Thursday, November 23, 2023


      While we don't mind discussion or debate here---and certainly don't mind calling out or exposing ideas or policies which are actually dangerous---I don't often get involved in online sniping-contests where personalities are brought up. This is for three reasons: one, it's distracting; two, I don't really care what online strangers think of me personally; and three, it doesn't serve any purpose. Fools will be fools; trolls will be trolls; and fanatics won't be convinced by evidence or reason anyway. 

    Part of our problem as a culture is that we've become like one big grown-up version of Middle School. One is presumed to have to belong to the right clique or he doesn't belong at all. This is one reason why the Great Reset has so many followers: everybody wishes they could have Big Daddy Government providing for and protecting them, while they're free to wallow with their comrades at pot-parties and engage in no-strings-attached sex. There are all sorts of similar movements in the West today; after all, "My dad can beat up your dad." The Whacko Left is the dominant clique in America, the Far Right makes up the second kind: they want Big Daddy to beat up the other side and be the big shots of the schoolyard themselves. 

    We've been through this before. The Incels and latent homos in the so-called Manosphere all agreed long ago that I promote Feminism because beating women and treating them like domesticated livestock doesn't seem to be a good way to manage a relationship. We've published about three dozen articles here against Radical Feminism, but that doesn't shake their beliefs. The online troll community known as Internet Sleuths decided that our publicizing a few unsolved crimes here was self-promotion and grandstanding---the fact that our blog is anonymous and not monetized never seemed to shake that belief. And so on...

   So, it appears that the latest clique on the scene is the Churchian Right. Despite around 20 or articles published here over the years condemning anti-Semitism, they've concluded that I'm an anti-Semite anyway for not looking the other way at a rogue Regime in Tel Aviv's Crimes Against Humanity. Heck, I even supported Trump's recognition of Jerusalem as the Israeli capital because it seemed at the time that such a move would solidify the two-State solution in Palestine. 

   These people have even gone so far as to accuse our blog of being in the service of Satan---as if we haven't published a single word here condemning or exposing Satanic cults. 

    "The Night Wind might want to discern, that perhaps, he may have been devoured, same as a number by percentage is growing in the USA." says one of these stellar thinkers, "In my opinion, when he chose the pseudonym The Night Wind, he gave everyone a clue of what may have devoured him." Maybe, again, if they paid more attention they would have gotten a clue that my taste for turn-of-the-century literature devoured me a lot more. 

   A little more discernment, in fact, might not hurt some on the Churchian Right. When you have a government that makes official statements like "there are no innocent civilians in Gaza;" and "even children are legitimate military targets;" and "the goal of the attacks is maximum destruction, not precision in the attacks;" and "the Palestinians are animals who need to be exterminated;" and "a nuclear attack on Gaza is the right option to destroy the people there,"---and hide behind the veneer of an established religion to say such blasphemies (and worse still, actually acting on them)---it ought to be a clear indication that we're dealing here with a cult and not any sort of ideology that any God would approve of. 

   In fact, things like anti-Semitism and militant Atheism grow out of exactly this kind of fusion of the political and spiritual. As we mentioned in a previous article, the Founders separated Church and State not only to keep a political church from becoming an instrument of state tyranny, but also to prevent fanatics from seizing the reins of power and imposing a religious tyranny themselves. It maybe argued (although it's no excuse) that Islamic Republics have political churches too; it may be so, but we should ask ourselves how much that form of government has contributed to anti-Moslem bigotry worldwide. 

   The problem with these Churchian Nationalists, Christian Zionists, or whatever they call themselves, is that they put the State in the place of God. The purpose of religion isn't to create a god in man's image; it's for men to re-create themselves in God's image. It's really an extension of the Prosperity Gospel applied on a communal level: the notion that Faith is about securing national wealth and prosperity rather than individuals taking responsibility for serving God in their own lives and creating a community that is based on shared spiritual values. This dissonance in their way of thinking is how they reconcile both inhuman barbarities on the Churchian Right and celebrating disgusting cultural atavisms on the Churchian Left. We need to get subservience to the Right and Left out of matters of Faith and start focusing on serving God instead.




  1. Oh dear. If it makes you feel any better, you are in good company when it comes to being slammed while blogging. I'm not sure what is wrong with people on the internet, but they often seem to have more of a desire to fight and demolish, than to try to understand other people's perspectives. That right there is our biggest spiritual problem.

    1. Yes, it happens to a lot of us. Sometimes it gets so bad that you have to address it, but it's best to ignore it as much as possible. It's a lot like those whackos who show up at speeches and start screaming to drown out the speaker and deflect attention from his message; or the disinfo promoted by social and mainstream media. It's all about diverting public attention to peripheral issues.

  2. Excellent article sir. Well written and a good read.


    1. Tom.

      Very Interesting reaction to my comment about “perhaps” what the Night Wind might need to discern.”

      You are right in stating I am not familiar with Night Winds blog. However, my comment is addressed to everyone to discern what they state when they express an opinion.
      Reading the Night Winds Blog reply and reaction to my comment, it appears that the “perhaps” was overlooked and instead brought about a defensive mind response.

      However, I did notice this following statement about Night Winds blog

      “The fact that our blog is anonymous and not monetized never seemed to shake that belief. And so on....”

      I just posted my opinion about the use of making anonymous comments in our contemporary times to express beliefs which “perhaps” he may want to also discern.

      Otherwise, I personally know I am not wise enough to understand all the issues occurring in the world, but I do use my name when I express an opinion or beliefs, hopefully to scatter the need for wisdom and love in the Bible constantly under attack by the same adversary present on earth since the beginning of time,

      Regards and goodwill blogging.
