So, in the aftermath of the new National Emergencies that Americans have chosen to impose on themselves, a few of those troubling minor details about what's actually involved begin to emerge. Acting first and thinking later is the default approach Americans today reflexively take toward any 'crisis,' real or imaginary. We've seen it before: Bush Sr. did it with the 'Drug War,' Junior did it with the 'War on Terror,' and RINO Governors did it with the Scamdemic. The American People can't sacrifice their Rights fast enough during any good Media blitz.
The latest national Panic Attack centers on the 'threat' of immigration. Supposedly, every American community is being invaded by hordes of barbarians committing all sorts of mayhem. For some reason, nobody in my area seems to know where any of these gangs are, and doesn't know anybody affected by them; but they're convinced that they really exist. It's much like the Scamdemic: more people are said to have died from the flu outbreak than all of our major wars combined; yet nobody knew where all of the bodies went and nobody saw anybody succumbing locally---but we were supposed to don the Mask of Shame and dutifully present our Vaxx Passports if we didn't want to be frozen out of society. Or, previously, we were assured that every hamlet, every neighborhood block had a Terrorist Sleeper Cell just waiting to be activated. Nobody ever found one; but surrendering half of the Bill of Rights wasn't too small a price to pay just in case there were. So on and so forth; drug dealers, pedophiles, sexual deviants---all hiding behind every rock and tree and maybe your neighbor's house too. The threat never comes from the Leadership Class and, of course, the Media doesn't lie.
Yesterday, Elon Musk's bosom-buddy and Mark Zuckerberg's next-door neighbor Larry Ellison---the CEO of domestic-espionage contractor Oracle, appeared at the White House with other Tech Lords to announce the launch of Project Stargate, which is being coordinated with their confederates at the World Economic Forum. Trump patted Ellison on the back, remarking that "I will invoke Emergency Declarations to help speed up the Stargate project. I’m going to help a lot through emergency declarations, because we have an emergency and we need a lot of help...Stargate will build the infrastructure to power the next generation of AI and this will include data centers. Massive facilities…These are big beautiful buildings. Our team is already scouting the nation for sites on which to build new data centers. This is to me a very big deal. It could lead to something that could be the biggest of all.”
Naturally, rooting out all of these immigrant hordes is going to require more than just requiring carrying and presenting Identification Papers which those sneaky brown and yellow people can always fake in their insidious attempts to poison our blood and steal our jobs. Before the knee-jerk Republican apologists come out with their reflexive "If you're not doing anything wrong, you've nothing to hide," schtick, consider that Ellison specifically added that DNA collection and databases would be a big part of the project. Naturally, he tried to forestall any possible concerns that the Ameroboobs might raise by eliding the threat of another Health Emergency into the mix.
“You can do early cancer detection with a blood test. And using AI to look at the blood test, you can find the cancers that are actually seriously threatening the person. Then beyond that, once we gene-sequence that cancerous tumor, you can then vaccinate the person, and design a vaccine for every individual person to vaccinate them against that cancer, and you can make that mRNA vaccine. You can make that robotically using AI in about 48 hours. You can have that vaccine available in about 48 yours. This is the promise of AI and the promise of the future.”
All of this right after Trump and his team met with Bill Gates and the WEF is discussing implementation of such projects: what a coincidence. Admittedly, in the hands of responsible medical personnel such technologies could be of benefit to humankind. However, in the hands of irresponsible Technocratic Elites with depopulation agendas, we might have a problem---especially with their long history of faking emergencies to expand the police state, and their known proclivity for developing bioweapons.
But instead, we'll all go on believing that the Conservative-Industrial Complex is on some Grand Crusade to save us all from ourselves and make the world safe for American Exceptionalism. The New World Order crowd is counting on us to keep believing so and trusting the plan.
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