Thursday, June 11, 2020


    So yesterday, amidst great pomp and ceremony, the Whacko Left's new martyr, Mr. George Floyd, had his carcass stuffed into a golden coffin and eulogized by nationally-known blowhards before taking that final drop of six feet. The NPC's of America beat their chests and howled in unison. 

    With this uncanny moral flexibility that the American Public has of turning 180 degrees on a dime, our police forces have collectively gone from national heroes to national villains in a matter of less than two weeks. The purges that have been sweeping the Country during this ongoing coup attempt---because I'm calling it exactly what it is--- are hitting the Police especially hard. This, too, is by design. The Lockdowns and subsequent race-riots were aimed at breaking the economic Middle Class (primarily Trump supporters) and these same race-riots are aimed at breaking the Police (who are also mainly Trump supporters outside of metropolitan police administrations). 

    Now, I've had a lot of experience dealing with police agencies in the US---all the way from Park Rangers to rural sheriffs to city cops to Federal agents. One thing that the general public must understand about police in general---and never forget this fact---is that they are first and foremost government employees. In other words, you're going to find the same cross-sections of personalities among the Police that exist in all governmental agencies. There are sizable percentage of truly good men dedicated to their professions and public service. There's a sizable percentage who are bureaucratic by-the-book bullies; another segment of indifferent time-servers; and another yet of outright crooks and political hacks. 

    During the Impeachment and the Lockdowns, the good men among our police really shone. We saw numbers of Sheriffs and local officials standing for the Constitution. At the Federal level, we saw agents come forward to unravel the whole tissue of lies concocted against the President by their Deep-State supervisors. The Revolutionists saw this too; maybe they hadn't expected it---but the bottom line is that they are going to have to break down the local police infrastructures before they can seize power. Since such a seizure is illegal, obviously the police are going to have to be neutralized. 

    This is the real reason we're seeing movements to defund the Police. But what is going to replace them? Well, I think we all know the answer to that question. 

   That's right: a political police. And the history of most repressive regimes show us that secret police forces typically are tied to the Military. That nest of vipers in the Pentagon, I think, would gladly help with 'police reform'. 

   The Whacko Left won't call this a secret police; they'll call it 'community policing' or some other New-Age name that hides its real purpose. The kinds of people who end up working in these organizations make today's worst cops look like model public servants by comparison. The job of secret police is to enforce a political agenda: not the rule of law. And the Media scum are already pushing the plan.  Nicholas Kristof, generally just an ordinary stupid Liberal whom other Leftists follow just because he writes for the New York Times, informs us that defunding the police brings about good results like decriminalizing drugs and ending lead poisoning. After that gaffe, he approvingly quotes a statement from one of the mad scientists who organized the COVID lockdowns. It should be noted here that historically leaders of secret police forces were recruited from Academia. 

   "Ali H. Mokdad, a health specialist at the University of Washington, argues that racism is more dangerous than the coronavirus, because eventually there will be a vaccine for the virus. And in tackling racism, he says, there are many lessons from public health research. 'Defund the police for certain services and move them to social work,” he advised. He suggested that 'domestic violence, youth offenders, alcoholism, addiction, mental illness and homelessness would often be better handled by social workers or other non-police professionals. Having an armed person intervene causes more harm sometimes for the person who needs help,' Mokdad said."

    While I generally agree that we need to put more emphasis upon treatment for the things that Dr. Mokdad mentioned (and incidentally so does President Trump), how does any of this have anything to do with "tackling racism?'' This Whacko doctor believes that Racism is more dangerous than Influenza, and really this is true of most Liberals' beliefs. 

   Racism is one of those terms that trigger rage or fear in Americans like the dog Pavlov trained to salivate at the ringing of a bell. Nobody can actually define it, but everyone is supposed either to hate it fanatically or fear being accused of it whenever it's mentioned. The reason that it can't be defined is because it's an emotion and exists on an instinctual level. It's presumed by our so-called Elites that Racism only exists in White people, but this of course is absurd. When a culture degenerates, the natural tendency is to fall back into racial/tribal systems, thus it's a social atavism. Racism cannot be eliminated, but it can be ameliorated in pluralistic civilized societies with Anti-Discrimination laws. That's what we were doing during the middle 20th Century until the Whacko Left decided that Legal Equality wasn't good enough. What the Left actually wants is Reverse Discrimination. 

   Time, another DNC mouthpiece, quoted pinhead Minneapolis City Councilman as saying that “We can invest in cultural competency and mental health training, de-escalation and conflict resolution … We can resolve confusion over a $20 grocery transaction without drawing a weapon or pulling out handcuffs. The whole world is watching. We can declare policing as we know it a thing of the past, and create a compassionate, non-violent future.”

  What an ignoramus. This guy is actually suggesting replacing 'police brutality' with all the notorious 'compassion' of Social Workers. Not to mention he uses ominous-sounding terms like cultural competency and mental health training, which sound suspiciously similar to re-education and thought reform. 

   But none of this will matter much to the average Ameroboob. As long as drugs are plentiful, the government handouts are coming, and he doesn't say anything offensive, he can survive under Communism just fine. Maybe even profit off it too, if his hedge-fund manager accepts the New Normal, and invests in the new trends. 


  1. Derek Chauvin was not some dolt looking for black people to harass.

    He also did not intend to kill George Floyd.

    He also did not use that maneuver just because George Floyd was black.

    This is also an attempt by the media to appoiny themselves as judge jury and executioners.

  2. A VERY pessimistic prognosis, NW, but I can't help but agree for the most part. And the point you make that I find the most frightening and depressing is your belief that the police in this country are being systematically "retrained" and even "remade" into something far more compatible with a communist state! God help us all!!
