Wednesday, December 25, 2019


  On Christmas Eve, I visited a relative whom I hadn't seen in a long time. He, like myself, has had a growing distaste for what Christmas has become in Postmodern America. This year he and his helpmate decided to try an experimental celebration. 

  It was actually a lot of fun; after the ladies prepared a nice dinner, they presented a large cake, to the delight of the kids who blew out the candles together. As one precocious 8 year-old boy explained, "Well, we're celebrating a birthday, ain't we?" There were 21 candles: each representing a millennium since the First Christmas, 

  Apparently this is an idea that's been spreading; because I found several similar cakes for sale on the Web. What a cool idea, I thought. Bringing actual fun back to Christmas. 

  President and Mrs. Trump recorded a White House Message before departing for a celebration at Mar-a-Lago. I have to admit that I love Melania's accent. Maybe it's just me: but I've thought there was something sexy about foreign girls speaking English.

   Pope Francis urged us all to self-reflection today and spoke about an end to the humanitarian crises now plaguing the Middle East in particular. He spoke about the severe refugee problem these conflicts were creating in Europe: although the jackals in the American Press immediately pulled his words out of context to bash Trump's Immigration Policies. Such is the holiday spirit of the Left. 

   Holidays like Christmas and Easter are gloomy times for the enemies of American Culture; to the point where during the Deep State times, there were maniacal effort to push Christmas completely out of the general public purview. The same crowd has tried to get around President Trump's reforms by promoting Satanism and releasing blasphemous films. 

   And anti-Christian cults like the Red Pills have been rampaging too. On Christmas, Vox Day called for a Protestant Inquisition! 

  "All of the modern churches and evangelical associations need to start purging themselves of their social justice warriors, who worship the false god of a worldly judeochrist instead of Jesus Christ of Nazareth...This is about reclaiming the soul and spirit of the Christian organizations that have been infiltrated and at least partially converged, and ensuring that they remain dedicated to Jesus Christ, not social justice judeochristianity...A Protestant inquisition is long overdue."

   Vox' fellow-cultist Owen Benjamin has been on a near month-long spiral of rage. Benjamin has by his own admission been banned from family Christmas gatherings: his in-laws don't want him because he gets into fights with those relatives who believe that the Moon Landings actually happened. He's not wanted at his own family's house after publicly calling his father a 'wizard' and a 'sodomite' (complete with lurid details). He also recently said that dinosaurs never existed and denounced parents who buy toy dinosaurs for their kids---which is sure to keep him away from most Christmas festivities.

   'Big Bear' managed to get himself kicked off Youtube earlier this month and has been screaming ever since that his cult is infiltrated with 'Gammas' and been alternately excommunicating and threatening his cult-members to keep them in line. At the bottom of this conspiracy is none other than President Trump himself! 

   "Under Obama we could criticize the Jews!" he howled, "Obama didn't deplatform me, Trump did!", etc., etc.: it's always someone else's fault. 

   This is what Christ meant when he taught "by their fruits you shall know them."  As Christmas draws good people together in the Spirit of Christ; those opposed to the Good bear fruits of division and rage. 

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