Wednesday, March 1, 2023


    So we suppose that everyone has heard how the Media Cartels are blacklisting Dilbert Comics author Scott Adams and censoring popular novelists like Roald Dahl and Ian Fleming. It shouldn't surprise anybody when the Whacko Left Wing does anything like this. They've been building up to this for a long time and it's only going to get worse. 

   Since the Putsch of 2020, the Neocon Right has tried to absorb elements of the 'Alt-Right' into mainstream Republican politics as a way of isolating the pro-Trump elements while maintaining the illusion that they really are different from the Left. As we've said all along: both the Neocons and the Alt-Right are not Conservatives: they are the Reactionary Left. They're actually more dangerous to Democracy that the real Left, because they often hide their anti-freedom agendas behind facades of concepts which are actually good things: faith, family, freedom, patriotism, free market, etc., while the real Left is open about its revolutionary intentions. Both Bush Administrations and Congresses led by the likes of Trent Lott and Mitch McConnell are recent historical examples of what happens when these types actually get into power. So far from defending the Constitution, they sliced it to ribbons and entrenched the Deep State even further. They got away with it, too, because too many so-called 'Conservatives' actually agree with their agendas, and like to hide behind the same cloak to carry out crimes that they'd never get away with in a transparent and democratic society based in the Rule of Law and personal responsibility. 

    Many on the Right---well-meaning but naive---are hoping that the Deep State is somehow going to allow the President-in-Exile to return in a fair election in 2024. I think that President Trump actually believes this himself. The problem is that---like many of his generation---Trump is living in a political climate shaped by Nixon's speeches about "the Silent Majority" and Reagan's discourses on "the Big Tent." They are correct in their faith in our system, but they don't realize that the sociopolitical landscape has changed radically since the 1970s and 1980s. Since King George announced the New World Order in 1990, the American people have mostly been governed by an every man for himself mentality: punctuated by 'woke' Liberals who want change for the sake of change, and selfish Conservatives who want to protect their own enterprises at any cost. These compete against a backdrop of a 'silent majority' which is too drugged-out and distracted to care one way or another about the future and a tiny handful of financial and economic powers which actually run the whole show and laugh in their sleeves at all of it. 

   Nonetheless, the President-in-Exile's followers present a problem for the Elites. They haven't forgotten 2016 when they grossly overestimated their ability to manipulate the public; which led to 2020 when they had to expose themselves more openly and expend considerable effort in Public-Relations and Damage Control to deal with the problem. Since then, the Elites have been propping up stalking-horse candidates on the Right who combine Bush Machine Corporate Fascism with Alt-Right faux populism. In Virginia, this gave us Glenn Youngkin. Since 2022, however, the leader of the Bush Pack seems to be Florida Governor Ron DeSantis. 

      With the aid of Madison Avenue shylocks, DeSantis has engaged in numerous publicity stunts and self-serving propaganda that's been capturing headlines both the MSM and Controlled Opposition Press. Tuesday he was in the headlines again; this time centring on his ongoing (and largely ineffectual) feud with the Disney Corporation

     The backdrop to this story is that the State of Florida granted a section of land to the Disney Corporation in the mid-1960s when Disney World sought to built a second theme park. The jurisdiction was about the size of a county and Disney paid all of the property taxes and administration of the area, which now has a small town or two there. Disney recently opposed some of DeSantis' policies, and like any good Liberal, the Governor immediately sought out revenge. The focus of his ire became the land ceded to Disney and he determined to strip Disney of the property (the fact that many of his donors are developers assuredly had nothing to do with it). 

    So, the outcome came out today, as reported by Politico, was this: "Gov. Ron DeSantis on Monday appointed members to a new board that oversees much of Disney World’s operations, settling a long-running conflict with the entertainment giant over Florida’s 'Don’t Say Gay' law. DeSantis announced the five appointees, all political donors and loyalists, at a ceremony where he signed legislation that, in large part, creates a board to run the special district that previously granted Disney a wide range of freedom to self-govern... 'There is a new sheriff in town and accountability will be the order of the day,' DeSantis said at a press conference in the special district in Lake Buena Vista, Florida."

