Saturday, October 12, 2024


      A survey of likely voters conducted by Arizona Christian University was making the rounds on Friday, and the news isn't so good for the Conservative-Industrial Complex. "latest research shows that only 51% of all faith voters are likely to vote in November...including 41 million born-again Christians (defined by their beliefs regarding sin and salvation, not self-identification), 32 million regular Christian church attenders, and 14 million who attend an evangelical church." About the only surprising things in these numbers is that they aren't higher than they are, and that the over-confident RNC punditocracy seems not to have seen this coming.

     The reasons for Christians sitting out the Elections aren't hard to figure out. Consider the following facts:

    1. Both Parties hold the values that we care about in utter contempt;

    2. Both Parties support despotic regimes like Ukraine and Israel which persecute Christians;

    3. Both Parties are funded by Globalist Oligarchs with Utopian visions that largely exclude religion.

    A vote for either of them translates to approval of their crimes. It's not a matter at this point of having standards that are too high: it's that both Parties have crossed too many red-lines to be acceptable to People of Faith. The Republicans are making the same mistake that cost Hillary Clinton the Election in 2016: their arrogant beliefs that the opposition are deplorables, and that they can take their base for granted because the voters have no other option. The Clinton Machine saw vote totals down so radically in districts they thought were reliable that they lost States that they didn't even consider in contention. 

   The same thing is going to happen to Republicans in November, as it should. The Republicans have disqualified themselves to the point where the 'winner' of this year's Election is a matter of indifference. No matter who 'wins' Christian Conservatives lose anyway. 

   If the Republicans are put back in power; they will interpret it as a popular mandate, and the Conservative Movement effectively will be dead. What the Republican Party needs desperately is a through reformation, not a blank cheque to run roughshod over Conservatives and people of faith. According to Open Secrets, about a dozen Globalist billionaires and a handful of Corporate-connected PACs account for nearly half of Republican 'campaign contributions.' In whose interests should we suppose that the Party will govern? 

   The only major voices claiming to speak for Christians in this Election are a few well-funded cultish Megachurches, who are far more concerned about power and profit than they are about Christian values. For many Christians, the use of these charlatans and hypocrites as props only adds insult to injury. Why would Christians support candidates who, in the Name of Christianity, support policies which are repugnant to the spirit of Christ's teachings

    The Christian boycott illustrates what is fundamentally wrong with the Republican Party's whole orientation. The leadership sees itself as an entitled, arrogant Elite who give lip-service to a few superficial (and often false) Christian values because they basically believe that religion is nothing more than a useful tool to keep their inferiors pacified. It's a positive sign that so many Christians are seeing through the sham; and that awareness might allow us to rebuild a real Conservative Movement again.




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