Wednesday, December 11, 2019


   Following up on last week's orgy of urban violence, a pair of dirtbags in Jersey City, New Jersey turned a Jewish enclave in town into a battle-zone. Surprised by a policeman who was slain during the affair, the duo launched a half-aborted attack on a Jewish delicatessen. Besides the police detective, three other innocent people were killed and many injured. It could have been worse, the suspects also possessed a bomb which was recovered and safely disarmed. 

   As usual, the Corporate Media spent the afternoon making complete fools of themselves  and the NPC Left flooded comments' sections all over social media blaming Trump and the NRA. This morning however when the facts were in, we learned that the killers were actually radicalized Black Supremacists. 

   The killers were members of a fringe cult called the Black Hebrew Israelites. It's small wonder that the MSM has been slinking away from the shooting story; astute readers might recall that this particular group were the instigators of last January's Covington High School hoax. The MSM ended up eating crow after that humiliating debacle---just like they are today. "Say no to Antisemitism and watch the Impeachment Hearings" seems to be the common theme. 

   Wading through about five pages on Google's Search Engine, it appears that the New York Times is the only MSM outlet mentioning Black Supremacists in their headlines (as of this writing). They point out that the Black Hebrew Israelites are on the SPLC list of hate groups. What the SPLC had to say on their webpage was quite telling:

   "The black nationalist movement is a reaction to centuries of institutionalized white supremacy in America. Black nationalists believe the answer to white racism is to form separate institutions — or even a separate nation — for black people. Most forms of black nationalism are strongly anti-white and anti-Semitic. Some religious versions assert that black people are the biblical "chosen people" of God...Existing black nationalist groups have grown in size and new groups have formed. This growth is a response to the current climate of racial divisiveness, specifically police violence and Donald Trump’s derisive remarks about African Americans, including journalists and NFL players, and majority-black countries". 

    The part about Trump's derisive comments are of course fake news; and so is the sweeping statement about police violence. And I seem to recall a lot of race-riots happening under Obama; but they've been conspicuously absent in the Trump Era. And there's good reason for that. Support for President Trump has been growing among Blacks; fueled largely by increases in employment; Trump's initiatives to improve schools in minority communities; and his crackdown on violent gangs and drug proliferation. And contrary to what the MSM says, the Trump Administration has been aggressively addressing police violence as well as actually enforcing anti-discrimination laws. 

   The particular sect to which the shooters belonged is headquartered in Harlem. Their leader was arrested by the FBI last April and indicted for fraud. As might be expected, it turns out that David Anderson---one of the shooting suspects---had an extensive criminal history himself. His confederate in the killing spree seems to have been a fanatic recently converted to the cult. The general feeling in Harlem seems to be that the cult is a blot on society; a belief that's probably shared by most Blacks in America.

   Radicalization of American Blacks has always been a problem in the US, but it's largely the result of Left-Wing agitation that teaches vulnerable members of the community that they are the victims of other groups; and this makes them ripe prey for cultists and provocateurs. But this is changing among Blacks, as it is universally across the country. Christian leaders have been a big part of this change. As Vice-President Pence noted in a recent speech before religious leaders in southern Michigan:
   "I believe that the effective and fervent prayer of a righteous nation availeth much.  And I believe that if His people, who are called by His name, will humble themselves and pray, He’ll do like He’s always done in the long and storied history of this country.  In these too divided of times, He’ll hear from Heaven and He’ll heal this land.  
  "So I encourage you — I encourage you to let your voice be heard.  Tell people what they’re not hearing on most of their major cable television stations every day, okay?  Tell them about the ways America is more secure and more prosperous.
  "But I’d just encourage you to keep telling your congregations to pray for America, pray for all the people of America, because it’ll make a difference.  It’ll make a difference in the life of this nation, and it’ll see us through these challenging times."



  1. A couple of wastes of space and oxygen. Glad they ended up DRT. Too bad they had to take innocent people's lives.

  2. Great commentary, Night Wind! I was happy to share with some of my e-Pals, some of whom are Jewish and quite sensitive to the rise of antisemitism in all of its forms!

    1. Thank you! Trump has also done a lot of good for Jewish communities too.
