Wednesday, November 11, 2020


     The vermin in the Corporate Media are trying desperately to create a national 'narrative' that projected Electoral winners are final without need for counting or contesting any results. Now, of course, the Liberals and their Media lickspittles contest and refuse to recognize any election they actually lose---but they count on the fact that Ameroboobs aren't noted for their long attention spans. Otherwise, they'd remember that less than a year ago, there were phony impeachment hearings alleging that President Trump stole the 2016 Election with Russian 'collusion.' 

    The 'narrative' is postmodern jargon for what we used to call a hoax. Unfortunately, since questioning a 'narrative' is considered 'politically incorrect' (another neologism for what we used to call thought crimes), the average American is easily duped (or at least pretends to go along with out of cowardice) any 'narrative' no matter how stupid or absurd it is. "9/11 changed us forever!" "Covid-19 changed us forever!" There is no reason why either of these events could or even should have changed our society drastically---yet they did because people said so, and others believed it without question. 

    The Elites have learned the trick of turning the narrative into 'New Normals'---i.e. translating lies into action. During the last 30 years, Americans have surrendered multiple freedoms believing that homosexuality is normal, but gender roles are imposed; that systemic racism is the greatest threat to our culture even though it's been illegal since 1965; that gun ownership causes crime but drug addiction doesn't; that tiny countries like Serbia and North Korea pose international threats; the list goes on and on. Act first, think later, and cash in on the latest trends: sadly, that is what the real 'New Normal' looks like. 

         Fortunately for the human race, the wisdom of men is foolishness with God; and the Old Testament is replete with stories of men like Noah, Lot, and Gideon and that we serve a God who spares us for the sake of the righteous. Now, the Corporate Media---which serves everything and everyone except God---holds up the lowest scum as national heroes. Witness lately their effusive praise for every vile Swamp RINO who's finally broken with his last vestiges of human decency and rushed to join the Insurgency:

      By the same token, though, the Media dirtbags hate courage, loyalty, and heroism and they've been ignoring all of the real leaders who've been defying their threats of retaliation and rallying around the President and the Legitimate Government. These people are the ones whose character has risen---rather than sunk---because a crisis is what typically brings out true self. We're going to tip our hats to a few:

     Rudolph Guiliani---came to the fore at the beginning and is serving---as a volunteer---to be Trump's legal liaison and de facto Chief-of-Staff to mount legal challenges and investigations to the fraud.

     Robert Barr---the US Attorney-General defied the Bush Gang and sided with Trump. He's ordered all US Attorneys to give immediate priority to investigating electoral fraud claims.

     Sean Reyes---Utah's Attorney-General who is assembling a coalition of States to initiate legal action on behalf of President Trump.

     There are numerous lawyers and firms, as well as State officials who are also risking their lives and liberty to fight for freedom. It's interesting that the majority of legal firms joining the fight are not the powerful members of the Legal Establishment. They are small, traditional firms mostly---the type despised by Law, Incorporated which overwhelmingly favors the Rebellion.

    The same is true of the Media: Tucker Carlson and Laura Ingraham have stood up---nearly alone and at considerable risk---to the thugs at NewsCorp who've finally dropped their masks and joined outright with the Revolt. Mark Levine---a podcaster and pundit is not backing down despite severe attempts from the MSM and Big Tech to silence his voice. 

   There are others, and we're not alone. As further heroes emerge, we will speak of them---but the Corporate Media and the Tech Titans are employing every means at their disposal to isolate us and make us feel alone. We're not alone. A minority, yes: but a significant one. 

   We must remember that these people---who are fighting for and speaking for us now understand, as we do, that an Insurgent win is the end for most of them. They're under almost constant harassment from Left-Wing thugs and the very real threat of post-election pogroms. This is not a typical US Election where both sides shake hands and one goes off to the private sector for four years. This is between whether we survive as a Constitutional Republic or take the kind of turn toward Authoritarian regimes that Europe took throughout the 20th Century. The American people too, may have to learn the hard way what gaining 'security' and 'equality' at the price of Liberty actually means. 



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