Friday, March 14, 2025


      So, let us all imagine what the reaction of the so-called American Right would have been had Kamala Harris been elected and one of her first orders of business was installing a Hollywood billionaire media mogul at the Department of Education who, in turn, made it her first order of business to enforce rigid Cancel Culture, purge anyone who opposed the Democratic Party, and crushed protests in the interest of identity politics. Good thing that we got rid of the Democrats so that didn't happen right?

     We're speaking of course of the case of Mohammed Khalil, a naturalized US citizen, who was seized by ICE stormtroopers in New York this week and whisked away incommunicado to a Concentration Camp in Louisiana to face banishment from the country which once gave him asylum. Khalil had been targeted by Neo-Nazis like Tom Homan who heads ICE, and who vowed that this injustice "would be the first of many," citing Khalil as an undesirable alien. In case anyone is interested, our friends at Kiwi Farms posted a comprehensive breakdown of the sorts of swine that the New Right considers desirable immigrants, which speaks volumes about its character.

       Of course, many of the True Believers aren't going to be bothered much by this, even though Khalil was a legal immigrant; nor are they going to think too much about the fact that the Administration's efforts to end Birthright Citizenship would mean that any of us could be declared an alien and stripped of what few Rights we still have left. They can always rationalize things (as they typically do) by convincing themselves that only a few Commie Libtards would be effected. 

    Well, unfortunately for their fantasies, this very week at least three Conservative Republican officials found themselves on the receiving end of excommunication for their lack of ideological purity and submission to Dear Leader. First on the list was long-time Republican Congressman---and one of the few principled Conservatives left in the Legislative Branch---Thomas Massie of Kentucky. 

     Massie, who has been one of the few to stand up to expanding the Surveillance State, and who famously exposed the massive foreign lobbying going on among his colleagues in the past, has become too much trouble for the Uniparty and its plans to create a Golden Age of Technocratic Corporatism. If anyone is shocked by this, it is not the first time that Conservatives have been targeted and threatened by the Party Bosses for insufficient loyalty

     Meanwhile, WEF Young Global Leader Tulsi Gabbard---who was a Democrat until just last September---engaged in some Cancel Culture of her own, swatting down the appointment of Daniel Davis for Deputy Director of National Intelligence. Davis---who probably is far more qualified than Tulsi is to head US Intel---criticized Zionist actions in Palestine. This is intolerable for a group which plans to build a billionaire-playground over the mass-graves of the Palestinians.

       Adam Boehler, the US negotiator for the Gaza Cease-fire was purged as well, after suggesting even tepidly that Hamas should be part of the negotiations. This goes decidedly against the grain of an Administration bent on proving its Alpha Superiority and which sees actual diplomacy and compromise as signs of weakness. This isn't surprising, considering that the organization which instigated Khalil's arrest is an advocate of Zionist Genocide, including the murder of children.

     Not surprisingly, Betar was formerly headed by a character jailed for revenge porn and other unscrupulous activities; but he is of the personality type which seems to fit in well with the current administration's leadership. It wouldn't surprise anybody if he's pardoned. 

     When one thinks about it, it's small wonder that we've so little resistance from the Democratic Party, and why so many of their ranks have switched sides. They're getting everything they wanted at no political risk (for now). The real enemies within are actual Conservatives who object to things like foreign influence peddling, depriving people of their Rights without due process, top-down authoritarian government, etc.



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