Sunday, April 21, 2024


     This week here in the Prozac Nation was so event-filled that one article can hardly sum it all up. Americans took time out from their rapt attention of wall-to-wall news coverage of the sex scandals surrounding Hunter Biden, Donald Trump, and P. Diddy to participate in what's become one of the biggest annual holidays in the US. Readers outside of the United States may not know about the significance of the unofficial holiday celebrated here on April 20th. Marijuana stores across the land have blowout sales, in some places surpassing holidays like Christmas and Easter in importance. Between the anesthetics and the softcore pornography which passes in America as news, Americans blissfully can ignore things like Congress expanding the powers of the Surveillance State and supposedly 'Liberal' universities crushing protests with police and expulsions for the first time since the Vietnam War

   Naturally, Americans also routinely ignore society's losers, including children, who just fall through the cracks in our system. Another such sad story was reported this morning by WCPO-9 in Cincinnati. 5-year old Kinsleigh Welty died in the hospital this morning after suffering about a year and a half of horrific state-supervised abuse. The three dirtbags who tortured the toddler were taken into custody after local police finally got around to conducting an investigation. As is typical in such cases, the so-called Child Welfare officials remain untouchable. WCPO reported that "Scripps News Indianapolis has reached out to DCS over the past few days for comments, but a law that took effect in 2019 prevents the agency from releasing records on a child’s death until after the criminal case is resolved."



    The people responsible for this deserve to die---which they would if we still had a functional legal system. That includes the Administrative Judges, the social workers, and their supervisors. It is (or was) an established legal principle in every civilized society that those who are accessories to crimes, those who sway another to commit a crime or provide the means of its commission are equally guilty. These kinds of crimes are not uncommon, although no media outlets except local ones typically report them, and even then they never follow up and investigate gross negligence or outright complicity of State Agencies. Unfortunately, too, the American Political Class is more interested in dreaming up barbaric punishments for their political opponents: delivering justice to the killers of children, not so much. 

    We shouldn't be surprised at any of this. A culture where both political parties consider late-term abortion a sacred civil right; a culture which considers the murderers of children as victims; a nation where infant mortality rates have sunk to the bottom of developed nations and nobody bats an eye; a culture whose Congress appropriates American tax dollars to fund genocidal regimes that murder children and then celebrate it merely as 'collateral damage'; a culture where self-sterilization has become a social trend---such a culture is not going to be overly interested in the welfare of children, despite its continual Virtue-Signalling to the contrary. As political pundit Bill Maher recently summed up America's predominant attitude towards such things: "There [are] 8 billion people in the world, I’m sorry, we won’t miss you.”

    Realistically speaking, decades now of parental neglect, the pervasive abuse of children in our schools, social systems, and hospitals have impacted younger Americans in ways that the social damage is likely irreversible. A few publicity stunts from grandstanding politicians  isn't going to address the fundamental problem. The fundamental problem is that Americans have, by and large, have become too self-absorbed and wrapped up in the self-gratification and self-promotion of the present to care about things like future generations. Americans today typically have nothing but contempt for the past and no concern for the future. We live in a narcissistic culture as one social critic described it: 

  "The modern parent's attempt to make children feel loved and wanted does not conceal an underlying coolness---the remoteness of those who have little to pass on to the next generation and who, in any case, give priority to their own right of self-fulfillment...The belief that society has no future, while it rests upon a certain realism about the dangers ahead, today also incorporates a narcissistic inability to identify with posterity or to feel oneself as part of an historical stream. The weakening of social ties, which originates in the prevailing state of social warfare, at the same time reflects a narcissistic defense against dependence. A warlike society tends to produce men and women who are at heart antisocial...It reflects the conviction---as much a projection of inner anxieties as a perception of the way things are---that envy and exploitation dominate even the most intimate relationships." To put this in some perspective, this observation was written in 1978 It's not as though Americans weren't aware of the problem---not to mention actively engaging in it---for at least 40 years, despite 'Conservative' propagandists assuring us that the situation only started under Biden, only happens in 'Blue States,' and that voting in Neocons will fix everything overnight.

    The reality of the situation, in blunt terms, is that Kayleigh Welty and others like her---in fact, children in general---are worth nothing to our society. We, as a culture, need to start coming to grips with that fact and stop pretending that the attitude doesn't exist, though given the current state of America's moral leadership it's highly doubtful that we will. 



  1. Very sad subject matter and all too common. That's a good quote from 1978, too.

    I think you've summed up the nature of the problem here, "in fact, children in general---are worth nothing to our society." That is often the result of a generational "gift" handed down and enabled by a lot of pharmaceuticals, both legal and illegal. When parents perceive themselves as worth nothing to our society, that gets transferred onto their children. It's not an excuse, but it's part of the explanation. And of course government is at best, horrible at solving social problems and at worse, outright corrupt.

    1. The most troubling thing that the author from 1978 (Christopher Lasch) identified with the 'New Narcissism' was that it had no sense of historical continuity. While he predicted that the social division we see today would happen, he noted that unlike religious revivals or political revolutions of the past, the trends he foresaw hasn't the same idea that it's part of an historical continuum. Society today doesn't see itself as carrying on a tradition or moving towards a new and greater social order for the future like past periods of discontent.

      Note that the activists today on both the Left and Right are not drawing on any traditions except for occasional distortions of them and though they both want to 'change the system' they have absolutely no future plans for what they'll do after they've taken power.

  2. A moving and troubling post. Since there are far too many of us on the planet, one can assume that less children, none functioning is a win for the Narcissists that control our world. We are left with a generation of Borderlines that are self absorbed with no ability to appreciate the feelings of others. The American journey is almost over. Well done.

    1. Ironically, the Elites are the only ones who seem to have a vision of the future---unfortunately their vision excludes everybody else. People talk about unrest and civil wars, but in reality we're really a lot closer to a totalitarian dictatorship of some kind. I mentioned in the comment above about lacking an historical sense, and both the Left and Right suffer from the same fundamental problem. Whether we get a Left or Right Wing Government the opposition will collapse: that's one reason why we see both sides now caving in on all of their principles. It's because they don't care about posterity; only the present matters.
