Friday, March 10, 2023


    Among yesterday's usual flood of bowtie-clutching from the 'Conservative' Punditocracy, we were all exposed to the shocking news (once again) that American public schools are hotbeds of radicalism and have been engaging in forcing gender-bending pseudoscience upon impressionable young minds. On top of that, school administrators have been doing these things without bothering to inform parents, and generally behaving in an arrogant, unaccountable manner. 

   "A watchdog group has reported that nearly 6,000 public schools across the United States have implemented some sort of policy that prohibits the schools from informing parents when their children decide to “change” their gender or gender identity...The policies know no boundaries when it comes to geography, demographics, or financial status, with such policies in place in rural and urban areas alike, as well as rich and poor neighborhoods."

   Considering that this has been going on for the last decade or so; and that schools aggressively have been pursuing a policy of stamping out gender distinctions at least since the mid-1990s, it's a wonder that nobody on the Right realized any of it until just now. Granted, the average Ameroboob today is so sated with high-potency marijuana, SSRIs, and prescription tranquilizers that they probably don't even remember where they went to high school---let alone what was taught or happened there. Even the author of this article is a Millennial who graduated from one of the most perverse Left-Wing ratholes in the US---a university openly connected with the Great Reset. He did end the article praising Virginia Governor Glenn Youngkin---former CEO of WEF Strategic Partner The Carlyle Group---for his "crack down on such pro-transgender policies." 

     How can we put this as diplomatically as possible? The sad fact is that---if one is a parent of a child or teenager suffering from gender dysphoria, and you need the local school district to inform you of this---you have bigger problems in your home than some slimy superintendent somewhere cozying up to the Gay Mafia. If your 14 year-old son is walking around the house in nylons and high-heels or your Kindergartener thinks that he might be 'gay', and you're not noticing any of this: then the problem isn't with the school: the problem is with you. 

   The problems with our schools start at home. “This investigation shows that parental exclusion policies are a problem from coast-to-coast, and that living in a red state doesn’t mean that families are automatically shielded from this issue.” No kidding

   The only 'parental exclusion' going on is that of American parents excluding themselves from the responsibility of raising children. Let's face the reality here: we're not having escalating rates of childhood suicides and depression, soaring levels of drug use among kids and minors; gender dysphoria running off the charts, or high-school graduates who don't know what Independence Day celebrates because we have so many parents deeply involved with parenting. We don't have out-of-control School Boards and schools run like the county jail because American parents are exercising so much oversight on these institutions. And no, it's not because the Chinese own Tik-Tok, or because the Junta is granting too many immigrant visas.

   For all intents and purposes, the majority of American parents might as well turn their offspring over to the State to raise them, because that's exactly what they're doing anyway. We're not talking here only about the Whacko Left Wing: they can't do anything right, including parenting. We're talking here about those good Red State American parents who look the other way, go-along-to-get-along, and pretend that voting for anybody with an 'R' after his name who promises to do all of their work for them and wash their hands of the matter.

   In the United States, parents have more legal authority over their children's education than most every other country. We elect State Superintendents of Public Education. We elect local school boards. We have the legal right to homeschool or seek alternative schools. Parents can attend school board meetings. There are still PTAs around; and parents have the right in most school districts to schedule one-on-one conferences with teachers and administrators. I'd wager that 4 in 5 parents never bother with any of this or even know who their offsprings' teachers, principals, or elected educational officials are.

  Our public school system stinks; but it's a problem entirely of the American people's own making. We've got a real crisis brewing here: two---almost three--- generations have been brought up in a dark hell of absentee parents while getting their education and world-views from ignoramuses, crooks, and perverts. These people are going to be our age some day, and they're going to be running things. We've set our young people up to fail, and we've got characters like Klaus Schwab and his merry-men of 'woke' billionaires ready to step into the void and bring order out of chaos. Is that a future worth looking forward to?




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