Last weekend was an extended 'holiday weekend', I suppose. It was sort of an interesting juxtaposition: the more-or-less obsolescent Fathers Day next to the Great Reset's redefined American Independence Day (for that is exactly what it is) called 'Juneteenth.' The irony of the fact that 2/3 of Black families are fatherless and that Blacks had little or nothing to do with winning American Independence seemed lost on everybody. I think that I summed up my feelings on Fathers Day last year; as well as saying all there needs be said about Juneteenth.
Meanwhile, the Great Reset marches on. So, nonetheless despite the unseasonably chilly weather, I pitched the hammock under a windbreak next to the barbecue pit and caught up on some reading before watching Westerns to spareribs and corn-on-the-cob. 😋 Who knows how long such things will be legal/available these days?
I was reading through some old 'outdoor' magazines and came across a brief article with three drawings. It was written by dead White male G.L. Herter who owned a major (now-defunct) sporting-goods store and was a conservationist and ecologist who testified before Congress and the UN long before the 'Green' scam came along and perverted the whole movement. Have a look at these three drawings and bear in mind that this was written in 1966:

Considering the breadth and scope of today's Surveillance State, the grip that the Tech Lords have on the Mass Media, and the current movement towards a Social Credit System, a de facto control over thinking is already here and becoming more sophisticated. Corporate America, Academia, and Big Tech have already implemented Social Credit to a large extent through Cancel Culture and using social media to vett prospective employees, students, etc. For a specimen of what it will look like here in a few years, check out this analysis of a country where it's become more mainstreamed. While Religion hasn't disappeared completely, Christianity and Judaism in particular are not even shadows of their former selves: they're more like ghosts haunting the sociopolitical landscape. In fact Klaus Schwab and his merry-men at the WEF have proposed using AI to write a new and improved Bible. That's "creating god in man's own image" with a vengeance! Given how many of the top echelon of such organizations are affiliated with dangerous religious cults and Scientistic superstitions---I guess we can all imagine the outcome of such a project.
While most food wasn't synthetic in 1996, we saw the beginnings of what's being described, with mass-outsourcing of our agricultural base, regulatory capture of the FDA, CDC, and USDA, and consolidation into the hands of Agribusiness Combines. In our decade, the destruction of the independent farmer and the move towards forcing synthetic foods upon the population is too obvious to be denied any longer. The author was certainly on target about the I-phone, and wasn't off by much about the use of electronics and computer technologies to rig elections.
This one has yet to be fulfilled, but don't imagine for a moment that it won't be. The Elites have somewhat done the opposite: they've used drugs and computers to make people as unintelligent as they desire them; but the point is the same. The year 2023 has seen an upsurge in Artificial Intelligence---which, given the American public's utter lack of use of the native variety, has caught on. Elon Musk recently won approval to use AI in human guinea pigs test subjects and no sooner had he done so than he was in China getting the factories set up. Willy Gates showed up in Beijing about a week later. It must always be borne in mind that the Oligarchy's imposition of these programs in no way applies to themselves. Fake Bibles, AI, free dope, synthetic foods, social credit---all of these things are intended for us, to make us more manageable for convenience of the Oligarchy themselves. What this also shows is that people were warning about these things before many of us were even born.
In fact, what Mr. Herter is describing is what we would call today Scientism and Technofascism. The term 'Scientism' in its modern sense was coined by economist Friedrich von Hayek in his 1947 book, The Counter-Revolution of Science but wasn't in wide use during the 1960s. Throughout the Postwar Period, more than a few thinkers on both the political Right and Left---men who saw firsthand what 'scientific dictatorships' like Hitler Germany were capable of doing---but, of course, nobody listened to them any more than they listen to us today, and here we are.
Technofascism actually arose as a concept between the World Wars, and was put into practice to a great extent by the Nazis and to a lesser extent by the Soviet Union. As the memories of the Second World War and the Cold War fade, the doctrine has seen a strong comeback with combinations of Silicon Valley nouveau-riche Tech Lords and old-money financial autocrats and landed aristocracies. Groups like the World Economic Forum are the launching pads for the policies of the new totalitarianism; while their Corporate henchmen's financial controls over Governments, economies, media, and academia implement them under the cover of political or social agendas.
The new twist to this New Order is that, unlike Nazi gauleiters or Communist commissars, the ideology isn't enforced by a dear leader with a personality cult. The new system has employed the structure of democratic republics and free-market economics to create the illusion of a free society while they manage everything behind the scenes. Instead of Unity, they promote division, and sow fear and employ Controlled Opposition to serve as scapegoats when necessary. The Media promotes acceptance of their agendas as 'mainstream' and what the 'in-group' is doing. Thus, people fall into line with their policies because it offers short-term gain while those who oppose them are marginalized.
Fear and Paranoia---with a stiff admixture of Envy and Opportunism---are carefully cultivated among the general public to accept increasingly deeper cuts to our Rights and greater concentrations of power to the Oligarchs themselves. Their Social Engineers have learned that by creating a crisis to seize 'emergency powers' they can create the illusion of social cohesion (i.e. "we're all in this together"). They punctuate these with brief interludes of less dramatic power grabs---all designed for our 'protection' of course---before moving on to the next crisis. In this century, they employed threat of terrorism (2001) before unleashing the threat of a global pandemic (2020). In each of these dramatic (and manufactured) events, they find some group to scapegoat; and when the next 'crisis' comes, the Regime will consolidate its power even further and have another 'consensus' when they do.
Scientism basically is weaponized science. The social engineers in the employ of the moneyed Oligarchy have studied the methods which---for example---domestic abusers employ to control their victims. However, instead of using these techniques to help others overcome abuse, they use them for their own purposes to control even large populations themselves. Those who've studied the subject probably noticed that the techniques described in the preceding paragraph as intermittent reinforcement, as one psychologist described it: "In this powerful variant, ambiguous, chaotic and unpredictable stimuli are used, in addition to other direct psychological abuse, to create feelings of helplessness, passivity, and dependence in the victim." We saw this during both 9/11 and the Scamdemic, where officials gave conflicting reasons for their crackdowns; as well as conflicting information about the so-called threats---while at the same time reacting with repressive measures against the slightest violations of their authority. As the same psychologist said: "Psychopaths are aware of the fact that shocking realities are unacceptable for most people and that they, therefore, may get away with it." This is why children are especially susceptible to abuse; because it goes against their instincts which see parents, teachers, and authority figures in general as protectors. Abused children often reason along these lines: "The abuse is terrible; but these people are doing it for my own good," because their reason is imperfectly developed and can't comprehend authorities being evil or even wrong. Sadly, too many adults think the same way when it comes to 'experts', politicians, media figures, and other authorities.
From 1966 to 2023, we've seen the Scientistic/Technofascist movement grow from a threat to a reality. Assuming that we have an 'election' in 2024 and not a pre-emptive power-grab before (nota bene: watch the upcoming trial of the President-in-Exile very carefully); the Great Reset is going to go into overdrive about mod-decade. The Oligarchs have already set the early 2030s to have their system in place---don't imagine for one minute that they're giving up this close to realization. Don't imagine either that the death of any of their aging members (e.g. Schwab, Soros, Kerry) is going to stop or even slow them down. They've carefully cultivated new crops of Young Global Leaders just as fanatical and ruthless as they are.
We need to come to grips with these unpleasant realities, and act accordingly. Networking and forming parallel communities is a vital step. We're not part of the Big Club, and we're not even going to be part of the labor force maintaining the Big Club before long.