Sunday, January 28, 2024


      Today, while Americans were on pins and needles awaiting the outcome of the NFL Championships, news came out that US CENTCOM Headquarters in Jordan was attacked with missiles. The Pentagon---for the first time---actually admitted that there were casualties. This led to the usual bleating from the Neocon Red Orchestra for bombing Iran (although Iran likely had nothing whatsoever to do with it), or else that will be further proof that Biden is not Alpha enough for the job. No one is going to ask why CENTCOM even exists; it's been a cesspool of corruption and sheer incompetence ever since 'Mad Dog' Mattis fled Iraq in the face of ISIS. The Jordanian Royal Family---probably not coincidentally---has a representative on the World Economic Forum's Board of Trustees, which may well be a reason for locating a Pentagon satrapy in that particular country. 

     The calls for action against Iran dovetail with the Border Crisis hysteria in an unusual way. I think that it might be time to ask some questions again about some peculiar paradoxes that the Conservative-Industrial-Complex is taking on these two issues.

    Question 1: We're told that we all need to go to Texas and stand with Greg Abbott because 'immigrant invaders' are violating our sovereignty and stealing our resources.

    Query: Why is wrong for Syria, Iraq, or Yemen to defend their borders against American illegal invaders who are stealing their resources and violating their sovereignty?

   Question 2: Abbott has advocated violence in defense of the Southern Borders, and certainly many on the Right consider shooting 'immigrant invaders' justifiable.

   Query: Why are the Arabs not justified using deadly force to repel American illegal invaders?

   Question 3: The anti-Immigration hawks claim that hordes of immigrants are colonizing the US and radically changing our culture.

   Query: Why are we supporting Israel when that's precisely what the Zionists did/are doing to the Palestinians; or supporting Ukraine which is attempting to do the same to Russian provinces?

    Question 4: There was nearly a Government shutdown last month after Republicans in Congress refused to allocate funds for these foreign adventures and domestic espionage programs unless increased Border spending was included. They've since doubled-crossed the Junta (and the American public) by funding all of these criminal activities and not passing a package for the Border.

   Query: Why are the Republicans eager to 'defend' Israel, Ukraine, and Black Rock's shipping interests in the Red Sea, but don't want to take the burden off those poor blighted Texans by hiring more Border Patrol agents?

   Somehow it's doubtful that such questions will get too many answers: thinking about things like these might just lead to conclusions shattering the illusions that many hold about some material difference existing between Republicans and Democrats.

   It's also doubtful that any more than a lot of hot air will blow over Iran, just like it's blowing over the Rio Grande right now. Our brave xhes in uniform and their counterparts in the Israeli Defense Forces aren't doing too well against Arab Militias, and Iran is a lot more of a formidable opponent. The last time that the Pentagon and the IRGC clashed, it didn't go so well for the forces of the Pax Americana

     It's about time that started calling out these kinds of stunts---because not only are they cheap political theater---but they are actually putting human lives at risk. The Republican Party isn't going to win any support talking about shooting immigrants, apologizing for genocide, or launching ICBM's on the Middle East. The hypocrisy involved in all of this too: deliberately hyping these situations for political talking-points is beyond disgraceful. Until they do start behaving better than the Democrats they're bound to keep losing. 




  1. So basically what you are saying is that we should all blame Taylor Swift?! Seriously though, a good chunk of average people heard the news about the casualties and asked, "Wait, why do we have troops in Jordan??" As frustrating as this all is, those are actually the right questions to be asking.

    1. It really is, and the Right is blowing even more opportunities by not asking it themselves. Instead, they want to lash out and bomb the first country they think might be guilty so they don't appear 'weak.' They're going to get wiped out in this election and don't realize that they're greasing their own skids. Instead of challenging the Status Quo all that they promise is do more of it and even more harshly and efficiently than it's being done.
