Tuesday, April 16, 2019


    Today, we got the good news from French authorities that the towers and edifice of Notre Dame Cathedral survived yesterday's horrific fire, much to the disappointment of anti-Catholic elements in the US. President Emmanuel Macron vowed that the structure would be rebuilt---and even set a timeline of 5 years. That statement of course brought derision from American Deep-Statists---the same bunch who never rebuilt the World Trade Center. 

    There have been many theories on how the fire started; none of which have a shred of evidence so far. That hasn't stopped the Corporate Media from swarming over the disaster like a bunch of cannibals dancing around a stew-pot. Despite the fact that they've been egging on anti-Christian violence for years; they were faking their 'shock and horror' at the tragedy; taking time out bash Trump in the process. 

    The MSM also trotted out a few Cultural Marxist pundits who took some backhanded swipes at the Church. They were mostly repeating the Marxist line about these magnificent structures were built to keep the masses down, make monuments to clerical opulence, etc. Since Mediaeval History is rarely taught these days (and distorted when it is), it might do well to remember how Mediaeval Economics worked.

    In those days, the majority of men were peasants engaged in agriculture on large estates owned by the nobility. The Middle Class was small but essential: these were the tradesmen, merchants, artisans, and others who provided services. During hard economic times, the Middle Class was hit especially hard. The peasants at least were guaranteed a home and food regardless of their poverty. But the Middle Class had no safety net. 

    The Church ran the welfare system during the Middle Ages, and numbers of skilled and able-bodied men were seeking relief during recessions. At some point, the Church leaders evolved the idea of constructing great churches and cathedrals and renovating older ones as a way of giving these men meaningful work instead of handouts. The Church had plenty of money and usually paid the highest wages. A project like Notre Dame Cathedral would have given jobs to hundreds of craftsmen, plus the businesses dependent upon them.

     In fact, this was a common practice among Catholic, Orthodox, and Protestant churches well into the early 20th Century. President Roosevelt's New-Deal Era 'workfare' projects were modeled on these church programs. 

    The Radical Left, though, wasn't alone in its despicable behavior. The Alt-RINO Red Pills were sniping in the same way; exploiting the tragedy to advance their agendas. Christian-bashing with a good measure of Jew and Moslem bashing thrown into the mix highlighted most of their commentary. In the lead, as usual, was Vox Day who took some swipes at National Review author Ben Shapiro whom Vox bitterly envies and often uses a proxy to attack all Jews. Today, Vox had this to say: 

    Thus implying that his Alpha-Gnosticism represents true Christianity. Vox really is much closer to the heretics whom the original builders of Notre Dame opposed. And other Red Pills like the execrable bloggers PA, and Chateau Heartiste, continued in the same vein: drawing stupid analogies between the fire and the supposed decline of the West. Naturally, they ignored scenes like these outside the cathedral yesterday:

    There's the real future of the West. People bound together by Faith and actually doing positive things. It's noteworthy that none of these self-appointed manly Alpha leaders had a word of praise for the brave men of the French police and fire departments who went into that inferno and rescued scores of priceless treasures and artifacts---some of which dated from the Apostolic Age. 

     Heartiste is as ignorant of Mediaeval History as the Marxists, bashing President Macron by saying that 
"Understand what Maricon does here. He knows the native stock French are fed up with the Diversity and he knows the Notre Dame fire steels hearts against the invading horde. His using this incendiary language right at the moment his subjects are inflamed with nationalist passion is a deliberate provocation: Macron rubs his Globohomo depravity in the faces of White Frenchmen, and pushes their noses into the filth.
"This is humiliation porn for globalist traitors like Maricon. That’s all it is. Immediately returning, without a hint of shame, to the “diversity is our strength” mantra in the wake of a powerful symbol of the failings of multiracial diversity is nothing less than a flexing of Globohomo power meant to intimidate White Frenchmen to cower before their New World Disorder.
"It is to say that even when your most cherished civilizational masterpieces are burned to the ground, you have no recourse to stop globalism and to restore the cohesion of your nation. In your moment of greatest indignation and moral justification, you still must bend the knees to your effete Globohomo masters and take the diseased cock of their nightmare dystopia."
      Besides snidely changing the President's name from Macron to Maricon (Spanish slang roughly equivalent to 'faggot'), Heartiste goes on a rant about Macron's use of the word 'diversity'. What Heartiste doesn't realize is that France is diverse nation. There are groups like the Flemish, Alsatians, Rhennish, and Basque inside of France who don't even use French as their primary language. Corsicans are more ethnically Italian than French. Anybody who's been to France knows there are significant cultural differences between areas like Normandy, Gascony, Brittany, the area around the Riviera, etc. The aboriginal peoples of France were the Gauls, who long ago intermarried with the Romans, Franks, and others who settled in the region. 

     Against the bombast of its enemies, the Church again stands triumphant. And that's the real metaphor from the Cathedral Fire.  


  1. Vox Day also believes he can defeat Joe Rogan...trust fund kid has delusions of his abilities...

    1. https://nightwind777.blogspot.com/2019/01/vox-day-loses-his-marbles-over-joe.html
