Saturday, June 18, 2022


      Tomorrow, the Sunday before the Great Reset's new National Independence Day, is Fathers Day ---when the same 'woke' commercial interests who invest the rest of the year promoting the homo agenda and bashing toxic masculinity take one day off to cash in on the sentimentality of the dwindling number of Americans who actually know who their fathers were. 

  Yes, it's time to honor that special man who talked your mom out of having the abortion and who regularly made his Child-Support payments. The man who taught you valuable life-skills like how to Game the System; the virtue of going-along-to-get-along; as well as passing along the wisdom of his experience on how to turn situations to one's own advantage without getting caught. The guy who bravely protected his daughter's innocence by driving away potential suitors and teaching her how to be a strong independent woman making thousands on OnlyFans. Yes, it's time to honor that Pillar of Western Civilization: the postmodern American father.

   This time of year too, the Red Pill Cult and its orbiters like Doug Wilson and Jordan Peterson pipe up to add their two-cents' worth on how to pose as a Manly Alpha Leader, mostly be teaching husbands and fathers to be bigger bullies while still being worse deadbeats than average American fathers already are. Peterson, a Barbiturate addict whose parenting and relationship skills are not exactly traditional role models themselves brought back an old essay on what Disney's Beauty and the Beast has to teach us about relationships:

  “Beauty isn’t interested in the guy who isn’t the beast. She’s interested in the guy who is the Beast. She is interested in the guy who is the Beast who can be civilized and disciplined and who can use that in the service of a family. And that’s exactly how it should be.”

   So, as if we don't already enough problems with women chasing after mindless thugs, now we have Peterson basically encouraging the same thing. Granted in the case of most Red Pills this doctrine is making a virtue of necessity; but quite a few women have ended up dead, in hospital Emergency Rooms, or Psychotherapy, or worse because they believed it. 

   Basically what Peterson describes is the inversion of the Feminist doctrine that all men are pigs. Red Pills of the Rollo Tomassi and Vox Day stripe essentially teach men the same thing: to embrace their inner pig and live down to the Femihags' negative stereotyping as much as possible. What (normal) women actually want is what both Feminists and Red Pills derogatorily refer to as a White Knight. They don't want a Beast that they have to tame and civilize; they want a man who is already civilized and willing to fight for civilized causes---like defending his family and the Rights of others. 

    Wilson likewise has penned an intolerably tedious farrago which, while ostensibly directed at women, is a thinly-veiled testament to what Red-Pilled devotees of his cult should be looking for in a potential spouse. Fortunately for readers who have too much nonsense already to try and make sense of, blogger InsanityBytes mercifully summarized its general thesis for us:

   "What they are selling requires a certain kind of naivete, a sheltered, cloistered hapless beauty, one who has no idea she has signed up to tame a beast, a beast who of course must be her spiritual leader in the home, a beast she must respect at all times, surrender all to, all while constantly puffing up his ego, walking on eggshells, and maintaining not just her own sexual attraction, but his also."

   In the real world, I have known plenty of marriages just like this and they are rarely what any sane person would call ideal. The husband is invariably a selfish, swaggering bully and his wife is his obedient slave. The children who come out of this kind of relationship are almost always psychologically damaged from the abuse they encounter (which is sometimes physical, but overwhelmingly psychological). The daughters produced by such families are typically so emotionally wrecked that they can't carry on a normal relationship. The sons usually go one of two ways: ending up as abusive jerks themselves or struggling with Gender Dysphoria and homosexuality. Which way they go depends upon which side of the father's bullying, passive-aggressive character they develop most strongly. 

  A prominent public example of this kind of relationship is the one between Red Pill Cultist Owen Benjamin and his wife Amy. Unlike other Red Pill Cultists, Owen lacks the intelligence and prudence to keep his family dynamics out of public sight.

   A guy who burns his children's books on TV, constantly flies into drunken rages, forces his pregnant wife to drink paint thinner, and gets chased out of one neighborhood after another as an undesirable character---all the while beating his chest and proclaiming himself a paragon of Alpha Malehood---this what it looks like behind the scenes in the kinds of families promoted by the likes of Doug Wilson. Owen himself grew up in a similarly dysfunctional family and one clearly sees how both sides of the passive-aggressive bullying dynamic formed in his character: narcissism, abusiveness towards women, and latent homosexuality are all pronounced personality traits in his psychological make-up.

  Overall, Fathers Day has become somewhat of a meaningless relic on our calendars; in truth, most Americans would have to go back to their grandfathers and great-grandfathers to find an actual example of someone whom they could look back to without feeling a sense of shame. Of course, none of them were perfect either, but at least in general they lived up to their responsibilities and took their reputations and manhood seriously. That's more than most American men today can claim. 



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