were militant Jewish nationalists. The intellectual class of the ancient Jews were divided between the Sadducees who materialists and part of what we call 'the Establishment' of the day; and the Hellenists, who were syncretic and sought to align Jewish tradition with Greek philosophy. Eventually, the Pharisees reformed and became the Orthodox Jew of today, the Essenes disappeared, and the Hellenists mostly embraced (and led) Christianity. There have been trends from the other two as well: the Sadducees have found their reincarnation in Liberal Judaism and Zealots ultimately became the modern Zionists. 

    It's important to note this, because in the West there is a tendency to see 'all Jews' as a monolith---much like Moslems are portrayed by our Media. This leads to two dangerous tendencies: one is to blame all of the crimes committed by certain Jews on Judaism as whole, which is Antisemitism. The equally dangerous tendency, especially among many Western Protestants, is equating Israel of today with its position in the Old Testament. This leads to blind support for the Israeli Regime regardless of whatever acts it commits. 

   Zionism is basically a cult, and is despised by many Orthodox and Liberal Jews---both of which have suffered persecution of various degrees by the Israeli Government. The closest analogy to Zionism among American cults probably would be the Mormons, who were founded upon similar ideals drawn from the same sources: a perversion of Old Testament eschatology. Both are a crude system of utopian nationalism founded upon a belief in themselves as a Chosen People. If either actually read the Old Testament, they would see that being a Chosen People didn't spare them the consequences of defying God's Will and behaving arrogantly and oppressing their fellow-man. 

   Zionism could never have succeeded as imposture of this magnitude had not been propagated with a fanaticism worthy of a better cause, and risen during a historical period when Jews had universal sympathy as victims of other repressive regimes. Even so, it never made many converts outside of the most remote and unenlightened regions of the Jewish Diaspora; and even then it could only secure the most debased and ignorant members of the community. The brutishness and repulsiveness of the system, and the crimes of which the Zionists have displayed before the whole world, otherwise could not have had an existence and a following remarkable for nothing but its Militarism and ability to buy influence abroad. As a movement, it has always been upheld and sustained by fear bordering on Paranoia: fear of Islam, fear of future antisemitic persecutions, misreadings of Biblical apocalypses, etc. Postmodern Zionism has never had any support from the more educated Jews. As a philosophy, it was conceived under some the coarsest outrages upon human credulity, and depends upon ignorance of its motives and state-sponsored terror for its survival. Today, the movement has become essentially another holding-company for Western Corporate interests in the Middle East, and governs the nation of Israel as a Corporate-Fascist despotism.

    This is what the Western Corporate Media would rather the public not see nor consider. The Conservative Media in particular portrays the Israeli State as a bulwark against the spread of Radical Islam. In reality, the Israeli State is the vanguard of the Great Reset/NWO interests in the Middle East. The Color Revolutions in Syria and Turkey having been foiled, and the mass-revulsion throughout the Islamic world against Neoliberal Cultural Imperialism has caused the Oligarchy to revert back to its earlier War on Terror narratives to cultivate support for subduing the Islamic world by force. Many of the Oligarchy's former allies in the region have woken up to the fact that the New World Order doesn't include them: and the Israeli Government's Final Solution to the Palestinian Question has laid bare the Oligarchy's obvious intentions. 




  1. I subscribe to the protestant eschatology of "abiding panism." That's where you just abide and trust that it will all pan out in the end. Many on the protestant side are heavily invested in end times prophecy, (mostly from movies and the Left Behind series,) and so they do not always appreciate my joke. But it is a joke I actually believe in.

    I think what you are writing about is the danger of idols, of golden calves. That's what cult leaders do, they exploit that hunger we have within and we start putting people, causes, and ideologies, on a pedestal where really only God belongs. Our own chosen idol becomes sin free, holy, and can do no wrong, which is when things start to get really dangerous and conjures up memories of Jim Jones.

    Tragically, we are really vulnerable to the influence of cults right now because so many people are not rooted in faith and so that hunger for leadership and that need to belong is going unfulfilled. It makes us easy prey. It's probably always been like this, we just live in unsettling times and the bonds that helped to keep people more rooted, like traditions, family, institutions, are not very stable.

    1. Thank you, and that is very true that Cults are essentially extensions of idolatry. We're not really as far removed from ancient times as people like to think, and human nature really doesn't change that much. As dangerous as the Great Reset is, those some of the reasons why I believe that it ultimately will fail.

      I saw a poll recently on a Catholic website (I don't remember where) that among recent Millennial and Gen Z converts, the vast majority said that they had received little or no religious training at home or elsewhere. One of the reasons that America stayed as free for as long as it did was that parents used to be engaged in educating their children.
