Thursday, March 20, 2025


       Following yesterday's flurry of Judicial rulings against Musk and his bandits attempting to turn the Federal Government over to Wall Street, the reaction from the True Believers has been predictable: calling for the impeachment of judges, stacking the Courts, ignoring the Rule of Law, etc. True to form, they somehow want to believe that opposing the will of the Neocon Administration is tantamount to treason, all of which is bringing back bad memories of the slavish Bush-worship that we saw 20 years ago.

      One of the strangest forms of Cognitive Dissonance, however, comes from the Musk toadies who seriously imagine that globalist plutocrats who were supporting Democrats until only a few months ago are working in the best interests of the American people. Even stranger is this belief that the so-called 'Private Sector' is less intrusive, less authoritarian, and more respective of popular rights than the Public Sector. How anybody who's had much experience with middle mangers, customer-service departments, HR departments, or even typical landlords can still believe that is truly mind-boggling. These people work for Upper-Level Management who see employees and customers as livestock; and their courtiers treat us accordingly. 

    Take for example, the former COO of George Soros' hedgefunds, Scott Bessent. 

        Bessent, the highest-ranking openly gay official to hold US public office was appointed Secretary of the Treasury by what the Churchian media lickspittles refer to as the most pro-life and pro-family Administration in history. Bessent served his master Soros admirably during the 30+ years that he was connected with him (until last November, in fact). He continues to do so to this very day: pulling off some spectacular financial crimes rivalling even his globalist crony, Musk.

      In the less than two months that Bessent has headed the Treasury Department, he's managed to purge the Federal Consumer Financial Bureau and open access to Treasury Department records to be data-mined and downloaded by Big Tech into the Stargate Project. He likewise succeeded in persuading our figurehead president into signing an Executive Order no longer enforcing the Foreign Corrupt Practices Act. Bessent, likewise, to the applause of his WEF bosses, is pushing a nominally 'privatized' system of Central Bank Digital Currency.

    To crown all of his crimes, this week Bessent announced that the US Treasury Department will no longer enforce laws prohibiting High Finance to set up shell companies as money-laundering operations. Soros in particular has found this law a constant thorn in his side; 'philanthropist' Oligarchs set up NGOs for this very purpose. The FDIC, which insures deposits against bank failures, is also on Bessent's bucket-list of regulators to scrap, though it's probably not off the table that the banks will get bailed out, even if depositors don't. 

    Lest any of the True Believers still want to argue that "Oh well, I got mine. At least taxes will be lower," rest assured that none of this deregulation is going to benefit you. While IRS enforcers are still going to be wringing every last dime from us of the Common Herd, Bessent also announced this week that Taxpayer Advocate Services and other agencies to appeal the IRS decisions would be among those most severely curtailed.

     Is everybody tired of winning yet? It doesn't look like George Soros or the rest of the Globalist Banking Establishment is. Just go on believing though that we shouldn't ask questions and that we simply need to trust the plan. Convince yourselves that this is all 3-D chess level strategy moves. Better still, just write it off as fake news and go back to laughing at Liberals online. Bessent and his cronies are laughing too: all the way to the bank.

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