Monday, April 29, 2024


      On Saturday night, just days after signing into law an extensive expansion of Domestic Espionage and a plan to seize social media outlet Tik-Tok, the Beltway Elites rented the entire Washington DC Hilton Hotel Complex for a gala bash---the theme of which was, Celebrating the First Amendment. This, of course, was the White House Correspondents Dinner, an event where the Media Scum gather to praise themselves and celebrate their cozy relationship with the Corporate and Political Power Base. To his credit, President Trump never participated in these absurd displays, but Orange Man Bad, and now it's back to business-as-usual. 

    According to the website of British-based Cornucopia Events, which organized the dinner, the cost of attendance was about $95,000 US Dollars. Their Corporate Clients List reads about like an index of WEF Strategic Partners. In case anybody's interested, here is the itinerary:

And the menu:

     Bear in mind that this is all against the back-drop of mass-layoffs, reducing thousands more Americans to poverty. We have to consider too that these media figures were partying with an Administration which is persecuting Julian Assange, encouraging blacklisting of dissidents, and supporting regimes like Ukraine, which has no press freedom to speak of, and Israel which has murdered around 200 journalists and recently banned Al-Jazeera in the country. They did hypocritically mention a couple of American journalists imprisoned in Russia and Syria to highlight the supposed risks involved in their jobs and to promote the illusion of a free and courageous press in this country. The 'journalists' jailed in Russia and Syria actually were convicted of Espionage, by the way. 

    The Guest List included numerous celebrities, since in our age of Infotainment there's barely any difference between journalism, comedy, and drama any more. Besides the usual crop of media jack-puddings, numerous political figures were lounging about.  Lest anyone think that it was not a bipartisan affair, Fox News was represented along with the others. GOP luminaries like New Hampshire Governor Chris Sununu and Congressmen Ken Buck, Mike Turner, Darrel Issa, and Mike McCaul were invitees. The Trump Campaign was represented by Chris LaCivita, one of his top campaign strategists, and Reince Priebus, Trump's former Chief-of-Staff and former RNC Chair. This isn't to say that Conservatives had no criticism of the event: they were quite aghast at Senator John Fetterman's choice of attire, but at least Bruce Jenner was tastefully dressed. Nobody can ever accuse our side of not having its priorities in order!

    Now, in our postmodern dystopia the criticism of shams like this bring down the predictable response which is inevitably something like: "You're just jealous because you weren't important enough to invite!" Well, not really. I'm fairly confident that I can make better Buttermilk Green Goddess Dressing and Smoked Paprika Rubbed Filets at home (that is, until the Oligarchs make things like cream and beef impossible for us peasants to obtain). In reality, I would have no problem with highly successful people who got where they are through hard work and innovation having huge parties with their friends in 5-Star hotels. However, that's not what we're looking at here. 

   What we're looking at in this case is a bunch of frauds---people who got where they are through influence-peddling, blackmail, and just about every form of connivance other than actual merit to secure and hold their positions. Even the keynote speaker got his place through massive voter fraud and intimidation of opponents. The whole event was a fraud, because we're facing greater threats to a Free Press today than any time in the last century, at least. A few decades ago, none of these people would have achieved any kind of success and wouldn't be let near an event like this unless they were hired as servants. To make it all worse, they utterly despise everyone outside of their clique as inferiors when in reality their own owners and handlers consider them nothing more than expendable pawns in the power-plays going on behind the scenes.

   Basically what the White House Correspondents Dinner amounts to is more glorified version of the Academy Awards or Grammys. In our system of Inverted Totalitarianism, creating the illusion of power and success is more important than actually achieving it or delivering on it. The Mass-Media is an integral part of such a system, not only for disseminating propaganda and creating distraction, but for concentrating the 'narrative' and shaping opinions to the Oligarchy's own interests and benefit. The Oligarchs can find one stooge to do this as easily as another because neither intelligence nor ability is required for such a task. 


      We've profiled here before the kinds of unmitigated degenerates and lowlifes who orchestrate Beltway High Society. They are an even worse class of people than the scum whom they use as their front-men. The tragedy is that too many Americans buy into this scam, knowing fully what it is, and the kinds of people who run it.



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