Sunday, October 20, 2024


      As we've seen throughout the year, the new and woke Republican Party is on top of every major issue of deep concern to the present and future of the United States. Apparently, Kamala Harris said something about working a service job somewhere and the Controlled Opposition immediately pounced on that statement to dispute it and treat it like it would be the defining issue of the 'election.' So, the smart boys at the RNC---the same geniuses who forget to send candidates' statements for voters' guides---decided to send President Trump out to a McDonald's franchise for a photo-op. This event took place in Pennsylvania, where the GOP is floundering, largely because of running another truly loathsome specimen for the Senate

    Besides shoring up flagging support, the purpose of this exercise seemed to be to show that the current GOP leadership isn't just a collection of out-of-touch globalist billionaires, but really concerned about us, the little people. Shortly before this event was announced, however, the GOP also arranged for (another) six-figure-a-plate fundraiser in New York next Saturday. 

        Currently, financial octopuses Vanguard, BlackRock, State Street, and JP Morgan Chase own about 25% of McDonald's, with about another 10% owned by other globalist financial cartels. The company is heavily tied in with Big Ag, especially WEF Strategic Partners Coca-Cola and Pepsico. Like the Republican Party of today, McDonald's is heavily into Political Correctness, and maintains a rather tyrannical work environment. We're certain, though, that all of these bigwigs can afford nearly a million dollars for a decent meal and a chance to buy influence, which is what an Ultra MAGA Experience really amounts to.

       Predictably, though, the True Believers are all excited because they seriously believe that just getting rid of the Democrats will bring back the days of 15-cent hamburgers which are all American-grown beef, even though a Bill Gates crony is currently slated to head the USDA should the Red Wave sweep into power.

      The Wall Street billionaires dining with Trump next Sunday will be laughing in their sleeves at all of this; but it ought to cause a few to stop and reflect. It should cause a few people to ask why the Republicans aren't talking about Big Ag's stranglehold on American food production, the low quality of American produce, the obscenely high prices for the 'privilege' of eating, the dismal working conditions and low pay that the American workforce has been reduced to: we won't hear any of that. McDonald's employees aren't the ones stuffing the RNC coffers with cash, so they simply don't count. 


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