Monday, March 25, 2024


     A pair of major incidents in the United States and Russia this weekend provide us with an interesting contrast between Governments that function and ones that don't. In Russia, President Vladimir Putin recently won a sixth term with 88% of the vote, higher numbers than both Biden's and Trump's approval ratings combined. February polling shows that public approval for the US Congress---upon whom the GOP is relying for this year's Red Wave---is hovering around 12%. Those numbers themselves are about 75% lower than Biden's much-ballyhooed historically low approval ratings. Americans don't care much for the Ruling Elite, but they seem to like bullies and poseurs even less. 

    Texas Governor Greg Abbott---an obvious neurotic---has grabbed headlines among the Controlled Opposition as symbolic of the Alpha, tough-guy that America supposedly needs. Abbott has made xenophobia Border Security a centerpiece of his administration's policies even though the Border is entirely out his jurisdiction and Texas has many other problems which are being ignored while Abbott diverts resources to focus on his personal phobias. His rump-parliament passed a law which is being debated in the Courts expanding Police State and Surveillance powers allegedly to combat the invasion of America. 

    Abbott seized Border checkpoints a few months ago, claiming (falsely) that the Biden/Harris Junta was doing nothing to stop illegal immigration. His goons in the Texas National Guard put up razor-wire, brandished their weapons, while being widely photographed in the Controlled Opposition Media. Stand With Texas signs were going up everywhere; even an armed group calling itself God's Army showed up to help out. 

    Well, as it happened this weekend, Abbott's forces faced its first migrant surge. Apparently unintimidated by Texas' tough new laws, thousands crashed across the Border, cutting down the razor wire and destroying barricades. What did the Texas National Guard and 'God's Army' do? They did what our brave xhes in uniform always do when faced with a real fight: they fled. The supposedly impotent Border Patrol---which had been banned from the area---moved in and eventually restored order. Predictably, this was a Border Surge that the Conservative echo-chambers discreetly decided not to publicize too much.

      In contrast to this rather disgraceful display, Russia was really attacked by actual armed foreign criminals and Russians really did lose their lives in the incident. However, instead of rushing to the podium within 3 minutes for a photo-op like American presidents and governors do, President Putin waited until he had facts and spoke reassuringly to the Russian people. Putin stressed that the attack was an attack upon all Russians. Likewise, there were no immediate calls for tough new laws; instead the Russian Government urged the people to help the victims. Instead of being locked-down in their homes hiding under their beds, there were long lines at area hospitals with blood donors and others bringing food and water to the rescue workers.

    Tellingly, too, the Russian people weren't bombarded with endless press conferences from Affirmative-Action hired local police chiefs---in Russia, the police were actually out doing their jobs and captured 11 of the responsible parties so far. Two of the actual assassins were captured the next day by police who stopped them escaping in their car. The other two fled into the forest, where, according to some reports, they were captured by local farmers who held them at bay with pitchforks until the authorities arrived. 

    Reading the Russian Media coverage of this tragedy has been a refreshing change from how these events are handled in the United States. It's been remarkable for its lack of grandstanding, sensationalism, and fanning of mass-hysteria that accompanies far less drastic things that happen here. The focus in Russia has been to appeal to people's better natures: concentrating on helping the victims, identifying the responsible parties, and taking appropriate action: not focusing on selling media stories or capitalizing on the tragedy for political gain. 

    The lesson here speaks for itself. This is why Putin and his Party win by landslides while characters like Abbott are international laughing-stocks. The best that American politicians can offer is "hold your nose and vote for me because I'm not as bad as the other guy." The Russian people expect---and get---better. 

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