Monday, January 15, 2024


    We've speculated for a long time now how long it would be before one of these anti-immigrant publicity stunts freely engaged in by so-called 'Conservative' governors would get somebody killed, and it finally happened. Texas Governor Greg Abbott---an obvious psychotic whose mind is as crippled as his body---illegally ordered a cohort of Texas National Guardsmen to seize a Federal border post and close an international border. A woman and two children aged 8 and 10 drown in the Rio Grande River while Abbott's thugs not only stood by and watched; they prevented authorities from even rendering assistance. Mexican authorities arrived, but it was too late to save the victims. To give an example of Abbott's mindset, he stated at the time of the Border seizure that  “The only thing that we're not doing is we're not shooting people who come across the border, because of course, the Biden administration would charge us with murder.”

    The Media scum, when they've reported about it all, have been spinning the Official Narrative as though Abbott and Biden were merely debating a point of law; and in fact the Junta's response to all of Abbott's provocations has been to punt the matter over to the Court. When we had actually had a real president, things like this were solved properly. But that was then, this is now. The Biden/Harris Junta deserves a lot of blame: not because of the phony GOP talking-points about stopping an 'invasion,' but because they have allowed the situation to escalate to this point. They did nothing when these activist governors targeted churches as places to round up migrants and deport them across State Lines to be dumped in areas unprepared to receive them. They took no action when these Governors violated International Law by erecting barriers on a Federal Boundary. They aren't going to do anything because the Junta doesn't care about human life any more than these Republican rats do. 

    The Left can't sit upon any moral high-ground. They've met all of the legitimate concerns many Americans have about Immigration with sneers and appeals to pseudoscience like Systemic Racism and Toxic White Male Angst. Instead of meeting the Extremist Right with reasoned arguments, they encouraged the propaganda with their own hubris. 

    Of course, in what's left of the dregs of the Conservative Movement, anyone who might seek a reasonable solution no longer has a voice. As we might expect from a constituency that believes that Genocide and Ethnic Cleansing are legitimate forms of war; support for all of Abbott's psychotic behavior is not only receiving near-unanimous praise in GOP echo-chambers, the Governor is getting encouragement (as if he needed any) to become even more ruthless. Just like his kindred spirits Netanyahu and Trudeau, Abbott realizes that there will be no consequences for his actions so human beings who get his way are fair game. 

    Abbott has even gone so far as to usurp the prerogative of the United States Congress---which happens to be at least nominally controlled by his own Party---by declaring a de facto State of War with Mexico. The Biden/Harris Junta, which recently did exactly the same thing against the Republic of Yemen, doesn't seem inclined to bring up this little detail as any objection either. 

    The immigration system needs serious reform, but it is not a national crisis. The hysteria over the issue on both sides is being fanned deliberately as part of the Strategy of Tension wherein the Plutocrats stoke as much violent rhetoric as possible---ideally culminating in lawlessness and death. The goal of this policy is to create a popular consensus for an authoritarian leader who will act decisively and solve the very problem which they themselves created. Thus it is in their interest to terrify one side with the non-existent threat of White Supremacist extremism and demand tougher laws against so-called 'hate speech,' while whipping on the other about an equally non-existent Invasion. This is nothing new. Whenever our forefathers started asking too many of the right questions about the degenerate monarchs and predatory feudal lords, they had the same scams played on them. The Royals incited witch-hysterias and religious pogroms until the peasants came begging them for 'protection.' 

      If we had a Government that still actually functioned, the first ones deported would be foreign provocateurs like George Soros who are funding these headline-grabbing 'caravans' and 'border surges.' The second thing they would do is suppress rogue State governors like Abbott and DeSantis and force them to obey the Constitution. Then, we could bring our Military away from defending Corporate interests abroad and put them to work fortifying and defending our own borders and coastlines. Then we could lift sanctions and crack down on Wall Street cartels abroad who are creating refugees by their policies. Then we can pass Immigration reform legislation based upon our needs as a society. 

    But doing those things wouldn't serve the purposes of the vested interests profiting off of the Status Quo.  It's better for them to create conflict and popular fighting over things like Border Control---which they have no intention of solving other than to stuff more cash into their Corporate Cronies' pockets and further erode Civil Liberties to their own advantage. 



  1. " If we had a Government that still actually functioned, the first ones deported would be foreign provocateurs like George Soros who are funding these headline-grabbing 'caravans' and 'border surges.'"

    Well said. I sometimes suggest we deport Piers Morgan, too.

    A huge problem for conservatives is that their behavior is actually classist, perhaps even racist. Nobody's trying to deport people like Soros or Morgan, they're targeting families and working class people from Mexico. Getting conservatives all hyped up about an alleged, "invasion of brown people," is pretty much a classic strategy of Democrats. Why in the world conservatives and Republicans always fall for it right before an election is beyond me, but it works every time.

    My condolences about the mom and two kids.Very sad how innocents often get caught in the crossfire.

    1. I have a feeling that the same dynamic goes on with the Arabs too. I hate to bring up the racialist issue because it's such a misused talking-point on the Left; but it does exist in Conservatism and we need to start calling it out and dealing with it. There also really does exist social and demographic problems among native-born Americans; but they're largely ones of our own making.
