Tuesday, June 13, 2023


      So, after a two-year hiatus, the subject of UFOs and extraterrestrial life has entered public discourse from the twin fountainheads of the highest levels of government and the Corporate Media. Now, as then, the story centers upon an alleged whistleblower with Q-Anon-level security clearances. The whistleblower's name is David Grusch, who has been interviewed by the MSM and was the subject of a major Ufology Conference last week

    While I don't dismiss the possibility of extraterrestrial life---or even the possibility that such beings have visited our planet---there are many elements of both the 2021 and today's stories which are problematic. The first question is: why now? Grusch claims in the NewsNation interview that the first modern evidence of extraterrestrial recovery happened near Magenta, Italy in 1933, which was a partially-intact vehicle. This would have happened during Mussolini's presidency and two years before the Italo-Abyssinian War; and while there was apparently an investigation, the debris for some reason was shelved until recovered by the US Air Force in 1945. 

        Government UFO investigations weren't unusual; the US even had a secret department for investigating Unidentified Flying Objects since 1942 after the famous Battle of Los Angeles. The even more famous Roswell Incident in 1947 brought the investigations to public notice. Why the Governments of the Western countries should choose to cover them up and hide them with such an intensive veil of secrecy for 80-90 years but reveal it today is hard to explain. Such sightings have been conspicuously absent from sources like China; and the former Eastern Bloc countries actually duplicated some alleged sightings which they found correlated with heightened political tensions. It must be remarked that UFO sightings almost universally happen in US or NATO controlled airspaces.

    Most people see the history of UFO research as a continuum, but that isn't so. From WW2 until 1970, the US Air Force had a project investigating UFO sightings. The burden of proof rested with the Air Force in accounting for these stories (other countries put the burden of proof on the witnesses). Mid-century newspapers ran stories of sightings and scientists worked in experiments seeking extraterrestrial life. Thus it was that the American powers-that-be were very much open to the possibility of alien existence. For the last 50 years since, their collective attitudes have been anything but open. Until 2021, believers in UFOs and extraterrestrials were routinely ridiculed in the Media and sneered at by Academia, Incorporated. 

   The sudden shift here is what is disturbing. The Government is investigating, the jackals in the media have even changed the term 'UFO' to the less-controversial 'UAP' (Unidentified Aerial Phenomenon). A poll revealed that 20% of Academia purportedly believe in ET phenomena. Bear in mind that this is happening in 2023; under a Government of very dubious legitimacy which has had a pattern of instituting radically revolutionary policies. It is also being touted by a Media and Academic culture that is probably the most corrupted and most thoroughly controlled than at any point in our history. Whenever they act in concert like this---with little opposition narrative---huge red flags should go up immediately. 

    David Grusch, the whistleblower involved, has been given favorable, or at least uncritical reviews throughout the MSM. Given how the Deep State has reacted in recent years to other whistleblowers (e.g. Julian Assange, Edward Snowden, Jack Kiriakou, Seth Rich, etc), the sympathy and credibility given to Grusch is especially suspicious. Usually anything a whistleblower reveals is brutally suppressed; and fortunate indeed is the one who gets away in time to escape the fate of his revelations. 

   According to his interview in NewsNation, during the 2nd Bush Administration Grusch "received an Air Force scholarship in physics. {nota bene} He was originally commissioned on active duty and served 14 years in the Air Force. {nota bene} He became a career intelligence officer. {nota bene} Grusch spent time on the ground in Afghanistan, {nota bene} and other places he can’t mention, {nota bene} before rotating back to Washington, D.C." {nota bene} With this kind of a background and these kinds of connections, and his fawning acceptance within Deep State-controlled institutions---let's just say one should be a bit skeptical of his claimed motives of altruism.


      Grusch's alleged revelations also seem quite conveniently timed for a movement aimed at effecting a Great Reset. The Oligarchy has made no secret of its desire to destroy the traditional concept of God---since a belief in God is a belief in an Absolute standard of goodness and right behavior above the opinions or agendas of men. However, manufacturing the authority of an advanced civilization to usher in their Utopia would suit their purposes perfectly. Before the usual naysayers start slapping their knees and rolling on the floor laughing, consider that our Government planned to do something quite similar over thirty years ago. There are some who claim that the 1997 Phoenix Lights Incident was a hologram. This has never been proven; but the technology certainly existed during the 1990s and presumably has advanced considerably since then. It's also a well-known fact that more than a few interested members of the 1% are funding current UFO research

      Science-for-sale, a servile Media, opportunistic politicians, vested financial interests, spooks posing as informants: what possibly could go wrong with a combination like that? Add into this mix an exceptionally gullible public which has been hoodwinked repeatedly by hoaxes just as revolting to reason as this story is shaping up to be, and I think that we have serious reason to be concerned. Recall only a few months ago the panic that ensued over an broken weather-balloon and the hysteria before that over an influenza outbreak. Questioning the settled science, no matter how absurd those 'scientific' claims are, can bring serious consequences from the superstitious and credulous mobs. In this day and age, we can't accept everything that the 'authorities' tell us, without a careful examination of what motives may be lurking either behind the scenes or in the clouds. 



  1. Interesting! I've recently been observing the psychology of some Bigfoot hunters, quite dedicated and professional, and concluded that they are genuinely hopeful they will discover a missing link or alien species, so they can go live with them. I suspect that is also what lurks behind the UFO stuff, a desire to just abandon the human race entirely and go seek greener pastures elsewhere. Needless to say our government clearly capitalizes on our desire to escape and benefits greatly from creating a diversion. Also, whatever forces wish to separate us from God, use the notion of aliens to their advantage, too.

    I remain completely unconvinced about the existence of aliens, but even if we were to prove they existed, I doubt it would change my faith. It's a big universe and God doesn't have to tell us everything, nor could our brains even contain it all if He did.

    I'm laughing here, but this guy is also from the Air Force and everyone knows it's actually the Navy that now has all the alien technology. Pretty sure the Air Force is still just flying airplanes. :)

    1. That's a good point: I think that too, much of it is a kind of distorted Messianism. The alien angle also does dovetail with the Oligarchy's drive towards transhumanism. Once they've eliminated the distinctions between genders, it's a small step to blot out any uniqueness in humanity.
