In their ongoing efforts to position themselves politically as a more hard-line but less competent version of the American Left, the US Congress today, using the Lakewood shooting as a pretext, ignored American infrastructure to rush off more funding to uphold the tyrannical Zelensky and Netanyahu Regimes. Not to say they totally ignored things like the Border: they pushed through an impeachment against the Secretary of Homeland Security, which has no chance whatsoever of succeeding in the Senate. Symbolism Over Substance is something that Conservatives used to accuse the Democrats of doing; these days it's considered smart politics.
The Left-Wing Technofascist Israeli Government expressed its gratitude by launching a military campaign against the most densely populated refugee resettlement in Gaza. Congress also appropriated money for Taiwan: because this is what they accuse China of doing in Xinjiang and Tibet. We know this because 'China Experts' like the Dalai Lama, Aga Khan, the Moonies, the Falun Gong, and the Uighur Jihadists all say it's going on. The Zionists not only can kill civilians by the scores of thousands and openly brag about; but Chinese denials of genocide and ethnic cleansing are met with derision. In Conservative Newspeak some cults are more equal than others.
Likewise, the Zionists have been launching attacks against their neighbors in Lebanon, Syria, Iraq; and carrying out acts of terrorism against Iran. All of these things are in violation of international law and the Zionists openly espouse irredentism; which is what our Congress and the MSM accuse Russia of doing. Even more ironically, Congress once again sacrificed funding for American borders to uphold Ukraine who started the conflict by breaching Russian borders. The Conservative-Industrial Complex tells us that we need border security lest immigrants outnumber us and impose an alien culture on us: yet that is exactly what Ukraine was trying to do in Donbass and Crimea; and what happened in both Palestine and Taiwan since the end of World War Two.
Borrowing again from the Liberal play-book, Congress resumed its attempts to impose speech codes, Political Correctness, and Cancel Culture on American universities. These things were already imposed by the Left: but the Republicans want different protected groups and set-asides for their own constituencies. The 'anti-Semitism' card has become the new version of the 'race card' and the good thing about that is, since the Zionists fund both factions equally, both Democrats and Republicans can accuse each other of engaging in it and the Zionists still get their way.
The Zionist Government in Israel, like American Republicans and Democrats, are wholly on board with the Great Reset. In line with furthering Davos' recent demands to start cracking down on independent media, Tel Aviv is proposing further censorship laws in their already highly-controlled press. This is especially true since a recent expose in the British Media detailing how the hyenas in American Corporate Media deliberately package and sell Zionist propaganda.
"According to accounts from six CNN staffers in multiple newsrooms, and more than a dozen internal memos and emails obtained by the Guardian, daily news decisions are shaped by a flow of directives from the CNN headquarters in Atlanta that have set strict guidelines on coverage. They include tight restrictions on quoting Hamas and reporting other Palestinian perspectives while Israel government statements are taken at face value. In addition, every story on the conflict must be cleared by the Jerusalem bureau before broadcast or publication."
Certainly, there won't be any Congressional Hearings over that kind of foreign influence over the American Media. At last count, about 85 journalists have been murdered by Zionist Death Squads, and not even a peep out of our media cartels about any of it. Instead, they slavishly go on touting the Official Narrative and promote nonsense about Tik-Tok being a "national security threat." The Controlled Opposition Media is just as bad, if not worse: as we've shown here more than once, the so-called 'Conservative' press is just as deeply involved with the Regime as the Left is.
We all need to step back and start questioning the Narrative. Take a good look at Israel because that is the kind of system the Global Elites pushing the Great Reset have in mind for our country too. A rabidly Left-Wing Corporatist Security State where human rights are trampled upon at will; a top-down system run according to an Expert Elite which considers themselves a Master Race; this is a model government by the World Economic Forum's own admission.
Climate Change: "Over the past decade, Israel has emerged as a major player in the climate tech space, with a thriving ecosystem of start-ups, investors and support organizations dedicated to building innovative solutions to the world's most pressing challenges."----WEF Report, March 20th, 2023.
Corporate Smart Cities: "However, in the longer term, Microsoft aims to reboot the purpose of an office. 'A city is a place of intersection,' says Vered Gindi. 'You are surrounded by people, activities and culture. You are part of something bigger than yourself. You are not just going to work; you are experiencing a lifestyle.This city vision manifests itself in team-based neighborhoods and four hubs: Downtown, an industrial-style zone; Midtown, a playful area; The Garden, a green outdoor level; and Uptown, styled to feel like a boutique hotel. The areas are knitted together with boulevards."---WEF Report, January 6th, 2021.
Technofascist Regimentation: "Army service is an undeniable cultural factor in Israel. But the most common explanation for its significance for entrepreneurship is not related to defence, but rather to the systematic scanning of schools for the country’s best talent, and the following obligation to take responsibility early and to be held accountable... Schools apply the same rationale, teaching kids responsibility for their actions, even if it’s as simple as doing community service and keeping the school clean. This gives children agency and higher aspirations. Just as in the Israeli military, where talented individuals in their twenties have the opportunity to be responsible for their own budget and lead teams and projects, other countries should push young leaders to take on responsibility earlier and empower them to lead their countries into a digital future.”---WEF Report, September 13th, 2019.
Green Energy Scams: "Israel plans to ban the sale of new gas and diesel cars in 2030, and to replace them with cars powered by electricity or compressed natural gas. The Israeli government is expected to pass the measure, which is part of a broader plan to move the country away from diesel, gasoline and coal, by the end of 2018. 'We are already encouraging by funding charging stations, more than 2,000 new charging stations around the country,' Energy Minister Yuval Steinitz said."---WEF Report, December 7th, 2018.
Artificial Foods: "Scientists in Israel are creating plant-based meats that have blood, fat, and muscle mimicking the structure of an entire cow. The steaks are created by powerful 3-D printers." ---WEF Report, November 18th, 2021. Since that report, Israel became the first country to approve synthetic meats earlier this year.
Does this sound like the kind of world Conservatives would really want to live in? Does Israel's promotion of abortion, homo 'equality,' and legal marijuana alongside its flagrant contempt for freedoms outlined in our Bill of Rights sound like some great bulwark defending Western values and Civilization?
On the contrary: Israel is barbaric Regime of the very sort that our forefathers fought wars of liberation to keep from our shores. The fact that the only defense of it that its supporters here in America can muster is playing the Race Card and shutting down dissent is proof positive of what the Zionists and their flying monkeys in American Megachurches actually stand for.