Sunday, April 28, 2024


      Last week, police in New York City caught up with the perpetrator of at least some recent random attacks on women. Daquan Armstead, aged 31, of the Lower East Side Manhattan, reportedly was rather amazed that the authorities should take his past-time of walking up to ladies and punching them in the head so seriously“It's different with men,” Armstead allegedly told cops, the DA’s office confirmed. “They don't test you like women do. You have to check women sometimes.” 


    Those who follow the near-cult like activities of a certain faction of the Manosphere probably recognize at once that statements about women testing men and having to check women sometimes are stock-phrases regularly used by the groups loosely defined as 'Red Pills': PUAs, MGTOW, Game-Planners, Alt-RINOs, etc. So where do we suppose that Amstead picked up such ideas? 

    It could very well be because a number of these characters have been getting attention lately from top media figures. A few years ago, a number of Red Pill blogs collapsed after exposures of corruption and various acts of violence connected with their readership began occurring on a regular basis. Since the beginning of this decade, a few of the old-school diehards like Vox Day and Rollo Tomassi and new crop of grifters raised on their poisonous ideologies have re-emerged on social media and video programs. Despite, by their own admissions, being hostile to traditional Conservatism, they've been embraced by our new and very woke breed of Conservatives. Andrew Tate, Steve Sailer, Doug Wilson, the late Gonzalo Lira (aka Coach Red Pill), Douglas Mackey (aka Ricky Vaughn) have all been praised by Tucker Carlson---who should know better---while a few other cretins like Jack Murphy and Anthime Gionet (aka Baked Alaska, among other aliases) have been turning up on allegedly Christian and Conservative websites and white-washed of all of their foul deeds and words. 

   While the Red Pill philosophy recognizes a difference between genders, it rejects the traditional ideals of Compensation and Complimentarianism, and advocates instead a degraded and debased form of Male Supremacy which, if one analyzes it, is really nothing more than Radical Feminist anti-male stereotypes inverted by the Red Pills into a system of virtues. 

     Daquan Armstead isn't receiving the same martyr status among the Red Pills themselves as they usually bequeath upon violent actors within their movement. There are a number of White Supremacists in the Red Pill Cult too, and they tend to be a bit squeamish about praising a Black man, no matter how sympathetic he is to their beliefs. Likewise, the skunks in the Corporate Media have been downplaying Armstead's probable connection to the Red Pills for the same racialist reasons. Radicalized non-White males don't fit the Official Narrative. Racialist narratives and counter-narratives are, like the so-called 'Gender Wars,' part of the Strategy of Tension, and must follow a close script. 

    However, minus the White Supremacist nonsense, the Red Pill actually has a sizable following among American Black men. The reason for this is because our culture is highly anti-male and men of all races are marginalized and depreciated. American men are relegated to spending their most productive years in an atmosphere of chronic ennui of under-and unemployment and presented with a generally hopeless future. Suicides and addictions are rampant among American men of all races, and there are few to no positive outlets for us. 

    Some of the more vulnerable men seek a scapegoat; and the Red Pill Philosophy preys upon such vulnerabilities at a man's deepest source: his innate fear of insignificance both economically and sexually. The latent homosexuality and 'prosperity gospels' of the Red Pills scapegoat American women---who, by and large, are themselves victims of the same Strategy of Tension, although it manifests itself differently in Feminine Psychology. 

    Specimens like Daquan Armstead are not symptomatic of our society's failure to deal with mental illness, as the Corporate Media claims. He's a specimen of society's failure to live up to its supposed goals of freedom for every individual to live up to his highest potential. Characters like these are exactly what's produced in a society where 10% of the population holds 100% of the wealth and power. Mediaeval Europe---which had a similar balance of social power---was also characterized by outbreaks of random violence, sexual perversion, and mass-hysteria as well as widespread substance abuse. 

   'Taking the Red Pill' doesn't cure anything: it merely changes the symptoms. The root of America's problems is essentially a spiritual one: where people have forgotten the basic principle of our nation's founding that we are all equal under the authority of our Creator, and instead pursue selfishness and self-aggrandizement at the expense of others.  




  1. your ANALysis ignored Jack Donovan, wink wink. Maybe you read his book or maybe more! He penetrated the man-0-sphere (or as we in feminist land call it, the manure sphere) about a decade back. Has convinced many racist, str8 huwite guys that gay sex is actually really kewl. How many "radicalized" guys have a wrecked rectum because of him, 50? 100? 200? I heard he turned Matt Ferny down because the smell was overpowering.

    I used feminism as a trick to get laid. TBH, i† didn't get me any women borne women. It did get me a tranny or 3 but since us liberals agreed a dog can call itself a cat, I painted myself into a corner. Now waiting for my aids test back, and uh, there blog is in "maintenance mode" to weather the scandal. Do you think I'll weather it as goods Andy Hubris, er Huberman?

    1. Donovan was influential a few years ago but he seems to have faded. Compared to the influence of characters like Tate and Sailer, he's kind of a pygmy. Like Vox Day and Rollo Tomassi, he still has a Cult of Personality. The ideas that those guys spread though have been picked up by guys with a longer reach.

  2. "his innate fear of insignificance both economically and sexually. The latent homosexuality and 'prosperity gospels' of the Red Pills scapegoat American women---who, by and large, are themselves victims of the same Strategy of Tension, although it manifests itself differently in Feminine Psychology."

    Oh my!

    1. Feminism has done for women about what Affirmative Action has done for Blacks. Basically, they both created a sort of subgroup of the 'Top 1%' for women and minorities. True, women and minorities get some preferences over White males; but aside from that, the majority doesn't benefit at all, and it's only led to more divisions and hostility between the genders and races. Women today are more deeply confused about their gender roles and just as frustrated trying to find significance as wives and mothers as men are protectors and providers. Most Blacks today are more segregated and have fewer economic opportunities than they had 40-50 years ago.
