Thursday, March 28, 2024


      It's always refreshing to find an article online where an author ignores the official narratives and approved counter-narratives of the Uniparty and focuses upon issues that actually are occurring behind the Media smokescreens. It was written by Colin Todhunter whom, in the interests of full disclosure, I know little about; and is titled, Net Zero, The Digital Panopticon, and the Future of Food. The author gives us a good summary of the progress towards the Great Reset---which, despite discreetly being ignored by both Republicans and Democrats---is still ongoing and being put into operation. 

    The World Economic Forum, is the de facto Government of the so-called 'Democratic West.' The Great Reset, their grand plan for tyranny, was unveiled in 2020. The WEF and the Great Reset in general are scoffed at and hooted down by the experts in the Western Media despite having published their intentions clearly and their positions being adopted by nearly every Western Government. The WEF's Board of Trustees is comprised of some of the world's most powerful central economic institutions, political leadership, and major corporations. The WEF's Strategic Partners---now expanded to 120 members---includes the West's most powerful Corporations, banks, and NGOs. The organization is based in Switzerland, the home of various cut-outs and networks of international intrigue. 

  "The food transition, the energy transition, net-zero ideology, programmable central bank digital currencies, the censorship of free speech and clampdowns on protest. What’s it all about? To understand these processes, we need to first locate what is essentially a social and economic reset within the context of a collapsing financial system." Todhunter begins, and goes on to explain the ongoing economic contraction in the West as part of an overall concentration of power.  

   The standard talking-point from American Conservatives---who, like the Marxists they oppose, are economic determinists---is that nebulous market forces lead invariably to an 'economic correction.' The problem with their thinking is that their theories were formulated before the Industrial Revolution when it literally was impossible to create monopolies and concentrations of wealth without centralized government authority. When technology made mass-production possible, it became possible for private entities to control entire economic sectors in much the same way that, in our Founding Fathers era, were only possible with Royal Charters and other special grants from kings. 

   This situation changed in the Western countries about a century ago with initiatives to bring the power of popular governments to regulate economies and ensure that free-market competition could continue. These policies fell into disfavor in the late 20th Century, and we see the results of abandoning them all around us today. As Todhunter notes, the average profit-margin of businesses has fallen from 43% in 1970 to about 17% today. We could add to this that, in 1970, the United States produced over half of the world's GDP whereas in 2024. it is around 15%. 

   Deregulation brought with it Regulatory Capture, turning over the duties of elected governments to unaccountable private contractors, and massive concentrations of economic power in the hands of fewer and fewer entities. The doctrinaire Laissez-Faire theories promulgated by postmodern Conservatives naturally leads them to conclude that we are headed for an 'economic crash.' Nothing could be further from the truth. What we are witnessing economically is something more akin to a controlled demolition. What the Robber Barons---who already hold most of the national wealth---aim to achieve is a switch to Central Bank Digital Currency which they, of course, will control. 

   CBDC is already being introduced by Tienanmen Trudeau in Canada with ties to a 'social credit score.' Trudeau's Vice-Premier, incidentally, is on the WEF Board of Trustees. Despite Corporate Media guffaws about CBDC being a tin-foil hat Conspiracy Theories one of their own mouthpieces recently reported that the SWIFT banking system---which has a virtual monopoly on currency transactions between banks both in the US and abroad---is about to launch such a program (after the US Elections, of course). The overall plan originated in the shady WEF-affiliated Bank of International Settlements during the Scamdemic a few months after the Great Reset was announced. In October 2020, BIS' CEO Agustin Carstens stated:

   "We intend to establish the equivalence with cash and there is a huge difference there, for example in cash we don't know who is using a $100 bill today...the key difference with CBDC is that the Central Bank will have absolute control on the rules and regulations that will determine the use regarding that expression of Central Bank liability (note: meaning what $100 can and can't purchase) and also have the technology to enforce that." 

   In 2022, Bo Li, an official at the International Monetary Fund whose CEO is on the WEF Board of Trustees stated: "CBDC can allow government agencies and private sector players {nota bene} to program, to create smart policy contracts to allow targeted policy functions {nota bene}...By programming CBDC these programs can be precisely targeted for what kind of people can own and for what these monies can be utilized." {nota bene}

  Christine Lagarde, CEO of the European Central Bank and WEF Board of Trustees Member said last year: “[...] you know the digital euro is going to have a limited amount of control. There will be control, you're right, you're completely right. We are considering whether for very small amounts, you know, anything that is around 300, 400 Euros, we could have a mechanism where there is zero control. But that could be dangerous, the terrorist attacks on France, uh back, uh 10 years ago, were entirely financed by those very small anonymous credit cards that you can recharge in total anonymity.”

   This week, financial octopus BlackRock whose CEO is also a WEF Board of Trustees member, announced a digital platform for its money-market accounts. So it goes; and lest anyone believes that a Red Wave in November will stop all of this, be advised that the Republican Party is wholly on board with it all

   Todhunter goes on to explain how climate hysteria (on the Left) and National Security paranoia (on the Right) are being utilized to drive this agenda. Once the Global Oligarchs have control of the currency to this degree, they will control both production and consumption and our Constitutional Rights will be more of a dead letter than they already are. This is why it is important for us today to build strong networks of our own because we'll need Parallel Economies in the future. The idea must be gaining some traction because the Whacko Left has noticed such things arising, but our freedoms will depend largely on how much we can disconnect from the System itself. 

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