Tuesday, October 22, 2024


      Shortly before President Trump's photo-op at a Pennsylvania McDonald's drive-in, the President attended a posh dinner at the New York Hilton Midtown Hotel hosted by the Alfred E. Smith Memorial Foundation. The event is an annual one, named in honor of Franklin Roosevelt's predecessor both as Governor of New York and Democrat Presidential nominee. The Foundation is currently headed by Smith's great-grandson, a former Wall Street stockbroker who retired from Bear-Stearns with a Golden Parachute shortly before the Bush/Obama bailouts when the firm sold to WEF Strategic Partner, JP Morgan. It cost $5,000 just to get a ticket to get into this year's event while prime seats at the event tagged $250,000.  

    The Foundation supports many Catholic causes, and another manufactured controversy has been surrounding this year's dinner. Kamala Harris did not attend, although President Trump did: and, in a day and age where the personal is political, the Controlled Opposition Press has made another soap-opera out of Kamala's absence. Catholic League President Bill Donahue went on the Murdoch Family-owned news outlet, Fox News, to opine that: "Harris’ snub of the Al Smith dinner sent an unmistakable message to Catholics” and that her absence was "just the latest in a career full of swipes at the faithful."

   Donahue's remarks fairly well echo much of what the paid punditocracy working in Republican interests have been saying. While there's much truth in what Donahue says about Kamala and the Democrats, I think it a much greater snub to Catholics to have thrown the decades of work involved in repealing Roe vs. Wade under the bus; as well as giving unequivocal support to the Jewish Supremacists ethnically-cleansing Christians in the Middle East, but we digress.

      Trump had RINO House Speaker Mike Johnson and Deep State operative Mike Pompeo in tow; while the emcee, Hollywood hack Jim Gaffigan, told jokes about an upcoming Civil War. Trump laughed off the remarks, boasting that "
he had been coming to the dinner for decades with his father, and that his first check to a politician was to Senator Schumer" accompanied by a friendly pat on the back. Trump also praised New York Democrat Governor Kathy Hochul, who just promoted one of the nation's most radical abortion laws, saying: “Good job. It’s not an easy one, is it? But you are doing all right,” as well as expressing sympathy over NYC Mayor Eric Adams' legal problems: “Good luck with everything, they went after you. They went after you, mayor...what you're facing is peanuts compared to my legal woes. But I think you're gonna win and you're going to be OK."

     Among other attendees were WEF members Michael Bloomberg and Stephen Schwarzmann (one supports Kamala, the other Trump); woke NFL Commissar Roger Goodell, a couple other NFL team-owners, and billionaire Ken Langone. The event was sponsored by WEF Strategic Partners and financial octopuses Bank of America, Goldman-Sachs, and Deloitte. Trump acknowledged his debt to the Corporate Overlords promising in his concluding remarks: “I will work with the governor, I will work with the mayor, with Democrats. I will work with them, whoever I have to, and we will even work very hard to bring back the S.A.L.T. tax deduction. We are going to bring it back,” which elicited a round of cheers from the Oligarchs and their Uniparty operatives. 

     Unsurprisingly, the Controlled Opposition Media paid little attention to any of this; instead of jeering Kamala for skipping the event they should be asking what the Republican Leadership was doing there. But asking those kinds of questions wouldn't suit the purposes of the Conservative-Industrial Complex, which has to keep up the narrative that they are working in the interests of mainstream working-class Americans. These days, unfortunately, controlling the narrative is all that really matters and wishful thinking takes a back-seat to Reality.

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