Thursday, August 29, 2024


        Although one likely would not know this from reading the echo-chambers in the Controlled Opposition Media, this hasn't been an especially good week for what formerly was known as the Party of Principle. True, they did get an endorsement from Robert Kennedy and there has been much in the official counter-narrative to the effect that our national food supply will be safe again under a Bush 3.0 Trump Administration---although how that will happen should Bill Gates' man Doug Burgum get a Cabinet post at USDA isn't explained. Likewise, the GOP got the endorsement of another former Democrat and WEF Young Global Leader this week; and there's talk of ending military adventurism abroad---although that doesn't seem to balance with the Republican Congress' continual funding of them for the last two years or some of the Trump Campaign's recent statements. They even got the endorsement today of British Globalist Banking Cartels just today. 

     The problem, however, is that despite gathering in a number of former Democrats, former Never-Trumpers, formerly marginalized fringe groups like the Log Cabin Republicans, and various current Globalist shills, the polls are still showing Kamala taking a lead. True, Kamala Harris isn't exactly an outstanding (or even qualified) candidate: but when a campaign is run by people from the Bush Jr and Paul Ryan campaigns, it's about what we'd expect. It would seem that a better strategy might have been actually winning over Conservatives, but we digress.

    In both the Presidential and Senate races, Kamala and Trump are now either tied or Kamala is ahead in nearly every so-called 'Swing State.' Even States that Trump should, in theory, be dominating are now in play.

      The disaster is even worse in the Senate races, where Republican leads are evaporating and the GOP is consistently losing ground. Montana, a seat that the Republicans hoped to gain this year is now tied, and Democrat leads are expanding in Nevada, Arizona, Pennsylvania, Maryland, and elsewhere. Even some states run by the Bush Machine are starting to look unfavorable. In Florida, RINO incumbent Rick Scott has seen a double-digit lead shrink to a statistical tie.

     However, the biggest potential downfall could be in Texas, where Ted Cruz, despite backing from the Bush Machine and billionaire Megachurch leaders, has blown a 20+ pt lead and now is statistically tied with a Democrat challenger.


        So, to try and remedy this situation, Texas Governor Greg Abbott did what he does best---engaged in another Publicity Stunt. Abbott announced this week, to great media fanfare, that he had purged Texas voter rolls of over 1 million ineligible voters. The Controlled Opposition Media has cheered that these voters were illegal immigrants hired by the Biden/Harris Junta (although why the Democrats would need to import people to cheat in Elections nobody has explained). Awkwardly enough for Abbott, though, the number of such cases amounted to 6,500 or about o.oo6% of the voters declared ineligible. The remainder were people who had died or moved, again, why nobody is asking Abbott why it took so long to address this problem; but again, this is all about symbolism over substance. 

     Kamala Harris is a candidate who shouldn't even be in the race, let alone competitive or winning---this says a lot more about the sheer incompetence of the Republican 'leadership' than anything else. Nobody is all that enthusiastic about Harris/Walz; but the lack of substantive issues and the hubristic arrogance of the Neocon Elite is telling once again. Trump currently has a 52% unfavorable rating while the GOP Congress has managed a whopping 88% disapproval rate. Abbott's spin about illegals voting isn't going to erase any of that.

    It's probably too late now; but things like standing for Conservative ideals and actually coming up with some solutions instead of trying to run to the Left of the Democrats might have given us a different outcome. As things stand right now, these numbers are not going to get any better. This is because the Republican Establishment is incapable of learning from its mistakes and thinks itself superior to average Americans. Kamala might come across as a clueless low-level bureaucrat, but people prefer even that to being asked What color is your Bugatti? when they wonder what will be done about inflation. When record numbers of people see the 'American Dream' as an unrealistic goal, it doesn't help being told that they are a bunch of jealous losers who need to work harder. When 84% of the public wants greater rights to privacy, and what the Republicans offer is banning Tik-Tok and more online surveillance, one isn't going to gain a lot of support. 

    Of course, the Madison Avenue shylocks running this campaign probably already have their Golden Parachutes and Alibi Towels prepared for when the inevitable happens in November, so they're not (unlike most Americans) overly concerned about their futures. They know how to game the system, and that attitude fools themselves more than it deceives anybody else. 


  1. Yes, I feel the same. Well said.

    I do think that polls lie. I also think that the media lies, but their lies do have tremendous influence over people. So a headline like "Trump rambles and stumbles over his words" versus, "Kamala continues to win over voters" has a heavy influence on the electorate. They aren't voting for the best candidate, they are voting for who they think they are being told is more worthy.

    There's a house on the next street over, with a trailer in the front yard, a bunch of tents and about two tons of garbage strewn all about. I suspect there may be some addiction involved. They have a "vote Harris" lawn sign posted on top of the rubble. LOL, I so want to violate these people's privacy and take a photo because the juxtaposition between her name being posted on top of all that garbage would make a great meme. Four more years, indeed. Why change horsemen in the middle of a perfectly good apocalypse, right?!

    Anyway, I do hope and pray that we get it sorted out and that this whole mess ends peacefully. I too wish conservatives would try, "standing for Conservative ideals and actually coming up with some solutions." That would be amazing.

    1. Polls don't often mean much, but I suspected that this would happen: around the time of the Summer Conventions, the numbers would go heavily back towards the Democrats. I figured they would change candidates because the only issue that the Republicans had was Biden's age and competence. I thought that the Democrats would keep Biden and change Kamala, but they did the other way around and it worked too.

      It wasn't hard to predict: if the only thing that the Republicans had was 'Joe Biden Sux' and saying that all we had to do was get rid of Biden: well, the Democrats did that and now the voters are responding.
