Wednesday, January 17, 2024

GAZA 100

       In Upside-Down Clown World everything looks like it does through a mirror, sort of like those girls who take selfies and all the words on their T-shirts are backwards. Unfortunately, more serious perspectives also get reversed. 

     For example, the Biden/Harris Junta informed us this week that, despite four days of bombardment, the United States is not at war with Yemen. Today it was reported that two of our brave xhes in uniform disappeared while "searching for a shipment of Iranian weapons to Yemen’s Houthi rebels." What really happened to them we'll probably never know; but it should at least be asked why, if we aren't at war, are interdicting arms shipments? That's assuming, of course, this the real reason for the incident in the first place. 

    The Deep State organ, The Wall Street Journal laconically remarked about the incident: “it sure looks like the Houthis and Iran are at war with the US.” It ought to be remarked since it seems to have escaped the Mainstream Media's notice that Yemen actually did declare war on Israel and this shipping we're supposedly protecting is in actual war-zone. The bobbleheads who pose as 'security experts' seem genuinely shocked that enemy ships get targeted in war, or that countries that get attacked actually fight back. It's as though they've become so accustomed to Americans rolling over at their threats that they assume other people will too. 

   The average American living in a city is also by now so accustomed to seeing people crowded into make-shift tents, boarded-up buildings, random violence, and unsanitary conditions in their own neighborhoods that they don't recognize the Genocide in Gaza going on. Indeed, the war has entered into its 100th day and the civilian death-toll has topped 30,000. About one-third of these casualties are children who don't have the strength to withstand embargoes of food, medicine, water, and sanitation that adults have. The region is on the verge of a famine. Sadly, though, in today's Reverse Reality, denouncing genocide earns one the labels of racist and anti-Semite: just like bombing sovereign nations isn't really an Act of War. 

   Are we surprised though? Only a few years ago, a flu outbreak became a global pandemic. A fentanyl overdose became a Civil Rights issue. Anarchists seizing whole city blocks became a 'Summer of Love.' 17 States petitioning the Supreme Court with evidence of voter fraud became 'baseless allegations.' A protest became an Insurrection. That all happened in just one year. Among other lies we've collectively swallowed over the last decade are that homosexuality and abortion are natural acts and fundamental human rights; that vaccines and foodstuffs don't need to be tested for safety before they're consumed; that weather-balloons are threats to national security; that Plutocrats are working for the public good; and that bad weather is caused by fireplaces, lawn mowers, and eating too much red meat. The biggest hoax of all in 2024 is that voting will fix everything. 

    Reality, however, has a way of making itself felt. Yemen's supposedly neutralized forces struck a cargo ship with a missile that the Navy couldn't seem to stop. The ship is owned by US-based Eagle Bulk Shipping, which in turn is owned by a consortium of financial octopuses. The Pentagon claims that there was no damage or casualties, official statements however need to be taken with a large grain of salt.

    Iran, which recently expropriated a Greek-owned oil tanker caught smuggling oil to US energy cartels, launched a series of missile strikes against known terrorist bases in retaliation for the ISIS-linked bombing at a ceremony in Iran last week. One of these obliterated a compound near Erbil, Iraq near an illegal Pentagon base. The target was being used by Israeli Intelligence. The Pentagon apparently became so terrified at this show of force that they hastily abandoned their base near the Qamishli Airfield in Eastern Syria. This is the first of these illegal outposts to be liberated. 

    Both the Mainstream and Controlled Opposition Media seem strangely quiet about this new round of humiliations. The situation in Gaza also seems to be discussed less and less. The Zionists---who have been trained and equipped by the Pentagon---have killed a lot of civilians but gained very few military objectives and taken substantial casualties in the process. Zionist strongman Benjamin Netanyahu is not sounding overly optimistic that the war will end as quickly as he and Biden had hoped. 

   I suspect that the reason that we're not seeing war-fever being whooped on at the same level of intensity as late last year is because the Deep State is beginning to realize just how pathetic our military really is. Before they could blame defeats on their military proxies, but the fact that both they and the most heavily US-dependent military in the world are getting upended by Arab Militias is fairly clear signal that we are not in good shape. They're likely having second thoughts about taking on Iran, which actually has an efficient and well-prepared army. 

  The Controlled Opposition, which never otherwise misses an opportunity to exploit a Junta failure. is likewise toning down its overheated rhetoric on the Middle East. The GOP realizes that once questions start being asked, they'll be eating crow with the Democrats and nobody's going to buy into their 'It's-all-Biden's-fault' counter-narrative.

   Like all bullies, the Corporate Deep State has found itself in a conundrum. They don't know what to do or how to react when others fight back or they can't get others to do their fighting for them, which is the situation they now find themselves in the Middle East. Their strategy now seems to have shifted to stir up more distractions among the American public while they quietly slink away, leaving others to deal with the consequences. 









  1. Interesting! I think the Republicans/conservatives also find themselves in a conundrum. I mean, when President Trump was in office there was no pending world war 3, and no Israel/Palestine, no Russia/Ukraine. It wasn't perfect, but it was a whole lot more peaceful. So for many of us Trump represents a more humanitarian, peaceful world, one where we attempt to negotiate and engage in diplomacy in order to prevent these conflicts. Unfortunately the Right has tried to build a brand almost exclusively around just being tough on everything, almost pro war, nuke 'em into the stone age.

    1. Yes, and the Right has been scaling back (somewhat) on that rhetoric too---at least scaling back on the frequency of it. I think that it's dawning on them that if they come back to power they might be expected to have to back up all of their tough talk.
