Tuesday, February 25, 2020


   When a deadly new virus emerged in Wuhan, China last month, the Chinese Government mobilized all its considerable resources to defeat a potential pandemic. In contrast, the American Media and many politicians flew into a panic. Media ratings---along with power-grabbing and the potential of profiteering---always thrive on disasters and catastrophes. 

   Meanwhile, Dr. Zhong Nanshan---one of China's leading experts on Respiratory Epidemiology---stated that within two weeks the contagion would peak. Nobody in the American Corporate Media paid any attention to Zhong, of course. Instead, they embarked on an orgy of China-bashing and fanning fake news. Awkwardly enough for the Elites, Zhong's prediction has turned out to be true. Recent statistics from the Chinese Ministry of Health show that the outbreak reached its peak around February 12th. 

  "The daily number of new confirmed cases nationwide dropped from the peak of 15,152 on Feb. 12 to less than 900 on Thursday. The number of new confirmed cases outside Hubei was 258 on Thursday, down from the peak of 890 on Feb. 3.The daily number of newly recovered patients has been rising rapidly to 2,109 on Thursday, surpassing that of new confirmed infections for the third consecutive day...Tibet Autonomous Region in southwest China has reported zero new confirmed cases since Jan. 30 and Qinghai Province Three provinces - Liaoning, Guizhou, Gansu - and Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region have reported zero new cases for four consecutive days and the Xinjiang Production and Construction Corps has reported no new cases for three consecutive days."

   This was confirmed yesterday by World Health Organization Director Bruce Aylward, who praised China's efforts during a visit there this week. 

   These events were all swept under the rug by the American Media---which still ridiculously proclaims itself less biased, controlled, and more factual than the Chinese Media. It's a national disgrace, of course, that news organs controlled by the Communist Party of China are more credible than our supposedly free MSM, but there it is. During the weekend, the Media Hyenas carefully combed the International Press for word of cases discovered far and wide. Then they blamed China again and starting bashing Trump for supposedly being 'unprepared for the crisis.' Wall Street plunged over these stories---although how selling off stocks is supposed to do anything to ward off a potential pandemic nobody has explained.

   So far there have been 17 confirmed cases in the US; not counting 40 more on a quarantined cruise ship. To put this in perspective, consider that drug overdoses kill an average of 193 people per day in the United States---but the media doesn't consider that figure anything to get too excited about. But in some localities, 'prepper' stores are doing a thriving business. And supplies of things like surgical masks and bottled water have been flying off the shelves---with the profiteers and price-gougers padding their bank accounts. 

  There are even books and manuals sprouting up like toadstools on surviving the epidemic; with the usual nitwits leading the charge.

  Ah, what a grand LARPing adventure. And nota bene that Vox made his first and most important priority to stock up on dope supplies. Today he even expressed hope that the 'crisis' would lead to Martial Law: what a fake Conservative. 

  Of course, these characters along with the MSM keep saying the cliches that "we're overdue for a global pandemic", and evoke images from the Black Plague during the 14th Century, the Smallpox Epidemic among American Indians during the 18th Century, and the Spanish Flu Epidemic of 1918-1920. What they all fail to realize is that Medical Technology has substantially improved since 1921. We know more about viruses and how they work; we have vaccines---several deadly epidemic diseases have been wiped out just since the end of World War II. 

  On top of this, emergency responses to outbreaks have also improved thanks to more rapid and efficient transportation and computer communications which can send information around the world faster than a virus can spread. The reason that we haven't had a global pandemic in a century is because organizations like WHO have been working out strategies to contain pandemics for the last 60 or so years. 

  The one thing that annoys me the most about all of this is reading how the Chinese people have come together to fight the threat in their own country; and then contrasting this with Christian America---where we ought to be reading about relief efforts and working on finding a cure. Instead, everybody's grabbing whatever they can as fast as they can grab it; and then going online and blogging about serenely drinking Margaritas with their wives while the rest of the world dies a horrible death from Pneumonia. 

   As for myself, I'm going to have a steak dinner this weekend and catch the XFL; while silently chuckling over the knotheads down in their cold, smelly bomb-shelters eating canned Beans & Weenies. Somehow, I think they just deserve that. 


  1. In 1999 we had a guy who kept coming to HOA meetings and lecturing us about how we should wall off our housing community, install and armed gate at the entrance, and dig up all our landscape for the growing of edibles. He had a large countdown clock (to the Y2K moment) on the front of his house, which the Board made him take inside. Anyway, we all know how that turned out.

  2. Funny you mention Y2K. My friend recently asked me if I was worried about Y2K because she had been worried that all sorts of bad things would happen. Being a computer geek at that time I wasn’t worried at all.

    The problem is the media making a bigger deal out of it than necessary just like back then. I did stock up on some food because my cupboards were bare and I live in the burbs of a big city and have seen shelves empty for a normal snow storm prediction. Other than that I’m taking it a day at a time.

    Knowing Vox, he’ll sell I Survived Corona Chan t-shirts when it’s all over.

  3. Very interesting. I have posted a excerpt of this to https://conservativewoman.co.uk/coronavirus-is-this-a-phoney-war/
