Friday, November 3, 2023


    I don't believe that it would come as much of a surprise to regular readers to be told that today's Democratic Party is really more than a cesspool of corruption and hypocrisy. We don't really focus too much on the Democrats here because there really hasn't been a traditionally Liberal faction in that Party for many years---Liberalism went extinct long before Conservatism did. Probably the Democrats' last Liberal candidate with any actual chance of winning the Presidency was the insipid Mike Dukakis in 1988. Since then, they've completely gone over to a stiff mixture of Clinton/Obama Neoliberalism and Whacko Left extremism. 

    True, in 1988, Conservatism also began its downhill slide with the nomination and election of George Bush Sr., but Conservatives retained a strong populist movement committed to its principles for many years. We didn't really see an antipode to the radical Left on the political Right until the last decade with the rise of the Alt-Right. Like their Leftist counterparts, the Alt-Right believes that the social parameters of self-government: reasoned debate, compromise, tolerance, diplomacy, and the free flow of information have failed; and the only solution is an increasingly authoritarian form of government dominated by those with the will to back their programs with ruthless force. 

   The Neoconservatives never actually disagreed with any of that; they simply---for tactical political considerations---at least disguised their attitudes by appearing 'moderate.' Since the 2020 Putsch, the Neocons have discarded any pretense of what they were all along and have been exceeding the Democrats in embracing antidemocratic rhetoric and positions. We've seen nothing from the Republicans during the last three years other than Cancel Culture, judicial witch-hunts, excusing outright crimes in the name of Political Correctness, praising authoritarian-leaning State and foreign governments, playing the Victim Card, fomenting disinformation, accusing the other side of foreign collusion, etc. This is one reason why we such a virulently divided sociopolitical climate today: it's less a War of Ideas and more a War of Ideologies. It's really only a 'war' on the surface, since both ideologies are utterly subservient to the same vested interests, but that is another story. 

    Once upon a time, American Conservatives opposed totalitarianism. We believed in the opening statement of our Founding Document which stated that "We hold these truths as self-evident, that all men are created equal and endowed by their Creator with certain inalienable Rights; among these are the Rights to Life, Liberty, and the Pursuit of Happiness." Today, anybody who seriously argues that mainstream Conservatives believe in any of these things isn't paying attention. 

  Senator Lindsay Graham, reacting to the ethnic cleansing of Gaza, showed his respect for Right to Life by stating that "there is no limit as to what Israel should do to the people who are trying to slaughter the Jews,”  which echoed the sentiments of fellow-Republican Mitt Romney's observation on Ukraine that "Americans are losing no lives in we're diminishing Russia for a very small amount of money! To help the Ukrainians is about the best national defense spending we've ever done!" The 400,000 Ukrainian soldiers who've been sacrificed for Zelensky and the 20,000 or so Palestinians who've been sacrificed for Netanyahu might disagree, however. 

  We've mentioned in recent articles similar statements from the likes of Senator Mitch McConnell and National Review editor Ben Shapiro. Bear in mind that Graham, McConnell, Romney, and Shapiro are considered Moderates in the Conservative movement. Republicans betraying Conservative principles is not a new phenomenon, to be sure. However, Conservatives really ought to be aghast that our leadership is supporting openly secularist anti-democratic Police States and justifying genocide, martial law, and ethnic cleansing. 

  What's even worse is that Graham cites another cut-and-pasted Leftist canard: referring to criticism of Israel as coded anti-Semitism. The Left always pulled this argument against criticizing Jewish Liberals like Schumer, Soros, Ginsburg, etc. Now Conservatives not only do it, they actively promote it. They are celebrating Cancel Culture on universities and shutting down debate---by unilateral Government decree, no less. They are calling for a new version of 'woke' Corporatism. They are calling for suppression of peaceful protests

  Does anyone else suspect that---should these characters actually gain power next year---that they would behave any differently from the Left? No political movement that demonstrates this degree of contempt for truth, human life or human rights ought to be trusted by anybody. Don't be deceived here: 'woke' and 'based' amount to the same things. 

    If anyone is inclined to doubt this, let us engage in a little Thought Experiment. If Al Gore had won the 2000 Election instead of Bush, would anyone have noticed the difference? Gore might have advanced some Leftist social engineering that Bush never repealed anyway and Obama went on to implement---but that would be about all. Once the Deep State succeeds in eliminating Trump as a candidate, the GOP field will open to Bush Machine apparatchiks who hope to seize the Junta's reins of power and exploit them for their own power and profit. 

   It's a rather interesting commentary on today's Conservatives that the same leaders who are virtue-signalling about 'saving Israeli and Ukrainian lives' can't bring themselves to stop Abortion Racketeering in all but about a half-dozen States. The same crowd who prates about 'keeping our children safe from the terrorist threat' can't muster the slightest interest in addressing the rampant addiction, infertility, or suicide rates among the young---except to do stupid things like ban Tik-Tok (actually not banning it, but forcing the Chinese to sell it to Wall Street-owned media cartels). Now they are preaching their commitment to fight 'anti-Semitism' while praising persecution of Christians by Governments both at home and abroad

  It ought to be obvious by now that the leadership on the Right cares no more about American lives than they care about non-American ones. Just like the Left---which they are no more than a mimeograph of at this point---they have no qualms about sacrificing anyone or any principles standing in the way of a totalitarian Police State which, as pundits have recently informed us, models the tyrannies of people like Macron and Netanyahu. That is supposed to be an improvement over the Left's hero-worship of Trudeau and Zelensky. 

  Until the Conservatives in America resoundingly repudiate these Neocon rats and their Alt-Right hangers-on, the Right has no chance of becoming a positive force in American politics again. 

1 comment:

  1. Another great blog post- Is there a direct way to contact you? I will also mention that none of the se people are Christians- they are all Chruchians- I dropped out of going to church in the 1990s- all the songs were pop and Jesus is my boyfriend type songs. I do not eve think traditional hymns and churches exit anymore. You see who the politicians are sold out to. Btw, i am not a conservative and have never been- it died decades ago- we are seeing the fruit of post modernism now and it is totalitarian global homo.
