Sunday, September 22, 2024


     For those following the Election Year soap-operas, the State of Ohio is called by the media 'a swing state;' which means that Ohio is one of the decreasing number of US States not firmly under the control of a political machine. At the beginning of the year, there were nine other such enclaves: Arizona, Georgia, Michigan, Nevada, New Hampshire, North Carolina, Pennsylvania, Virginia, and Wisconsin. A combination of alienating their Conservative Base and running pathetic candidates for gubernatorial and senate seats has altered this early scenario. Conservatism, Incorporated has mostly written off New Hampshire and Virginia and things aren't looking especially bright in any of the other states. In fact, some States considered reliably 'Red'---Nebraska, Florida, and even Texas---are the newly-found territories for Democrat expansion.

    Ohio has been at the center of national attention recently after President Trump highlighted the once-thriving town of Springfield, Ohio as a victim of the so-called immigrant invasion destroying the American heartland. The fact that the Haitians resettled there were invited in by a Republican Governor and welcomed by a Republican Mayor (and contrary to the Controlled Opposition Narrative are not in the United States illegally) notwithstanding. WEF Young Global Leader Vivek Ramaswamy hosted a Town Hall in Springfield, which is now under a state of emergency, and Vivek obviously had a difficult time holding up Party talking-points afterwards. 

    “So when people are having, exchanging heated thoughts about an important subject affecting Americans, they’re going to say things in a way that wasn’t practiced, rehearsed or tested through consultant-vetting and filters,” Ramaswamy said. “And I think that’s a good thing. I think it’s better that we make mistakes of saying maybe too much that’s raw, rather than self-censoring and saying too much.” 

    Much like what RNC Presidential Nominee Vice-Presidential candidate JD Vance explained to a CNN interviewer: "The American Media totally ignored this stuff until Donald Trump and I started talking about cat memes. If I have to create stories so that the American Media actually pays attention to the sufferings of the American people, that's what I'm going to do."

    Since it's really all about selling a narrative and not about facts, it shouldn't be surprising that the True Believers would respond by taking a deeply thought-out and well-reasoned approach to the controversy and addressing some of the profound issues alluded to by Ramaswamy and Vance.

     As much as it hurts, we actually have to give the Corporate Media some credit for actually looking into an issue; but we can't help but remark here that the RNC is making their job of promoting the Democrat agenda ridiculously easy. If Ramaswamy and Vance, for example, had bothered to look into the Haitian Immigrant story, they would have seen that the whole thing was fabricated by a pair of our illustrious former brave xhes in uniform, now commanding a local Neo-Nazi group

    The Ohio Senate race has been effected by the growing fallout over the imploding story. Democrat incumbent Sherrod Brown---a rather nondescript DNC loyalist---is holding a consistent lead over GOP challenger Bernie Moreno, despite Moreno's massive influx of cash from outside interest groups.  

      Moreno, too, is an immigration hawk despite being a dual US-Colombian citizen. Like both Ramaswamy and Vance, Moreno was a rabid Never-Trump Neocon until his positions evolved over the last two years. Moreno's brother Luis is a member of the WEF Board of Trustees. Luis Moreno is also the Managing Director of the investment firm Allen & Co. which hosts the annual Allen & Company Sun Valley Conference in Idaho, an event regularly attended by prominent leaders of the Corporate Deep State, including several top Trump Campaign operatives like Jared Kushner and Elon Musk who hob-nob alongside such luminaries as Jeff Bezos, Bill Gates, and Warren Buffett. 

    Just going on believing though that there really isn't a Uniparty and that the Republicans really care about saving Ohio or saving America. Once we kick out all of those Haitians, Ohio magically will go back to being a linchpin in America's Industrial Manufacturing and Agricultural heartland: all of the workers will sing for joy in factory and field and all the young girls will be virgins again. Fantasy seems to be what fuels both sides of the current 'political debate' much to the satisfaction of the ruling Elite. 

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