Sunday, January 14, 2024


   These days in the 'Conservative' Movement---which is becoming increasingly indistinguishable from the Democratic Party---anyone who questions the Official Counter-Narrative is labelled immediately as a defeatist. But as someone recently said: "When your optimism is based in illusion, it's not optimism, it's fantasy." The Fantasy World that the Postmodern Right currently finds itself in is going to go down in history as another inexplicable phenomenon. 

   Since we're talking about illusions, let's adduce the 2024 Elections for a start. Aside from there being no meaningful Electoral Reform, Republican Party operatives have led the charge to keep President-in-Exile Trump off the ballots. They've given him no support whatsoever in his legal challenges. Of the three potential GOP replacements, one is a scion of the Bush Machine and the other two are WEF Young Global Leaders. How, exactly, is replacing Biden with people like that going to be an improvement? 

   Then we can talk about our so-called foreign enemies. Let's do another sleight-of-hand, wave a magic wand and pretend that they all go away. Rainbow flags are flying over Tehran and Damascus. China's economic machine is in the hands of BlackRock, the Gates Foundation, Amazon and others of Klaus Schwab's Strategic Partners. In Russia, the churches are laughed at in the Media, late-term abortion, drug abuse, and Political Correctness are the New Normals. How, exactly, is this going to make the world a better place?


    Examples of this kind of Cognitive Dissonance are manifold. Everywhere one looks in the 'Conservative Movement' these days, one sees nothing but a series of contradictions. Abortion is murder---but only after a certain number of weeks. Political violence should be punished---but only when the Left engages in it. Affirmative Action is wrong---unless it involves the Jews. Corporate control of the Media is terrible---but only for the Liberal Media. Federal funding as a weapon against States' Rights is bad---but Blue States should be cut off. 

    The postmodern Conservative wants to restrict immigration but doesn't want to pay livable wages to Americans to do the work. They want parental control over education, but they want public schools to administer that control. They oppose government bureaucracy, but think that Corporate bureaucracy is just fine. 

    Even worse, they are constantly projecting: accusing their opponents of doing everything that they do. This is especially bad in foreign policy, but happens domestically and on social issues as well. Astute readers may see in all of these examples the root cause of the Postmodern Right's faulty thinking. It all centers upon the very un-Conservative orientation which seeks to grant powerful Authority figures what should be matters of personal or local responsibility. In short, what they really want is the Liberal-Statist superstructure to remain in place: all they want are different managers and a different re-distribution of power and wealth.

    This also the reason for the divisiveness in our society. It used to be that the Left believed in addressing issues with Force; today the Right accepts the same idea so we have two (nominally) opposing Forces and each side naturally contracts further and further into rigid ideology. Practically any Republican leader from the mid-20th Century---including Ronald Reagan---would be considered RINOs today. There's nobody in the Republican Party today who calls for Free Trade and a non-interventionist Foreign Policy, integrating immigrants, or proactive investment in infrastructure. There are many who pay lip service to faith, family, and freedom but nobody actually doing anything to promote any of this.

    Abraham Lincoln, the first Republican President, once said that "In America, a man is either a citizen-king or he is nothing." That means self-government and with it, personal responsibility. That means that a community of such individuals must safeguard those Rights. What we see in today's Conservative Movement is a vision where a few citizen-kings lord it over a majority of nothings. That makes the Right no better than the Left in any essential aspect. 






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