Friday, January 12, 2024


   So, as of this writing, the news is breaking that our brave xhes in uniform are valiantly protecting global Corporate interests and proving that Biden isn't a weenie after all by bombing four cities in Yemen. They were joined in this effort by forces supplied by Tienanmen Trudeau and the British, Dutch, and Bahraini Royal Families. The Pentagon claims that only Yemeni military sites were hit; although this is suspect since they've been telegraphing their intentions for at least the last week giving the Yemenis ample time to move their military assets. 

   We'll probably have more to say on this latest example of barbarism committed on behalf of the international commercial cartels in an upcoming article as more details are known. However, the Tech Lords are already busy ensuring that no disinformation gets out because trying to access Yemeni television currently gets this:

   What isn't a secret however, is that the Biden/Harris Junta and their Coalition toadies chose---quite coincidentally we're sure---the same day that the United Nations International Court of Justice began hearings into Zionist Genocide in Gaza. One would assume, with the combined civilian casualties now numbering around 100,000 in the last 90 days, that the UN might have noticed. Actually, since last October, the UN has proven itself to be completely useless---sort of like the international version of the Republican Party in the US. Even on the off-chance that the UNICJ actually finds the Zionists guilty of anything, the UN has no ability to enforce their decision. 

   The Biden/Harris Junta---which claims that it has seen no evidence of genocide in Gaza despite the Zionists' open admission that that is exactly what they are doing---is getting considerable support from so-called 'Conservative' leaders though the American Right still clings desperately to their narrative that Biden is somehow overly appeasing to the Palestinians. I hate to have to keep bringing this up to Christian Conservatives, but we are talking here about the murder of children; the number of whom is now somewhere around 10,000. 

   Not to worry, though, in addition to investment opportunities in the Gaza Oil Fields, shrewd sharpers who know how to game the system now have the ground-floor opportunity to invest in beachfront Gaza Real Estate


    No doubt this has become a discussion topic in most American Megachurches, and for all we know might even become part some retirement plans. The children of Gaza may not have much of a future, but that's no reason why Christians shouldn't capitalize on a golden opportunity, right?

    In case any Churchian Conservative might sustain a sudden, involuntarily spasm of conscience, there is no shortage of Zionist shills to assure them that the murder of children for such a worthy cause is wholly justified. Peter Berkowitz, Senior Fellow at the shady Hoover Institution, recently has been spreading the long-discredited canard again that Palestinian children are raised from the cradle to support Islamic Extremism. Berkowitz, himself a graduate of Yeshiva University in Jerusalem, cites as a source for these stories an organization called IMPACT-se, an NGO connected to the Israeli Government. In case these Churchians are thinking of bringing along their children to repopulate Gaza, they should be aware that under the Zionist educational system, Christians are not exactly treated with a great deal of respect; in fact, much like the Liberal American schools that Berkowitz censures, Israeli schools foment considerable anti-Christian bigotry. They also might want to be aware that the Zionists are huge supporters of Radical Feminism---to the point where girls are not only required to register for the Draft, they are mandated to serve in the IDF, including being forced to serve in combat positions

    These Churchians too should be aware that under the Zionist Regime, Property Rights are almost nonexistent. Not only can the State kick down one's door at any time for any reason, all property in Israel is subject to strict State regulation, which in practice amounts to more of a lease (or a license) from the Regime instead of ownership as we understand it in the US.

   Ignoring facts like these is one of the most incomprehensible conundrums about attitudes on the so-called Christian Right about the Zionist Regime. Not only do they collectively wink at murdering children and persecuting Christians, they wholeheartedly parrot the Mainstream Media talking-point that Israel is a Right-Wing country. The Zionists are hardcore Left or nobody ever was. The Government of Israel is further to the Left on most fundamental issues than any American State and even most countries in Europe.

   In fact, despite what both the Liberal and Conservative American media outlets say, it's the Conservative Orthodox Jews who've been the most critical of Zionism. Many Orthodox Jews were persecuted, along with Christians, during Netanyahu's oppressive Scamdemic crackdowns. Besides being praised by the World Economic Forum for literal tree-hugging during the Scamdemic, Israel's tyrannical policies not only drew praise from the WEF, but Netanyahu himself contributed to the WEF's policies on contact tracing and other surveillance schemes. The WEF has never condemned the Zionist atrocities in Gaza and in fact recently again praised the Regime for its commitment to so-called Green Technologies and consider it an integral component of the so-called Fourth Industrial Revolution

   It's hard to say at this point how much of the Right's slavish support of the Deep State's Middle East Policy comes from genuine deception and how much of it is hypocritical, cynical opportunism. At a certain point, the facts become so glaringly evident that no amount of sophistry or fake theology can hide it. If the so-called Religious Right in the West has degenerated to such a point where killing children and persecuting Christians in the name of the Great Reset is something they can condone, then there really is no hope for them.


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