   Now it's time for an impromptu quiz. Conservatives please take a moment to reflect and see what is wrong with that picture.

      OK, there are several things wrong with it, but if we play a little game of Word Substitution, everyone will see the main problem.

      "Gov. Jack A. Woke on Monday appointed members to a new board that oversees much of Chick-Fil-A’s operations, settling a long-running conflict with the company over its opposition to homo equality laws. Woke announced the five appointees, all political donors and loyalists, at a ceremony where he signed legislation that, in large part, creates a board to run the special district that previously granted Chick-Fil-A a wide range of freedom to self-govern... 'There is a new sheriff in town and political correctness will be the order of the day,' Woke said at a press conference in the special district in San Francisco's Tenderloin Neighborhood."

    If that were the story, there would be no question about it. 

1.) The residents of this community had no say in either the decision to abolish the district or choose its leaders;

2.) Setting up a political inquisition board over a private company's ideology is hardly consistent with Free Market economics;

3.) It's about as blatant an example of 'Cancel Culture' as anything dreamed up by the Left---at least the Left confines itself mostly to boycotts and media campaigns. The only thing comparable is some of the strong-arm tactics engaged in by BlackRock, and even that is, at least, nominally not government-enforced.

  The article states that Disney is not going to challenge the decision, and why should they? They just got a massive property tax cut and relived of a huge and expensive holding that they haven't known what to do with since they got it. DeSantis thinks that he's going to get Disney to pay some sort of 'reparations' (another real Conservative concept---not) which will never be enforced since it amounts to an ex post facto law. Disney, incidentally, hasn't shown any signs that it's any less woke today than it was last week; and their Board is probably doing high-fives over this unexpected windfall and the free publicity. 

   "State Rep. Anna Eskamani, an Orlando Democrat who has been a leading critic of the changes, blasted the new board. 'It’s absolutely wild to see a self-proclaimed capitalist like DeSantis celebrate the government takeover of a private board which is exactly what the governor did today,' she said. She specifically noted that Garcia’s company gave $50,000 to DeSantis and his name appeared on records tied to the administration’s search for local state attorneys who espouse progressive political beliefs. The search ultimately led to the suspension of Hillsborough County State Attorney Andrew Warren. 'It’s important to note that the bulk of today’s appointees are extreme and political donors,' Eskamani added."

   I hate it when I have to agree with a Democrat, and this is not even the first time in DeSantis' case. 

   How would a real Conservative deal with Disney? One way might be to start enforcing antitrust laws against Media Cartels like Disney is part of. Another might be to encourage Florida's tourism industry by giving incentives to competitors who might offer more family-friendly entertainment. Florida voters might want to consider sending representatives to Congress who fight to abolish Corporate lobbying, unlike those prize RINOs, Marco Rubio and Rick Scott.  

   But, nobody foresees any of that happening. Competition would cut into Disney's profit-margins, which more than a few Conservatives have an investment. Competing theme parks might cut into the rising property values in Florida. Of course, parents could do things like boycotting Disney; but since the 90s we all have taken the it takes a village approach, and it's easier just to have the Government take charge; we just need "a new sheriff in town" to police what our kids do and think rather than taking any actual responsibility for it ourselves. 

   As we've said since 2020, we need to be thinking more in terms of building a counter-culture and parallel communities outside of the Mainstream and stop looking for these phony political messiahs who are going to come in and fix everything for us. If that were realistically possible, Trump would be in the third year of his second term right now. We need to focus on the long-term future and not on these quick-fixes offered by Alt-Rino charlatans. 





  1. "...previously granted Disney a wide range of freedom to self-govern..."

    Thanks for writing about this issue. I about hyperventilated when I first read the above sentence. That right there should be a huge red flag to conservatives and sensible people everywhere. Pretty sure it's not the government who grants us the freedom to self govern, we're supposed to be endowed by our Creator. Merging government and corporate power is supposed to be a huge red flag for us.

    By the way Canon press, Pastor Doug Wilson's publishing company, has now reached out to Scott Adams and they want to talk. Since Scott is not a Christian writing theological works, apparently it's the alleged racism that has attracted them. The left may be whacked but they do notice when a controversial pastor who wrote "Black and Tan" and declared slavery was the best thing to ever happen to black people, starts networking with other alleged "victims" of the culture war.

