Friday, January 12, 2024


      Reports are starting to trickle in about last night's Axis Powers Coalition's airstrike against Yemen. Yemeni media is reporting that 73 confirmed airstrikes inflicted a grand total of five soldiers killed and six wounded. As mentioned in our last post, the incompetent Pentagon has been telegraphing their intentions for at least a week, giving the Freedom Fighters plenty of time to move their military assets. For example, in one embarrassing incident, the Government of the small nation of Djibouti (formerly the colony of French Somalia) which has a major port opposite Yemen on the Red Sea publicly announced that it had refused permission from the Pentagon to launch missiles from their soil.

     The Media reaction to this rather underwhelming show of American Military might has likewise been subdued. The Corporate Media has been trotting out 'experts' to inform the American public---most of whom probably never knew that Yemen existed---about what to think about yesterday's strikes. The Controlled Opposition likewise has been strangely silent: probably frustrated that Biden has taken away a political talking-point by proving his 'Alpha' credentials. 

    President-in-Exile Trump threw a real spanner into both parties' Official Narratives by pointing out that the arrogant Junta had not even bothered to consult with Congress before taking an action which is tantamount to Act of War. This, surprisingly, found some agreement in Congress but put the GOP Establishment in a rather awkward position because they can't defend Trump's remarks without opening themselves up to uncomfortable questions about the numerous occasions when both Bush Sr. and Jr. did the same things and their pundits' repeated approval of such illegal actions. Several of these dorks recently have been arguing, for example, that when we had a manly Alpha leader like Bush in office, our 'enemies' never would have dared challenge our hegemony in the Middle East, Russia never would have considered facing us down by invading a US proxy or engaged in provocative actions in our own Hemisphere. Bush would never have let military recruiting standards decline and firmly opposed Political Correctness in our Armed Forces. Bush certainly would never have 'appeased China' like Democrats do

    The Republicans are also facing a setback with growing dissatisfaction over the recent Budget Deal; so once again they've defaulted to the one thing they seem to be proficient at doing: holding some more pointless Hearings. This time, they're probing "the Biden Administration’s proposal to open public lands to private ownership, which includes the possibility of foreigners buying such land," because, obviously until Biden came along, foreign interests never owned property in the United States. 

    The legislator behind this move is Arkansas Congressman Bruce Westerman, whose home State was the first to force China to sell off its vast real estate holdings ---a whopping 160 acres---for National Security reasons. The farm originally was owned by a Swiss company who used it for developing hybrid crop strains and bought the land in 1978. A Chinese company bought them out in 2017. China currently owns about 0.03% of American agricultural land; that is a greater threat in the American mind that Corporate NGOs buying up thousands of acres to introduce unsafe food products, or the massive stranglehold that Big Ag has on our farm distribution systems. Following the money here will explain this seeming paradox.

    These smoke-and-mirrors shouldn't distract us from the very concerning fact that our federal government has reached such a level of subservience to Corporate interests that it doesn't even bother asking Congress anymore to send both financial and military aid abroad. This isn't to say that Congress wouldn't simply have rubber-stamped whatever the Junta wanted anyway, but it seems like there's a growing trend by both the political and corporate class to dispense with even those formalities. 

   Aside from the attack on Yemen as a moral crime, Americans ought to start worrying a little more about what these self-styled 'Elites' are doing with impunity. We supposedly have a system of self-government through representation, but the gap between theory and the reality is becoming glaringly apparent


  1. Other than ridiculing and laughing at everyone else's stupidity, do you have a solution?

    1. The solution has always been the same: people on the Right need to get their collective heads out of the sand; repudiate Neoconservatism; and stop behaving like the Liberals.

  2. I am a Conservative. Neoconservative is for the most part a meaningless label mostly used to trash the Bush faction.

    I don't see much indication we are on the same side. In fact, I see less and less reason to have anything to do with you.

    You got a solution? Talk about it. If we are going to solve a problem, we do have to identify the problem, but just identifying the problem and ridiculing people is not a solution. It is an excuse for doing nothing.

    If we want anyone to stand with us, then we must make clear what we stand for. So far, it looks like you want to stand with Chinese Communists, a Russian tyrant, Iran, and Iran backed terrorists. None of the Conservatives I know want to stand for the objectives those murderous thugs support.

    1. What was Conservative about the Bush Administration? Trillion-dollar deficits? Expansion of the police/security state? Turning our economy over to unelected Corporate bureaucrats?

      I don't think that ridiculing fake Conservatives for their hypocrisy is 'doing nothing.' Currently, they're standing with the murderous Regimes of Ukraine, Israel, and the Corporate Fascists in Davos while our so-called 'enemies' are fighting them. They stand for Corporate Socialism and outsource billions of our economy defending their interests while they tell people at home to work harder and make do with less. I can't help it if Russian, Chinese, and Iranian propaganda sounds more like the truth than whatever our Media spin-doctors say. China owning some US farmland isn't the reason why we have runaway inflation of food prices, for example. Russian propaganda isn't why we have failing schools. Iran isn't responsible for our collapsing infrastructure. North Korea isn't funding 'Pride Rallies' over here. Hamas isn't bribing legislators like AIPAC is doing.

      Maybe we should do the Conservative thing and focus on 'Making America Great Again' before we start pointing the finger at other countries?

  3. Sophistry!

    Half-truths are designed to sound like the truth, and that is where you are coming from. The terrorists in Yemen are attacking international shipping. Yet you are defending them? That is so obviously idiotic that there is no point in debating you. In fact, you don't really want to debate. You did not explain what you stand for, probably because what you stand for is indefensible.

