Sunday, April 14, 2024


      On Saturday, the American Media found itself briefly distracted by the news that hundreds of Iranian ballistic warheads were raining down upon Israel. Iran launched the attack after continued provocations from the Zionist Regime---the last being bombing Iranian officials in a diplomatic compound in a neutral country. Iran is a country that hasn't embraced the End of History and the Pax Americana and still believes in quaint ideals like International Law and National Sovereignty, and doesn't even accept highly evolved Western principles like gay marriage, abortion-on-demand or legal marijuana; and so both ours and the Israeli Deep States envisioned that some kind of response was forthcoming. 

   So the response came last night, with a swarm of drones and a series of ballistic missiles directed at key Zionist military and strategic installations from all four points of the compass. Within around 20 minutes of the attack's end, the Pentagon and the servile Corporate Media was reporting that "99% of the incoming weapons were destroyed." They somehow knew this despite Israeli Secret Police rounding up reporters and isolating them in press-pools away from the scenes; and of course, fact-checkers were deployed immediately to dismiss Iranian claims to the contrary and to 'debunk' (or censor) on-the-scene videos that were leaked showing actual damage. As usual, the Media let such claims go with no further comment or questioning and moved on to the Top Five major news stories for Sunday:

   The Controlled Opposition has promoted the same narrative, although crafting the message to portray Biden as an impotent weenie who secretly sympathizes with Iran. The President-in-Exile even proclaimed on Social Media that Iran would never have dared do such a thing if he were president---in spite of the fact that they actually did

   So what's wrong with the Official Narrative? First, it seems rather peculiar that only seven months ago an Arab Militia with home-made rockets was able to break through Israel's 'Iron Dome' and inflict what the Media called "Israel's 9/11" while a sophisticated missile system launched from a developed country had a 99% failure rate; and that only minor damage was caused. And of course, the only casualty was a child who just happened to be near a strategic military installation at night while none of the targeted military personnel were even inconvenienced. 

  Secondly, the US Media is utterly subservient to the Military-Industrial Complex and has been ever since they allowed themselves to be corralled like sheep and spoon-fed official Pentagon Press Releases during Bush Sr.'s phony Gulf War in the early 1990s. Today, many---if not most---American Media outlets are owned outright by conglomerates who have extensive US Government contracts, including many with the Pentagon. Almost all of these major netwoks---including so-called 'Conservative' outlets routinely hire Corporate lobbyists, marketing experts, and other Deep State insiders whom they palm off on a credulous public as "defense analysts" or "security experts." 

   To be honest, despite its tendency to peacocking and exaggeration, I tend to believe that the Iranian Media is a lot more credible. At least they probably actually believe what they're writing and aren't simply hirelings who'll say anything for the right price. For example, when President Ibraham Raisi stated in a Press Release that:

   "Following the instructions of Imam Khamenei, the Supreme Leader of the Islamic Revolution, and with the support of the proud nation and the powerful armed forces of Islamic Iran, I emphasize that any new adventure against the interests of the Iranian nation will be responded with a heavier and regrettable response from the Islamic Republic of Iran... if the Zionist regime or its supporters show perverse behavior, they will receive a decisive and far more violent response,"

   we are not reading the words of someone who believes that a recent military operation was a stupendous failure. President Raisi can say this because he knows that Iran succeeded and that both the Biden and Netanyahu Regime's slinking away from Saturday Night's attack is only further proof that it did, in fact, succeed. The same goes for all of the Neocon warhawks who seem uncharacteristically subdued and eager to move on to the next distraction. It probably should be noted that Iran's current ruling party dominated the 2024 Parliamentary Elections (yes, contrary to popular belief, they do have elections in Iran and women and religious minorities have a right to vote). This is in stark contrast to Exceptional America where current Congressional approval ratings are barely breaking double-digits

   What will be the long-term effects of Iran's operation? In the short run, it probably will be swept under the rug. In the long-term, it's likely to keep the Zionist fanatics in Israel and the International Bully in the Beltway from goading the Iranians even further. Bullies and hoodlums get their way by instilling fear in their victims, and when their victims display courage, they back away. 





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