Friday, January 19, 2024


    Human history has shown us that, in societies with low literacy levels and substandard or nonexistent educational systems, it doesn't take very much ability to be esteemed as an intellectual. Today, as in Mediaeval Europe, it generally only takes a wealthy patron who can promote an intellectual's status and a few basic abilities possessed by the intellectual himself to become a respected authority on nearly any subject serving a given patron's interests. In our system of Managed Democracy both the Mainstream and Controlled Opposition employ such people and inflate their reputations to give them credibility.

   We all know about such characters infesting the Left, but the Right has no shortage of them either. Dennis Prager is a prime example. Prager was a mediocre figure in Academia until he found a patron early on in a pair of Texas billionaires who run a very cultish Texas megachurch which denies Trinitarianism, salvation by faith, and holds to keeping of the Mosaic Law. They went on to found PragerU which is Prager's academic front organization. PragerU's producer is a former Hollywood figure named Allen Estrin and the CEO is Marissa Streit, an Israeli-American former Jewish day school principal, who had served in an intelligence unit of the Israeli Defense Forces.

    Prager blessed us all recently with another of his brilliant takes on the Civil War in Palestine. Previously he informed us that anyone opposed to the Israeli Government was a racist, anti-Semitic meanie. Today, he informs us that pro-Palestinians are also pro-homo equality Left-Wing Whackos. No, seriously: his article even bears the title, If You Say Men Give Birth, We Know Your Position on Hamas.

    I don't know why we have to keep reiterating this point, but the Israeli Government is even further to the Left than the most rabid 'Blue States' on most social issues. Just this week, they became the first country to approve the sale of synthetic meats, for heaven's sake. Israel is the only country in the Middle East allowing abortion and not only accepts---but actively promotes---the homo 'equality' agenda. Israel is a bastion of Radical Feminism too: they conscript women into their so-called 'security forces' and put them in combat positions. A lot of the Christians currently in Gaza, BTW, were forcibly deported there after doing things like objecting to mandatory Vaxxes during the Scamdemic. 

   Just for the record, the last time I checked, Hamas takes a fairly strong position on family rights, and recognizes Christians as a protected minority. How anyone seriously believes in spite of voluminous evidence that Hamas is somehow fighting in the interests of the American Left and Israel is not, is astounding. Nonetheless, Prager says so, and since he's an expert, he must be right.

   His stellar logic comes out as this: "These are some of the morally and factually perverse positions of the left. Just about every individual who holds these positions also holds the morally perverse position that Israel is the villain and Hamas and its Palestinian supporters are the moral party!"

   First of all, it isn't true that those who hold the perverse positions on the Left don't support Israel. As the link in the preceding paragraph shows, the leading political figure in the US who's accepted the most money from pro-Israel causes is none other than our own current Head-of-State himself: Joe 'I am a Zionist' Biden.



    There are some genuine Whackos on the Left who appear at pro-Palestinian rallies with Rainbow Flags and such. It's not even out of the realm of possibility that these are actors employed by Zionist interests to discredit the Palestinian Freedom Fighters in the eyes of the Right. Such things have been known to happen before in America. But whether or not these protesters are complete fools or Zionist plants (or both) isn't the issue here. The issue here is that Prager is promoting a guilt-by-association narrative which he can't help but know is nothing but a deliberate lie.

    Another of Prager's falsehoods is his assertion that "Those on the left unwittingly acknowledge the connection between their anti-Western positions and their Israel-hatred. They routinely attack Israel for being 'an outpost of Western civilization.' That is precisely what Israel is."

    First of all, being an outpost of Western Civilization is precisely what the Zionist Regime is not. An outpost of the World Economic Forum, maybe: but certainly no defender of Western values or civilization. Practically the only Palestinians able to leave Gaza and get work in Israel are members of the LGBTQ Community and faux Libertarians in the US routinely express fear that a Hamas victory could cripple Israel's extensive marijuana industry.  

    These are specimens of the Western Values that Prager and others on the Right insist that we should be defending. American Conservatives aren't even doing a good job of fighting for Western Values in our own country; and now they want us to fight for a Regime that doesn't defend them at all. Prager says that "When people say that men give birth and that men can compete in women’s sports, they are seeking to undo the bases of Western civilization: truth, science, and the belief that we live in an ordered universe," on the one hand, and then demands uncritical support for an openly Left-Wing technofascist police state which forces homo 'inclusion' on its population and conscripts women into their military on the other. 

    Prager talks about moral compasses in his article, apparently blind to the fact that the lack of any moral compass is driving much of his own ideology. He has proven himself again and again to be nothing but a charlatan, a hypocrite, and an amoral pig who, like most Academics on the Left whom he criticizes, would sell his services to the highest bidder. 


  1. LOL! You stole the AOC gif from my blog!!!

    "it doesn't take very much ability to be esteemed as an intellectual."

    So, soy boy, is that a reference to your hero Jordan Peterson? Imma bout to watch my uncensored copy of Salo for the 348th time.

    1. Well, I wasn't thinking of Jordan Peterson, but he certainly would be an example. I suspect that he's a 'Salo' fan too BTW. From what I've read of reviews of that film, it sounds like the only way to watch it tolerably would be on Benzos.