    1. This is really something that needs addressing. It's not that big a leap from Far-Left to Far-Right and if people imagine that the 'woke' Right is going to be an improvement, they're going to be in for a real surprise. If we look back at the mid-20th Century abroad, people living under these kinds of governments welcomed and supported the Soviet Union and Maoist China as liberators---that should tell us a lot about what the character of their governments must have been like.

  2. Can't disagree with anything you've said, Night. Good job. DeSantis makes my spidey sense quiver.

    1. It's good to hear from you again! I was wondering what had happened to you. I hope you're going to writing again!
      Yes, DeSantis is a problem, not a solution. He has really close ties to the Bush Machine and a lot of shady donors and handlers. During his time in the Navy, he had some connections to Abu Ghraib and Guantanamo which haven't been publicized, and he apparently was also involved in some of Obama's politically-motivated purges of the military.

    2. I just woke up one morning and said to self, "I can't do this anymore." And that was that, Night. Everything has moved into podcasts, videos, and such, plus I would have probably had to move off of Blogger, and I couldn't face the hassle and possibly the expense.
      I really haven't had time to do a deep dive on DeSantis, but as I said my spidey sense quivers when I encounter the guy and I've learned to not discount my intuition.
      I've come to believe that we will never see another election that is fair and honest and we're headed for some very rough times.
      To top it off the FBI thinks I'm a domestic terrorist because I'm a crazy radical Latin Mass going Catholic :-) Even the communist "Pope" hates me. Sigh...

    3. I certainly understand the feeling. Podcasting and vlogs are doing to blogging what television did to newspapers. That, and of course one needs a population who's actually literate and can understand writing deeper than 'Orange Man Bad' for either blogging or newspapers to work.

      The Pope has really spun off the rails. He always did say some questionable things; but I've often wondered about that illness he had right around the Scamdemic. You remember there was speculation that he was dying and he went for an unspecified surgery. Since then he's completely gone over: embracing the Scamdemic restrictions, tolerating church closures, suppressing the Latin Mass, appointing radicals from the St. Gallen Mafia to high posts; inviting WEF scum to an advisory council, etc. When Francis visited Canada, he actually apologized for missionary work that the church did without a peep about suppressing the truckers protests. He even did a photo op with that cutthroat Trudeau---even though Trudeau is involved with the Ismaili Cult, and supports late-term abortion, euthanasia, no-fault divorce, homo equality, and free access to narcotics.
      As for watchlists, I'm still getting shadowbanned. Right around the time of the Election Steal, I had a huge spike in the stats and saw they all came from a country known to be a Deep State Black-Ops host, and since then I don't turn up in the search engines unless you do a search for the blog by name and even then the articles don't turn up anymore sigh.

    4. "Podcasting and vlogs are doing to blogging what television did to newspapers. " Never thought of it in those terms, but you're spot on. I can't compete with TikTok (aka a sewer), nor do I wish to. I don't think the average person can read anymore.

      As to Francis - I knew within 5 minutes after he walked on to the balcony we were in deep do. Since he has packed the College of Cardinals the next one could be worse. For now my church (FSSP) is pretty safe. In 2022, there were over 100K who attended Mass (Sunday's and weekdays.) In addition, there were 55 baptisms, 65 who received First Communion, and eight adult confirmations, We also had 87 new families/individuals join the parish. In January, 2023 the sacrament of Confirmation will be conferred upon on over 70 parishioners. But the most important number is the $$. In December alone the general collection was over 100K. Monthly general collections run 80K and up. Only a fool would kick that sort of $$ to the curb.

    5. I don't think that these NWO types are worried about losing money---they figure that they can always confiscate it later when they want to.
      Here's an interesting story about illiteracy: yesterday I was in line at the store and wanted to mention something trivial (it had to do with liking jellybeans lol). I said "you're probably too young to remember President Reagan..."
      The guy behind the counter said he was only 19; and looked puzzled and said: "Reagan? You mean like an actual president?" It dawned on me shortly that this guy---a year out of high school whose parents probably lived during Reagan's term--- didn't know who he was, and acted like he'd never heard of him.

