Sunday, October 6, 2024


      There's nothing like Compassionate Conservatism answering the call of people in need. In the aftermath of Hurricane Helene, Republican Party CEO Elon Musk took to his private social media network to criticize, and later network with, his fellow WEF Young Global Leader Pete Buttigieg over the lack of Federal response to the victims of the disaster. Musk cited a story that went viral last week about FEMA diverting Disaster Relief Funds to care for immigrants---all of these stories discreetly ignored the fact that the Republican-controlled Congress approves and funds FEMA's budgets, as did Musk.

     Musk, who himself is an immigrant and who has received millions in Government subsidies and contracts, didn't offer, as far as I know, to dig into his 9-figure net worth to help any of the victims; but oh well, I got mine...Such should be the motto of the New Right.

    Never letting a good crisis go to waste, the RNC dispatched President Trump to the scene for a photo-op and an opportunity to shore up the other impending disaster of North Carolina going over to the Democrats. The Nazi Candidate for Governor is down now by nearly 20 points in most polls. At least in the early 1930s, their German counterparts were shrewd enough to organize relief efforts during the Great Depression, but today's more evolved version insists that the hoi polloi should lift themselves up by their bootstraps, and nobody, it seems, campaigned for disaster relief here in America.

    Likely sensing that efforts in North Carolina are politically a labor-lost, the Campaign Team jetted off to the 'swing-state' of Pennsylvania. President Trump was joined by his woke wife, his probable replacement closeted homo JD Vance, and his boss, the aforementioned Elon Musk, who couldn't resist and had a Hulk Hogan Moment of his own.


      In a State facing a long-term economic decline and high crime rates, the GOP extravaganza focused on the Party's commitment to pro-Abortion causes, the immigration crisis (without mentioning, of course, that Pennsylvania is a common destination for immigrants bussed in and dumped by Republican Governors); while Musk grabbed the microphone to complain that billionaires like himself are too heavily regulated by the Federal Government

    Now, Musk's words no doubt carried weight in the current Pennsylvania Senate Race. The 2022 race was ignominiously blown, with the Republicans losing to a Democrat candidate who took the job because no one else wanted it and voters were concerned whether his health would enable him to survive until Election Day. The GOP's current candidate is Dave McCormick, who has trailed incumbent Democrat Bob Casey Jr. consistently. McCormick is another Wall Street hedge-fund manager, CEO of WEF Strategic Partner, Bridgewater Associates. The Deputy Executive at Bridgewater, Porter Diehl, is one of last year's WEF Young Global Leaders

     Prior to his term at Bridgewater, McCormick served as a 'consultant' for WEF Strategic Partner, McKinsey & Co., one of the most ruthless and unscrupulous Corporations invested in the Deep State, as well as serving in the Bush Administration's Security-State apparatus. McCormick's donor base is about what one would expect; as if we don't have enough of these types in the Senate already

    Candidates like these are what comes from people on the American Right complacently outsourcing their thinking, evading responsibility for their country and community, and passively assuming that anybody has to be better than a Democrat. Pennsylvania likely will be a Republican loss (again) and deservedly so, with or without voter fraud. 




  1. In your last post you touched on the mystery of evil. I guess I am such a cynic, I see evil as predictable, common, and boring. I expect people to be self serving and corrupt. It's a feature, not a bug. The mystery that doesn't seem to fit into the human equation is goodness. That's the bug, which then makes me wonder, Who put that there?

    1. Yes, that's a good point. There is no explanation for Good in the purely Naturalist scheme of things.

      The Catholic Church actually took the idea of the Mystery of Evil over from the Ancient Greeks; and there's evidence that cultures more ancient than theirs were working on the same problem.
