Tuesday, July 3, 2018


      Yes, the 'Red Line' was again crossed---but this time not in the Middle East. And not on orders of the Assad 'Regime' either. The chemical weapons attack took place, we learned today, last December in the Kisatchie National Forest in Louisiana. 

      The guilty party was a soldier from nearby Fort Polk named Ryan Taylor, who was convicted today and who faces a possible life sentence. MP's at the Fort testified that they heard an explosion and saw an unusual cloud from the nearby forest. They went to investigate and caught Taylor filming the event on an I-Phone. 

      One of the MP's was badly burned and had to be discharged from the Army on medical grounds after approaching too close to the fallout. Taylor then fled, leaving the MP wounded, but he was later captured. Specialists testified at his trial that Taylor had detonated a Chlorine-Gas bomb. When his apartment was searched, authorities found a pipe bomb rigged with stolen military fuses and detonators. The whole block had to be evacuated until the FBI's Bomb Squad removed the weapon.

     Unfortunately, this is the kind of military that Trump inherited from the Clintons and Bushes. Our own military personnel lately have done more damage to our country through their incompetence, outright stupidity, and criminality than ISIS has. The same week as Taylor's conviction also saw Air Force 'veteran' Reality Winner sentenced to over five years in prison for leaking classified material to the press to attack Trump. It also saw a few of our 'out and proud' postmodern Marines indicted on numerous criminal charges. And we saw an avowed Communist and West Point graduate discharged for promoting overthrowing the US Government.

     Sitting at the top of this rats'-nest is Obama's former CENTCOM commander, James Mattis; now US Secretary of Defense. Mattis hasn't lifted a finger to undo any of the disasters created by three decades of Deep-State Political Correctness. 

      What our Pentagon needs is a wholesale top-to-bottom cleaning out. Take women out of combat and out of the military in general. Ban homosexuals and other sex perverts again. Raise the physical fitness and intelligence standards in recruiting. Re-initiate mandatory drug testing. Eject all those PC-officers and promote new ones from the ranks. Let Drill Instructors instill discipline again. Kick out the corrupt contractors and put the military back in charge of its own essential services. 

      Our Military is no place for the kind of dirty politics which has characterized its entire command structure since the Clinton Administration. It's no place for Snowflakes; it's time to bring back the kinds of fighting men who made this July 4th possible.


  1. What's more interesting, is that you don't hear these stories on the news.

    Is the media picking stories only to bash Trump?

    1. I wouldn't have found it except that the story of Taylor's conviction was in the Military News. When I did a Google search for the incident back in December, the only reporting on it was in local outlets around Fort Polk. The media reported a lot of fake news about Assad deploying chemical weapons---but a US soldier going berserk and gas-bombing National Forests? Not a peep...
