Thursday, October 17, 2024


     With the 2024 'Election' winding down, the RNC chieftains are desperately trying to whip up their donor-base to grab as much cash as possible before the inevitable disaster happens in November. While both wings of the Corporate Media have been focusing on the Presidential Race and pretending that it's too close to call to keep the clickbait and ad revenue going until the last possible moment, the underlying story is that the Republicans have alienated so many of their own Conservative Base that the only thing keeping the numbers close is that many undecided voters aren't happy with Kamala. These people, though, will hold their noses and vote for her anyway; because in the so-called 'Swing States' the Democrats are trouncing Republicans in key races. Let's look at a few numbers:

   The Senate races look like this, as of today:

    Virginia: Democrats +13

    New Mexico: Democrats +12

    Maryland: Democrats +10

    Arizona: Democrats +8

    Nevada: Democrats +8

    Michigan: Democrats +5

    New Jersey: Democrats +5

    Pennsylvania: Democrats +4

    Wisconsin: Democrats +3

    Ohio: Democrats +2

    In normally 'Red States' The Nebraska Senate Race has a Democrat-turned-Independent ahead +4 and North Carolina's Neo-Nazi candidate is trailing the Democrat gubernatorial candidate by nearly 15 points. In Florida and Texas, incumbent RINOs Rick Scott and Ted Cruz have blown double-digit leads and are currently ahead by 2-3%: well within the Margin of Error. In Georgia, where there is no statewide race, the Vance/Musk ticket is tied with Kamala. These are all States that the Republicans should be dominating: the RNC has already written off hopes of New Hampshire, Maine, and Virginia. 

   Despite what the Conservative-Industrial-Complex' propaganda says, we're basically looking at a 1964-level blowout. The question we should be considering now is whether or not we can rebuild a Conservative Movement again from the ruins. After all, the Republicans followed up the debacle of 1964 with wins in 1968, 1972, 1980 and came close in 1976. It can be done again, but Conservatives are going to have to step up to the plate and become active again. As William F. Buckley said, "It is a mistake to consider everyone on the Right as an ally." Ignoring that sage advice is what has led to decades of Bush-Machine domination and the Party becoming a magnet for Dark Enlightenment and assorted Supremacist crackpots.


     Voters have no particular loyalty to the Democrats; in fact, likely all but the far-out Whacko Left Wing are disgusted by them. But the Republicans have failed---and failed spectacularly---to win over any independent voters. Their arrogant, Bush-like attitude that anyone not behind them 100% is an enemy or an inferior; their contemptuous disregard for any problems that don't immediately effect themselves; and the ruthless pursuit of power for its own sake have stamped them with definite authoritarian overtones in the minds of much of the public.

      As we noted in our previous article, it is not only Independents, but actual Conservatives who have been alienated, and many do not simply intend to hold their noses and vote Republican. They intend to stay home, something that the smart boys hadn't counted on, if the erosion of Republican leads in Red strongholds is any indication. To Conservative voters, the Democrats are terrible on social and economic issues, but the Republicans have abandoned both; and Independents who are dissatisfied with the current leadership see the extremism and accelerationism pushed by the New Right as even more of a threat.

        Buckley also famously said of the Bush policies that "hard analysis has been replaced by wishful thinking." This is more advice that those who hope to rebuild the Conservative Movement need to follow. Action for the sake of taking action may solidify one's credentials as a Manly Alpha Leader but it usually leads to disaster, as the entire record of both Bush Administrations show. 

      The American Right is going to continue to lose as long as it disregards the American citizen, the U.S. Constitution, and even its own core Conservative principles. In November---like 2022---we'll have to learn the hard way; and let us all hope that this time, the lesson is learned. 




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